# vim: set filetype=ruby et sw=2 ts=2: # Some libraries I just don't want to miss in my irb session. require 'irb/completion' require 'enumerator' require 'pp' require 'fileutils' require 'find' include FileUtils begin require 'ap' rescue LoadError end require 'utils/editor' $editor = Utils::Editor.new $pager = ENV['PAGER'] || 'less -r' class Symbol def to_proc Proc.new do |obj, *args| obj.__send__(self, *args) end end unless method_defined?(:to_proc) end # Start _ri_ for +pattern+. If +pattern+ is not string like, call it with # pattern.class.name as argument. def ri(*patterns) patterns.map! { |p| p.respond_to?(:to_str) ? p.to_str : p.class.name } system "ri #{patterns.map { |p| "'#{p}'" } * ' '} | #{$pager}" end class Module # Start +ri+ for +module#pattern+, trying to find a method matching +pattern+ # for all modules in the ancestors chain of this module. def ri(pattern = nil) if pattern pattern = pattern.to_sym.to_s if pattern.respond_to? :to_sym ancestors.each do |a| if method = a.instance_methods(false).find { |m| pattern === m } a = Object if a == Kernel # ri seems to be confused system "ri #{a}##{method} | #{$pager}" end end else system "ri #{self} | #{$pager}" end return end end # Restart this irb. def irb_restart exec $0 end # Return all instance methods of obj's class. def irb_all_class_instance_methods(obj) methods = obj.class.instance_methods irb_wrap_methods obj, methods end # Return instance methods of obj's class without the inherited/mixed in # methods. def irb_class_instance_methods(obj) methods = obj.class.instance_methods(false) irb_wrap_methods obj, methods end # Return all instance methods defined in module modul. def irb_all_instance_methods(modul) methods = modul.instance_methods irb_wrap_methods modul, methods, true end # Return instance methods defined in module modul without the inherited/mixed # in methods. def irb_instance_methods(modul) methods = modul.instance_methods(false) irb_wrap_methods modul, methods, true end # Return all methods of obj (including obj's eigenmethods.) def irb_all_methods(obj) methods = obj.methods irb_wrap_methods obj, methods end # Return instance methods of obj's class without the inherited/mixed in # methods, but including obj's eigenmethods. def irb_methods(obj) methods = obj.class.ancestors[1..-1].inject(obj.methods) do |all, a| all -= a.instance_methods end irb_wrap_methods obj, methods end # Return all eigen methods of obj. def irb_eigen_methods(obj) irb_wrap_methods obj, obj.methods(false) end def irb_wrap_methods(obj, methods, modul = false) methods.map do |name| MethodWrapper.new(obj, name, modul) end.sort! end class WrapperBase include Comparable def initialize(name) @name = case when name.respond_to?(:to_str) name.to_str when name.respond_to?(:to_sym) name.to_sym.to_s else name.to_s end end attr_reader :name attr_reader :description alias to_str name alias inspect description alias to_s description def ==(name) @name = name end alias eql? == def hash @name.hash end def <=>(other) @name <=> other.name end end class MethodWrapper < WrapperBase def initialize(obj, name, modul) super(name) if modul @arity = obj.instance_method(name).arity else @arity = obj.method(name).arity end @description = "#@name(#@arity)" end attr_reader :arity end class ConstantWrapper < WrapperBase def initialize(obj, name) super(name) @klass = obj.class @description = "#@name:#@klass" end attr_reader :klass end # Return all the constants defined in +modul+. def irb_constants(modul) modul.constants.map { |c| ConstantWrapper.new(modul.const_get(c), c) }.sort end # Return all the subclasses of +klass+. TODO implement subclasses w/out rails def irb_subclasses(klass) klass.subclasses.map { |c| ConstantWrapper.new(eval(c), c) }.sort end unless Object.const_defined?(:Infinity) Infinity = 1.0 / 0 # I like to define the infinite. end # Output all kinds of information about +obj+. If detailed is given output # details about the methods (+ arity) in inheritance chain of +obj+ as well. # * detailed as 0 output instance methods only of part 0 (the first) of the # chain. # * detailed as 1..2 output instance methods of +obj+ inherited from parts 1 # and 2 of the the chain. def irb_info(obj, detailed = nil) if Module === obj modul = obj klassp = Class === modul if klassp obj = modul.allocate end else modul = obj.class end inspected = obj.inspect puts "obj = #{inspected.size > 40 ? inspected[0, 40] + '...' : inspected} is of class #{obj.class}." am = irb_all_methods(obj).size ms = irb_methods(obj).size ems = irb_eigen_methods(obj).size puts "obj: #{am} methods, #{ms} only local#{ems > 0 ? " (#{ems} eigenmethods),": ','} #{am - ms} inherited/mixed in." acim = irb_all_class_instance_methods(obj).size cim = irb_class_instance_methods(obj).size puts "obj: #{acim} instance methods, #{cim} local, #{acim - cim} only inherited/mixed in." if klassp s = modul.superclass puts "Superclass of #{modul}: #{s}" end a = [] ec = true begin a << (class << obj; self; end) rescue TypeError ec = false end a.concat modul.ancestors if ec puts "Ancestors of #{modul}: (#{a[0]},) #{a[1..