describe "UIView animation methods" do # the 'tumble' animation requires an app window to be present tests UIViewController before do @view = UIView.alloc.initWithFrame([[1,2],[3,4]]) controller.view.addSubview(@view) end it 'should have a tumble animation' do @done = false @view.tumble > UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.height end it 'should have a tumble_in animation' do @done = false @view.tumble_in @view.frame.origin.y.should == 2 end it 'should have a tumble animation with duration' do @done = false @view.tumble(0.4) do |finished| @done = finished ? :done : :unfinished end > UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.height wait 0.3 do @done.should == false wait 0.3 do @done.should == :done end end end it 'should have a tumble_in animation with duration' do @done = false @view.tumble_in(0.4) do |finished| @done = finished ? :done : :unfinished end @view.frame.origin.y.should == 2 wait 0.3 do @done.should == false wait 0.3 do @done.should == :done end end end it 'should have a tumble animation with side as parameter' do -> do @view.tumble(:left) end.should.not.raise end it 'should have a tumble_in animation with side as parameter' do -> do @view.tumble_in(:left) end.should.not.raise end it 'should have a tumble animation with duration as option' do @done = false @view.tumble(duration: 0.4) do @done = :done end > UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.height wait 0.3 do @done.should == false wait 0.2 do @done.should == :done end end end it 'should have a tumble_in animation with duration as option' do @done = false @view.tumble_in(duration: 0.4) do @done = :done end @view.frame.origin.y.should == 2 wait 0.3 do @done.should == false wait 0.2 do @done.should == :done end end end it 'should have a tumble animation with side as option' do @view.tumble(side: :left) > UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.height end it 'should have a tumble_in animation with side as option' do @view.tumble_in(side: :left) @view.frame.origin.y.should == 2 end it 'should have a tumble animation with invalid side option raising exception' do -> do @view.tumble(side: :this_is_silly) end.should.raise end it 'should have a tumble_in animation with invalid side option raising exception' do -> do @view.tumble_in(side: :this_is_silly) end.should.raise end it 'should have a tumble animation with duration and options' do @done = false @view.tumble(0.4, options: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn | UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState) do @done = :done end > UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.height wait 0.3 do @done.should == false wait 0.2 do @done.should == :done end end end it 'should have a tumble_in animation with duration and options' do @done = false @view.tumble_in(0.4, options: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn | UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState) do @done = :done end @view.frame.origin.y.should == 2 wait 0.3 do @done.should == false wait 0.2 do @done.should == :done end end end end