// All Variables - Default // Remove some legacy support since it's not really needed for style tiles (tell your clients to view style tiles a modern browser or send them a screenshot) $support-for-original-webkit-gradients: false; $legacy-support-for-mozilla: false; $legacy-support-for-ie: false; $experimental-support-for-microsoft: false; $experimental-support-for-opera: false; // Only the _index.scss should be the index page. $index: false !default; // Project Name and Version Header $project-name: "Super Awesome Project" !default;// You'll want to override this! $version-number: "1.0" !default; $footer-text: '\2606\20 Designed by Rock Stars \2606' !default; // You'll want to override this! $show-versions: 1, 2, 3 !default; /// Global Variables $standard-spacing: calc-em(10px, $base-font-size) !default;; $page-width: calc-em(960px, $base-font-size) !default;; $article-width: calc-em(540px, $base-font-size) !default;; $aside-width: calc-em(300px, $base-font-size) !default;; $inline-images: true !default; // inline all images so you don't need to send them with the style sheet(s) // Typography $primary-font: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, 'Liberation Sans', FreeSans, sans-serif !default;; $base-font-size: 16px !default;; $base-line-height:1.5em !default;; $body-font-size: calc-em(14px, $base-font-size) !default; // @font-face fonts $font-name: false !default; $font-file-name: false !default; $inline-fonts: true !default; $font-weight: normal !default; $font-style: normal !default; /// Design Variables $link-color: #00f !default; // sample 5 colors and 3 textures (add figures to html for more) $colors: #929ca5, #a2af45, #405b6b, #dfe1d1, #e5e5e5 !default; $textures: "concrete.png", "dark-concrete.png", "asphalt.png" !default; $adjectives: current, conservative, whimiscal, contradictory !default; // $body-background-color: #efefef !default; // for older browsers that don't support gradients $body-background-image: false !default; // e.g "asphalt.png" $body-background-gradient-position-1: false !default; // e.g. top OR 45deg $body-background-gradient-1: false !default; // rgba(0,0,0,.5) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,.25) 10%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 15% $body-background-gradient-position-2: false !default; // e.g. right OR 0deg $body-background-gradient-2: false !default; // $body-background-gradient-1 Or another gradient $body-background-size: false !default; // 40px 40px OR contain $body-background-repeat: repeat !default; // no-repeat OR repeat-x etc $page-background-color: #f2f2f2 !default; // for older browsers that don't support gradients or just a solid color $page-background-image: false !default; // e.g "asphalt.png" $page-background-gradient-position-1: false !default; // e.g. top OR 45deg $page-background-gradient-1: false !default; // rgba(0,0,0,.5) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,.25) 10%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 15% $page-background-gradient-position-2: false !default; // e.g. right OR 0deg $page-background-gradient-2: false !default; $page-background-size: false !default; $page-background-repeat: repeat !default; $page-box-shadow: false !default; // e.g. 5px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.75), -5px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.75) $page-corners: false !default; // 0 10px $page-margin: 0 auto ($standard-spacing * 4) auto !default; // $page-text-color: #333 !default; // Logo is added as a background to a transparent image. Adjust height and width and source $logo-margin: 0 $standard-spacing $standard-spacing 0 !default; // TRBL: Top Right Bottom Left $logo-float: left !default; // right OR none $logo-file: "logos/sample-logo.png" !default; // e.g. "sample-logo.png" $logo-box-shadow: false !default; // e.g. 5px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.75) $header-height: calc-em(image-height($logo-file), $base-font-size) + ($standard-spacing * 2) !default; // allow some breathing room around the logo $header-padding: $standard-spacing !default; $header-background-color: false !default; $header-background-image: false !default; $header-background-gradient-position-1: false !default; $header-background-gradient-1: false !default; $header-background-gradient-position-2: false !default; $header-background-gradient-2: false !default; $header-background-size: false !default; $header-background-repeat: repeat !default; $header-text-color: false !default; $header-text-align: right !default; // align the Project Name and Version Number text // Project name and version font size / line-height $project-name-font-size: 1em !default; // Override the default H1 size $project-name-line-height: 1.5em !default; $version-font-size: .9em !default; // Override the default H2 size $version-line-height: 1em !default; $heading-h1-text-shadow: false !default; $heading-h1-font-style: false !default; $heading-h1-font-color: none !default; $heading-h1-font-name: false !default; $heading-h1-font-size: false !default; $heading-h2-text-shadow: false !default; $heading-h2-font-style: false !default; $heading-h2-font-color: none !default; $heading-h2-font-name: false !default; $heading-h2-font-size: false !default; $main-text-shadow: false !default; // $aside-margin: 0 0 $standard-spacing 0 !default; $aside-padding: $standard-spacing !default; $aside-background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.25) !default; $aside-background-image: false !default; $aside-background-gradient-position-1: false !default; $aside-background-gradient-1: false !default; $aside-background-gradient-position-2: false !default; $aside-background-gradient-2: false !default; $aside-background-size: false !default; $aside-background-repeat: repeat !default; $aside-box-shadow: none !default; $aside-border: $standard-spacing solid rgba(255,255,255,.35) !default; $aside-border-radius: false !default; // 3px $aside-outline: calc-em(1px, $base-font-size) solid rgba(200,200,200,.25) !default; $aside-outline-offset: 0 !default; $aside-text-color: #333 !default; // Figure (colors and textures boxes) $figure-width: calc-em(40px, $base-font-size) !default; $figure-height: calc-em(40px, $base-font-size) !default; $texture-width: $figure-width * 2 !default; // double the color size to show the textures better $texture-height: $figure-height * 2 !default; // same $figure-border: calc-em(1px, $base-font-size) #888 solid !default; // only if there's a color $figure-caption-text-size: calc-em(12px, $base-font-size) !default; // if you want to credit eternal texture sources or add notes $button-corners: calc-em(10px, $base-font-size) !default; // $button-background-color: #57068c !default; $button-gradient: false; // automatic gradients $button-text-color: #eee !default; $button-font-size: 1.2em !default; $button-text-shadow: false; // e.g 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.5) $button-border: calc-em(1px, $base-font-size) #eee solid !default; $button-box-shadow: none; // e.g. 1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5) $button-text-color-over: adjust-lightness($button-text-color, 10%) !default; $button-background-color-over: adjust-lightness($button-background-color, 10%) !default; $footer-background-color: false ; // e.g. rgba(0,0,0,.75) $footer-background-image: false !default; $footer-background-gradient-position-1: false !default; $footer-background-gradient-1: false !default; $footer-background-gradient-position-2: false !default; $footer-background-gradient-2: false !default; $footer-background-size: false !default; $footer-background-repeat: repeat !default; $footer-text-color: rgba(255,255,255,.75) !default; $footer-text-align: right !default; $footer-text-shadow: calc-em(-1px, $base-font-size) 0 calc-em(1px, $base-font-size) rgba(0,0,0,.5), 0 calc-em(1px, $base-font-size) calc-em(1px, $base-font-size) rgba(255,255,255,.35) !default; $footer-logo-file: false !default; $footer-logo-width: calc-em(66px, $base-font-size) !default; $footer-logo-height: calc-em(24px, $base-font-size) !default;