module Composable module Pwdless class AuthController < BaseController def new @form = end def create @form = if @form.success? deliver_authentication(@form) @form = @form.result block_given? ? yield(@form) : render(:edit) else render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity end end def update @form = if @form.success? verification_succeeded elsif @form.has_expired? verification_expired @form elsif @form.has_exceeded_attempts? verification_exceeded_attempts @form elsif @form.invalid_code? render :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity else verification_failed @form end end private # Override with your own logic to deliver a code to the user. def deliver_authentication(authentication) Pwdless::Mailer.with(authentication: authentication).notification_email.deliver end # Override with your own logic to do something with the valid data. For # example, you might setup the current user session here via: # # ``` # def verification_succeeded(email) # session[:user_id] = User.find_or_create_by(email: email) # redirect_to dashboard_url # end # ``` def verification_succeeded(email) redirect_to root_url end # Override with your own logic to do something when verification fails. def verification_failed(verification) redirect_to root_url end # Override with logic for when verification attempts are exceeded. For # example, you might want to tweak the flash message that's displayed # or redirect them to a page other than the one where they'd re-verify. def verification_exceeded_attempts(verification) flash[:composable_pwdless] = Pwdless.t(:attempts_exceeded, scope: "errors.messages") redirect_to url_for(action: :new) end # Override with logic for when verification has expired. For # example, you might want to tweak the flash message that's displayed # or redirect them to a page other than the one where they'd re-verify. def verification_expired(verification) flash[:composable_pwdless] = Pwdless.t(:expired, scope: "errors.messages") redirect_to url_for(action: :new) end def verification_params params.require(:composable_pwdless).permit(:code, :salt, :data) end def authentication_params params.require(:composable_pwdless).permit(:email) end end end end