module Nanoc2::CLI class InfoCommand < Cri::Command # :nodoc: def name 'info' end def aliases [] end def short_desc 'show info about available plugins' end def long_desc 'Show a list of available plugins, including filters, data sources ' + 'and routers. If the current directory contains a nanoc web site, ' + 'the plugins defined in this site will be shown as well.' end def usage "nanoc2 info" end def option_definitions [] end def run(options, arguments) # Check arguments if arguments.size != 0 $stderr.puts "usage: #{usage}" exit 1 end # Get list of plugins (before and after) plugins_before = find_all_plugins plugins_after = find_all_plugins # Get structured list of plugins plugins = {} plugin_classes.each do |klass| plugins[klass] = { :builtin => plugins_before[klass], :custom => plugins_after[klass] - plugins_before[klass] } end # Find longest name max_length = { |k| k.values } { |k| k.identifiers.join(', ').length }.max + 2 PLUGIN_CLASS_ORDER.each do |superclass| structured_plugins = plugins[superclass] # Print kind kind = name_for_plugin_class(superclass) puts "#{kind}:" puts # Print plugins organised by subtype [ :builtin, :custom ].each do |type| # Find relevant plugins subclasses = structured_plugins[type] # Print type puts " #{type}:" if subclasses.empty? puts " (none)" next end # Print plugins subclasses.sort_by { |k| k.identifier.to_s }.each do |klass| # Get data is_custom = !plugins_before[superclass].include?(klass) klass_name = klass.to_s klass_id = klass.identifiers.join(', ') # Display puts sprintf(" %-#{max_length}s (%s)", klass_id, klass_name) end end puts end end private PLUGIN_CLASS_ORDER = [ Nanoc2::Filter, Nanoc2::BinaryFilter, Nanoc2::Router, Nanoc2::Extra::VCS, Nanoc2::DataSource ] PLUGIN_CLASSES = { Nanoc2::BinaryFilter => 'Binary Filters', Nanoc2::Filter => 'Filters', Nanoc2::DataSource => 'Data Sources', Nanoc2::Router => 'Routers', Nanoc2::Extra::VCS => 'VCSes' } def find_all_plugins plugin_classes.inject({}) do |memo, klass| memo.merge(klass => Nanoc2::Plugin::MAP[klass].values.uniq) end end def plugin_classes PLUGIN_CLASSES.keys end def name_for_plugin_class(klass) PLUGIN_CLASSES[klass] end end end