$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) # For use/testing when no gem is installed # rubygems require 'rubygems' # core require 'fileutils' require 'time' require 'yaml' # stdlib # 3rd party require 'liquid' require 'redcloth' begin require 'maruku' require 'maruku/ext/math' # Switch off MathML output MaRuKu::Globals[:html_math_output_mathml] = false MaRuKu::Globals[:html_math_engine] = 'none' # Turn on math to PNG support with blahtex # Resulting PNGs stored in `images/latex` MaRuKu::Globals[:html_math_output_png] = true MaRuKu::Globals[:html_png_engine] = 'blahtex' MaRuKu::Globals[:html_png_dir] = 'images/latex' MaRuKu::Globals[:html_png_url] = '/images/latex/' rescue LoadError puts "The maruku gem is required for markdown support!" end # internal requires require 'jekyll/site' require 'jekyll/convertible' require 'jekyll/layout' require 'jekyll/page' require 'jekyll/post' require 'jekyll/filters' require 'jekyll/tags/highlight' require 'jekyll/tags/include' require 'jekyll/albino' module Jekyll VERSION = '0.2.1' class << self attr_accessor :source, :dest, :lsi, :pygments, :markdown_proc end Jekyll.lsi = false Jekyll.pygments = false Jekyll.markdown_proc = Proc.new { |x| Maruku.new(x).to_html } def self.process(source, dest) require 'classifier' if Jekyll.lsi Jekyll.source = source Jekyll.dest = dest Jekyll::Site.new(source, dest).process end end