module Blogit module PostsHelper # Creates a div tag with class 'blog_post_' + name # Eg: # blog_post_tag(:title, "") # =>
def blog_post_tag(name, content_or_options = {}, options ={}, &block) if block_given? content = capture(&block) options = content_or_options else content = content_or_options end options[:class] = "#{options[:class]} blog_post_#{name}".strip content_tag(name, content, options) end # A comments tag corresponding to the comments configuration def comments_for(post) render(partial: "blogit/posts/#{Blogit.configuration.include_comments}_comments", locals: { post: post, comment: }) end # A share bar as configured def share_bar_for(post) if !Blogit.configuration.include_share_bar "" else render(partial: "blogit/posts/share_bar", locals: { post: post}) end end # Creates a ul tag tree with posts by year and monthes. Include # blogit/archive.js to enabled expand collapse. # @param year_css [String, Symbol] The CSS class of the year UL tag # @param month_css [String, Symbol] The CSS class of the month UL tag # @param post_css [String, Symbol] The CSS class of the year LI tag # @param archive_posts [ActiveRecord::Relation, Array] The posts to be included in the archive (defaults to Post.all) def blog_posts_archive_tag(year_css, month_css, post_css, archive_posts = Post.all) posts_tree = archive_posts.chunk {|post| post.created_at.year}.map do |year, posts_of_year| [year, posts_of_year.chunk {|post| l(post.created_at, format: :plain_month_only) }] end result = [] result << "" result.join.html_safe end end end