# frozen_string_literal: true require 'undercover' require 'rainbow' module Undercover module CLI # TODO: Report calls >parser< for each file instead of # traversing the whole project at first! WARNINGS_TO_S = { stale_coverage: Rainbow('🚨 WARNING: Coverage data is older than your ' \ 'latest changes and results might be incomplete. ' \ 'Re-run tests to update').yellow, no_changes: Rainbow('✅ No reportable changes').green }.freeze def self.run(args) opts = Undercover::Options.new.parse(args) syntax_version(opts.syntax_version) run_report(opts) end # rubocop:enable def self.run_report(opts) report = Undercover::Report.new(changeset(opts), opts).build error = report.validate(opts.lcov) if error puts(WARNINGS_TO_S[error]) return 0 if error == :no_changes end warnings = report.build_warnings puts Undercover::Formatter.new(warnings) warnings.any? ? 1 : 0 end def self.syntax_version(version) return unless version Imagen.parser_version = version end def self.changeset(opts) git_dir = File.join(opts.path, opts.git_dir) Undercover::Changeset.new(git_dir, opts.compare) end end end