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The .rb files must be [mruby-compatible](https://github.com/mruby/mruby/blob/master/doc/limitations.md) (roughly equivalent to MRI v1.9). ## Install ### `git clone` By using `git clone` rather than `gem install`, you can make use of rake tasks, particularly for compiling mruby itself, a necessary prerequisite for using `mrbt`. This is the easiest way to get started if you are new to mruby. The mruby source is provided as a git submodule; therefore you must `git clone --recursive` or else update the submodule manually. Prerequisites: * `git` * `rake` * *build tools:* `gcc` `make` `bison` `ar` ```shell git clone --recursive https://github.com/rickhull/mruby_tools.git cd mruby_tools rake hello_world ``` This will provide mruby source via a git repo submodule and then build it to provide `libmruby.a`. The rake command will proceed to "compiling" `examples/hello_world.rb` to a standalone binary executable `examples/hello_world`, which will then be executed with the customary output shown. Once mruby has been built by rake, it will not be built again by rake as long as `libmruby.a` is present. The first run of `rake hello_world` takes up to 30 seconds or so, depending on your system. The next run of `rake hello_world` takes about a half-second, including compiling and running the executable. ### *rubygems* Only use this if you have an existing mruby built and installed. `mrbt` will be set up in your PATH, but you will have to specify the path to mruby source via `-m path/to/mruby_dir` or `MRUBY_DIR` environment variable. You will not have (easy) access to rake tasks. Prerequisites: * *rubygems* * *build tools:* `gcc` `make` `bison` `ar` * *mruby_dir* * *mruby_dir*/build/host/lib/libmruby.a ```shell gem install mruby_tools ``` Now, `mrbt` may be used. It will need to know where to find the mruby_dir, so specify it with the `-m` flag or `MRUBY_DIR` environment variable. ```shell export MRUBY_DIR=~/src/mruby-1.3.0 # or wherever mrbt file1.rb file2.rb # etc. ``` ## Usage With no additional options, `mrbt` will inject the contents of file1.rb and file2.rb into C strings, to be loaded with mrb_load_nstring(), written to a Tempfile. `mrbt` then compiles the generated .c file using GCC and writes a standalone executable (around 1.5 MB for "hello world"). ### With `git clone` and `rake` You can use `rake mrbt` to execute `bin/mrbt` with the proper load path, and any arguments will be passed along. Some mrbt options conflict with rake options. You can prevent rake from parsing arguments by placing them after ` -- `. ```shell rake mrbt -- -h rake mrbt examples/hello_world.rb rake mrbt -- examples/hello_world.rb examples/goodbye_world.rb -o adios ``` Other useful rake tasks: * hello world - compiles and runs `examples/hello_world.rb` * timed_simplex - compiles and runs several files that work together * raise_exception - compiles and runs `examples/raise.rb` * examples - runs hello_world and timed_simplex * verbose - add verbose output, e.g. `rake verbose hello_world` ### With *rubygems* ```shell mrbt -h ``` ``` USAGE: mrbt file1.rb file2.rb ... OPTIONS: -o outfile (provide a name for the standalone executable) -c generated.c (leave the specified C file on the filesystem) -m mruby_dir (provide the dir for mruby src) -v (verbose) ``` ## Examples There are some example .rb files in examples/ that can be used to produce an executable. Use `mrbt` or `rake mrbt` as appropriate: ```shell mrbt examples/hello_world.rb # or rake mrbt examples/hello_world.rb # or even rake hello_world ``` ``` /home/vagrant/.rubies/ruby-2.4.0/bin/ruby -Ilib bin/mrbt examples/hello_world.rb -o examples/hello_world compiling... created binary executable: examples/hello_world examples/hello_world hello_world ``` The first line shows that rake is executing `mrbt` (via `ruby`), passing it `examples/hello_world.rb` and naming the output executable `examples/hello_world`. `mrbt` outputs "compiling..." and then "created binary executable: examples/hello_world" Then `examples/hello_world` is executed, and it outputs "hello_world". ### Verbose Hello World ```shell mrbt examples/hello_world.rb -v # or rake mrbt -- -v examples/hello_world.rb # or even rake verbose hello_world ``` ``` /home/vagrant/.rubies/ruby-2.4.0/bin/ruby -Ilib bin/mrbt examples/hello_world.rb -o examples/hello_world -v #include #include #include #include void check_exc(mrb_state *mrb, char *filename) { if (mrb->exc) { mrb_value exc = mrb_obj_value(mrb->exc); mrb_value exc_msg = mrb_funcall(mrb, exc, "to_s", 0); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR in %s - %s: %s\n", filename, mrb_obj_classname(mrb, exc), mrb_str_to_cstr(mrb, exc_msg)); /* mrb_print_backtrace(mrb); # empty */ exit(1); } } int main(void) { mrb_state *mrb = mrb_open(); if (!mrb) { printf("mrb problem"); exit(1); } /* examples/hello_world.rb */ mrb_load_nstring(mrb, "puts :hello_world\n", 18); check_exc(mrb, "examples/hello_world.rb"); mrb_close(mrb); return 0; } generated /tmp/mrbt-20171117-24568-no7ee3.c compiling... created binary executable: examples/hello_world file examples/hello_world examples/hello_world: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=2114ab60983156c92a5a74b88895f9c43a4bb086, not stripped stat examples/hello_world File: ‘examples/hello_world’ Size: 1559056 Blocks: 3048 IO Block: 4096 regular file Device: 801h/2049d Inode: 388049 Links: 1 Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 1000/ vagrant) Gid: ( 1000/ vagrant) Access: 2017-11-17 18:48:25.713629203 +0000 Modify: 2017-11-17 18:48:25.709629203 +0000 Change: 2017-11-17 18:48:25.709629203 +0000 Birth: - examples/hello_world hello_world ``` This proceeds exactly as before but with additional output: * Show the generated C code * Note the temporary file containing the C code * Call `file` and `stat` on the output executable