cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(X api-input-jaxqKX propertiesqNXmethodsqNXthe mathjax.inputjax classq NuUsubstitution_defsq }q Uparse_messagesq ]q Ucurrent_sourceqNU decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hU api-input-jaxqhU propertiesqhUmethodsqh Uthe-mathjax-inputjax-classquUchildrenq]q(cdocutils.nodes target q)q}q(U rawsourceqX.. _api-input-jax:qUparentqhUsourceqcdocutils.nodes reprunicode q XV/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/api/inputjax.rstq!q"}q#bUtagnameq$Utargetq%U attributesq&}q'(Uidsq(]q)Ubackrefsq*]q+Udupnamesq,]q-Uclassesq.]q/Unamesq0]q1Urefidq2huUlineq3KUdocumentq4hh]q5ubcdocutils.nodes section q6)q7}q8(hUhhhh"Uexpect_referenced_by_nameq9}q:hhsh$Usectionq;h&}q<(h,]q=h.]q>h*]q?h(]q@(hheh0]qA(h heuh3Kh4hUexpect_referenced_by_idqB}qChhsh]qD(cdocutils.nodes title qE)qF}qG(hXThe MathJax.InputJax ClassqHhh7hh"h$UtitleqIh&}qJ(h,]qKh.]qLh*]qMh(]qNh0]qOuh3Kh4hh]qPcdocutils.nodes Text qQXThe MathJax.InputJax ClassqRqS}qT(hhHhhFubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph qU)qV}qW(hXInput jax are the components of MathJax that translate mathematics from its original format (like :term:`TeX` or :term:`MathML`) to the MathJax internal format (an `element jax`).qXhh7hh"h$U paragraphqYh&}qZ(h,]q[h.]q\h*]q]h(]q^h0]q_uh3Kh4hh]q`(hQXbInput jax are the components of MathJax that translate mathematics from its original format (like qaqb}qc(hXbInput jax are the components of MathJax that translate mathematics from its original format (like qdhhVubcsphinx.addnodes pending_xref qe)qf}qg(hX :term:`TeX`qhhhVh$U pending_xrefqih&}qj(UreftypeqkXtermqlU reftargetqmXtexqnU refdomainqoXstdqph(]qqh*]qrU refexplicitqsh,]qth.]quh0]qvUrefdocqwU api/inputjaxqxuh3Kh]qycdocutils.nodes emphasis qz)q{}q|(hhhh&}q}(h,]q~h.]q(UxrefqhpXstd-termqeh*]qh(]qh0]quhhfh]qhQXTeXqq}q(hUhh{ubah$UemphasisqubaubhQX or qq}q(hX or qhhVubhe)q}q(hX:term:`MathML`qhhVh$hih&}q(UreftypeqXtermqhmXmathmlqU refdomainqXstdqh(]qh*]qU refexplicitqh,]qh.]qh0]qhwhxuh3Kh]qhz)q}q(hhh&}q(h,]qh.]q(hhXstd-termqeh*]qh(]qh0]quhhh]qhQXMathMLqq}q(hUhhubah$hubaubhQX%) to the MathJax internal format (an qq}q(hX%) to the MathJax internal format (an qhhVubcdocutils.nodes title_reference q)q}q(hX `element jax`qh&}q(h,]qh.]qh*]qh(]qh0]quhhVh]qhQX element jaxqq}q(hUhhubah$Utitle_referencequbhQX).qq}q(hX).qhhVubeubhU)q}q(hXAn input jax is stored as a pair of files in a subdirectory of the ``jax/input`` directory, with the subdirectory name being the name of the input jax. For example, the TeX input jax is stored in `jax/input/TeX`. The first file, ``config.js``, is loaded when MathJax is being loaded and configured, and is indicated by listing the input jax directory in the `jax` array of the MathJax configuration. The ``config.js`` file creates a subclass of the `MathJax.InputJax` object for the new input jax and registers that with MathJax, along with the MIME-type that will be used to indicate the mathematics that is to be processed by the input jax.qhh7hh"h$hYh&}q(h,]qh.]qh*]qh(]qh0]quh3K h4hh]q(hQXCAn input jax is stored as a pair of files in a subdirectory of the q̅q}q(hXCAn input jax is stored as a pair of files in a subdirectory of the qhhubcdocutils.nodes literal q)q}q(hX ``jax/input``qh&}q(h,]qh.]qh*]qh(]qh0]quhhh]qhQX jax/inputqۅq}q(hUhhubah$UliteralqubhQXu directory, with the subdirectory name being the name of the input jax. For example, the TeX input jax is stored in q߅q}q(hXu directory, with the subdirectory name being the name of the input jax. For example, the TeX input jax is stored in qhhubh)q}q(hX`jax/input/TeX`qh&}q(h,]qh.]qh*]qh(]qh0]quhhh]qhQX jax/input/TeXq텁q}q(hUhhubah$hubhQX. The first file, qq}q(hX. The first file, qhhubh)q}q(hX ``config.js``qh&}q(h,]qh.]qh*]qh(]qh0]quhhh]qhQX config.jsqq}r(hUhhubah$hubhQXt, is loaded when MathJax is being loaded and configured, and is indicated by listing the input jax directory in the rr}r(hXt, is loaded when MathJax is being loaded and configured, and is indicated by listing the input jax directory in the rhhubh)r}r(hX`jax`rh&}r(h,]r h.]r h*]r h(]r h0]r uhhh]rhQXjaxrr}r(hUhjubah$hubhQX* array of the MathJax configuration. The rr}r(hX* array of the MathJax configuration. The rhhubh)r}r(hX ``config.js``rh&}r(h,]rh.]rh*]rh(]rh0]ruhhh]rhQX config.jsr r!}r"(hUhjubah$hubhQX file creates a subclass of the r#r$}r%(hX file creates a subclass of the r&hhubh)r'}r((hX`MathJax.InputJax`r)h&}r*(h,]r+h.]r,h*]r-h(]r.h0]r/uhhh]r0hQXMathJax.InputJaxr1r2}r3(hUhj'ubah$hubhQX object for the new input jax and registers that with MathJax, along with the MIME-type that will be used to indicate the mathematics that is to be processed by the input jax.r4r5}r6(hX object for the new input jax and registers that with MathJax, along with the MIME-type that will be used to indicate the mathematics that is to be processed by the input jax.r7hhubeubhU)r8}r9(hXThe main body of the input jax is stored in the second file, ``jax.js``, which is loaded when the input jax is first called on to translate some mathematics. This file augments the original input jax subclass with the additional methods needed to do the translation. MathJax calls the input jax's :meth:`Translate()` method when it needs the input jax to translate the contents of a math ``