module Refinery module Admin class ImagesController < ::Refinery::AdminController crudify :'refinery/image', :order => "created_at DESC", :sortable => false, :xhr_paging => true before_filter :change_list_mode_if_specified, :init_dialog def new @image = if @image.nil? @url_override = refinery.admin_images_path(:dialog => from_dialog?) end # This renders the image insert dialog def insert if @image.nil? @url_override = refinery.admin_images_path(request.query_parameters.merge(:insert => true)) if params[:conditions].present? extra_condition = params[:conditions].split(',') extra_condition[1] = true if extra_condition[1] == "true" extra_condition[1] = false if extra_condition[1] == "false" extra_condition[1] = nil if extra_condition[1] == "nil" end find_all_images(({extra_condition[0] => extra_condition[1]} if extra_condition.present?)) search_all_images if searching? paginate_images render :action => "insert" end def create @images = [] begin unless params[:image].present? and params[:image][:image].is_a?(Array) @images << (@image = ::Refinery::Image.create(params[:image])) else params[:image][:image].each do |image| @images << (@image = ::Refinery::Image.create({:image => image}.merge(params[:image].except(:image)))) end end rescue Dragonfly::FunctionManager::UnableToHandle logger.warn($!.message) @image = end unless params[:insert] if @images.all?(&:valid?) flash.notice = t('created', :scope => 'refinery.crudify', :what => "'#{"', '")}'") if from_dialog? @dialog_successful = true render :nothing => true, :layout => true else redirect_to refinery.admin_images_path end else # important for dialogs render :action => 'new' end else # if all uploaded images are ok redirect page back to dialog, else show current page with error if @images.all?(&:valid?) @image_id = if @image.persisted? @image = nil end self.insert end end def update attributes_before_assignment = @image.attributes @image.attributes = params[:image] if @image.valid? && flash.notice = t( 'refinery.crudify.updated', :what => "'#{@image.title}'" ) unless from_dialog? unless params[:continue_editing] =~ /true|on|1/ redirect_back_or_default refinery.admin_images_path else unless request.xhr? redirect_to :back else render :partial => '/refinery/message' end end else self.index @dialog_successful = true render :index end else @thumbnail = Image.find params[:id] unless request.xhr? render :action => 'edit' else render :partial => '/refinery/admin/error_messages', :locals => { :object => @image, :include_object_name => true } end end end protected def init_dialog @app_dialog = params[:app_dialog].present? @field = params[:field] @update_image = params[:update_image] @thumbnail = params[:thumbnail] @callback = params[:callback] @multiple = params[:multiple] @conditions = params[:conditions] end def change_list_mode_if_specified if action_name == 'index' && params[:view].present? && Refinery::Images.image_views.include?(params[:view].to_sym) Refinery::Images.preferred_image_view = params[:view] end end def paginate_images @images = @images.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => Image.per_page(from_dialog?, !@app_dialog)) end def restrict_controller super unless action_name == 'insert' end end end end