-1].map { |k| "#{k}#{k == s ? '*' : ''}" } * ', '}" else puts "Ancestors of #{modul}: #{a[0..-1].map { |k| "#{k}#{k == s ? '*' : ''}" } * ', '}" end if Class === modul and detailed if detailed.respond_to? :to_int detailed = detailed..detailed end detailed.each do |i| break if i >= a.size k = a[i] puts "#{k}:" puts irb_wrap_methods(obj, k.instance_methods(false)).sort end end nil end # Output *all* the irb_info about +obj+. You may need to buy a bigger screen for # this or use: # less { irb_fullinfo object } def irb_fullinfo(obj) irb_info obj, 0..Infinity end def capture_output(with_stderr = false) return "missing block" unless block_given? require 'tempfile' begin old_stdout, $stdout = $stdout, Tempfile.new('irb') if with_stderr old_stderr, $stderr = $stderr, $stdout end yield ensure $stdout, temp = old_stdout, $stdout with_stderr and $stderr = old_stderr end temp.rewind temp.read end # Use pager on the output of the commands given in the block. def less(with_stderr = false, &block) IO.popen($pager, 'w') do |f| f.write capture_output(with_stderr, &block) f.close_write end nil end class String # Pipe this string into +cmd+. def |(cmd) IO.popen(cmd, 'w+') do |f| f.write self f.close_write return f.read end end # Write this string into file +filename+. def >>(filename) irb_write(filename, self) end end def irb_time s = Time.now yield d = Time.now - s warn "Took %.3fs seconds." % d d end def irb_time_tap r = nil irb_time { r = yield } r end def irb_time_watch(duration = 1) start = Time.now pre = nil loop do cur = [ yield ].flatten unless pre pre = cur.map(&:to_f) cur = [ yield ].flatten end expired = Time.now - start diffs = cur.zip(pre).map { |c, p| c - p } rates = diffs.map { |d| d / duration } warn "#{expired} #{cur.zip(rates, diffs).map(&:inspect) * ' '} # / per sec." pre = cur.map(&:to_f) sleep duration end end def irb_write(filename, text = nil) if block_given? text = yield else text or raise "need a text as argument or as a block return value" end open(filename, 'wb') { |f| f.write text } end def irb_read(filename, chunk_size = 8_192) if block_given? File.open(filename) do |file| until file.eof? yield file.read(chunk_size) end end else IO.read filename end end def irb_load_each(*files) files = files.map { |f| f.gsub(/(\.rb)?\Z/, '.rb') } for file in files Find.find('.') do |f| if file == File.basename(f) load f STDERR.puts "Loaded '#{f}'." end end end nil end def irb_edit(*files) $editor.edit(*files) end class Regexp # Show the match of this Regexp on the +string+. def show_match(string) string =~ self ? "#{$`}<<#{$&}>>#{$'}" : "no match" end end if IRB.conf[:PROMPT] IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:CUSTOM] = { :PROMPT_I => ">> ", :PROMPT_N => ">> ", :PROMPT_S => "%l> ", :PROMPT_C => "+> ", :RETURN => " # => %s\n" } IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = :CUSTOM end module ::IRB class Context def init_save_history unless (class<<@io;self;end).include?(HistorySavingAbility) @io.extend(HistorySavingAbility) end end def save_history IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] end def save_history=(val) IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = val if val main_context = IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT] main_context = self unless main_context main_context.init_save_history end end def history_file IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] end def history_file=(hist) IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = hist end end module HistorySavingAbility include Readline def HistorySavingAbility.create_finalizer at_exit do if num = IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] and (num = num.to_i) > 0 if hf = IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] file = File.expand_path(hf) end file = IRB.rc_file("_history") unless file open(file, 'w' ) do |f| hist = HISTORY.to_a f.puts(hist[-num..-1] || hist) end end end end def HistorySavingAbility.extended(obj) HistorySavingAbility.create_finalizer obj.load_history obj end def load_history hist = IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] hist = IRB.rc_file("_history") unless hist if File.exist?(hist) open(hist) do |f| f.each {|l| HISTORY << l.chomp} end end end end end IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 1000 # List contents of directory def ls(*args) puts `ls #{args.map { |x| "'#{x}'" } * ' '}` end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' && defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) require 'logger' $real_logger = Logger.new(STDERR) $logger = Tins::NULL def irb_toggle_logging case $logger when Tins::NULL $logger = $real_logger when Logger $logger = Tins::NULL end end end