require "digest/md5" require "fileutils" require "json" require "net/http" module Foobara module RemoteImports module ImportBase # Why doesn't this automatically register the possible error?? class BadManifestInputsError < Foobara::RuntimeError class << self def context_type_declaration {} end end end # TODO: why do we need this Value:: prefix? class NotFoundError < Value::DataError class << self def context_type_declaration { not_found: [:string] } end end end class << self def included(klass) klass.possible_input_error :to_import, NotFoundError klass.possible_error BadManifestInputsError klass.inputs( manifest_url: :string, raw_manifest: :associative_array, cache: { type: :boolean, default: true }, cache_path: { type: :string, default: "tmp/cache/foobara-remote-imports" }, to_import: :duck, already_imported: { type: :duck, allow_nil: true } ) klass.result :duck end end def execute load_manifest cache_manifest if should_cache? determine_manifests_to_import filter_manifests_to_import import_objects_from_manifests imported_objects end attr_accessor :manifest_data, :manifests_to_import, :manifest_to_import def validate super validate_manifest end def validate_manifest if manifest_url if raw_manifest add_runtime_error :bad_manifest_inputs, "Cannot provide both manifest_url and raw_manifest" end elsif !raw_manifest add_runtime_error :bad_manifest_inputs, "Must provide either manifest_url or raw_manifest" end end def already_exists? method = "foobara_lookup_#{manifest_to_import.scoped_category}" Foobara.foobara_root_namespace.send( method, manifest_to_import.reference, mode: Namespace::LookupMode::ABSOLUTE ) end def already_imported inputs[:already_imported] || end def load_manifest self.manifest_data = if raw_manifest raw_manifest elsif cache && cached? load_cached_manifest else load_manifest_from_url end end def load_manifest_from_url url = URI.parse(manifest_url) response = Net::HTTP.get_response(url) manifest_json = if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) response.body else # :nocov: raise "Could not get manifest from #{url}: " \ "#{response.code} #{response.message}" # :nocov: end JSON.parse(manifest_json) end # TODO: feels like a command smell to pass manifests here... reconsider algorithm def filter_manifests_to_import return if to_import.nil? || to_import.empty? references = filter = Util.array(to_import)! do |name| if references.include?(name) name else suffix = "::#{name}" partial_matches = { |reference| reference.end_with?(suffix) } if partial_matches.size == 1 partial_matches.first else name end end end not_found = filter - references if not_found.any? add_input_error :to_import, :not_found, "Could not find #{not_found}", not_found: end self.manifests_to_import = do |manifest| filter.include?(manifest.reference) end end def root_manifest @root_manifest ||= end def cache_manifest FileUtils.mkdir_p(cache_path) File.write(cache_file_path, manifest_data.to_json) end def should_cache? cache && manifest_url && !cached? end def cached? File.exist?(cache_file_path) end def load_cached_manifest JSON.parse( end def cache_key @cache_key ||= begin hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(manifest_url) escaped_url = manifest_url.gsub(/[^\w]/, "_") "#{hash}_#{escaped_url}" end end def cache_file_path @cache_file_path ||= "#{cache_path}/#{cache_key}.json" end def determine_manifests_to_import self.manifests_to_import = find_manifests_to_import end def find_manifests_to_import # :nocov: raise "subclass responsibility" # :nocov: end def import_objects_from_manifests manifests_to_import.each do |manifest| unless already_imported.already_imported?(manifest) self.manifest_to_import = manifest next if already_exists? imported_objects << import_object_from_manifest already_imported << manifest end end end def import_object_from_manifest # :nocov: raise "subclass responsibility" # :nocov: end def imported_objects @imported_objects ||= [] end end end end