Feature: Creating a Snowplow cookie Background: Given the host is 'www.simplybusiness.co.uk' And the domain_userid is 'domain_user_id' And the time is '2015-01-22 15:26:31 +0000' Scenario: The cookie should apply to the root path (/) When I create a Snowplow cookie Then the cookie has the path '/' Scenario Outline: The cookie should apply for all domains under the top-level domain (no domain for localhost or IP addresses, however) Given the host is '' When I create a Snowplow cookie Then the cookie has the domain '' Examples: | host | cookie domain | | localhost | | | | | | | | | www.simplybusiness.co.uk | .simplybusiness.co.uk | | www.quote.simplybusiness.co.uk | .simplybusiness.co.uk | | simplybusiness.co.uk | .simplybusiness.co.uk | | www.simplybusiness.com | .simplybusiness.com | Scenario Outline: The cookie should be named using the _sp_id prefix, followed by a 4 character hash generated from the top-level domain and root path Given the host is '' When I create a Snowplow cookie Then the cookie has the name '' Examples: | host | cookie name | | localhost | _sp_id.1fff | | | _sp_id.dc78 | | | _sp_id.f0ae | | www.simplybusiness.co.uk | _sp_id.8fb9 | | www.quote.simplybusiness.co.uk | _sp_id.8fb9 | | simplybusiness.co.uk | _sp_id.8fb9 | | www.simplybusiness.com | _sp_id.bdbc | Scenario: The cookie should expire after 2 years When I create a Snowplow cookie Then the cookie expires at '2017-01-22 15:26:31 +0000' Scenario: The cookie's value should be in the following format: domain_userid.createTs.visitCount.nowTs.lastVisitTs When I create a Snowplow cookie Then the cookie value is 'domain_user_id.1421940391.0.1421940391.' And the cookie value for 'domain_userid' is 'domain_user_id' And the cookie value for 'createTs' is '1421940391' And the cookie value for 'visitCount' is '0' And the cookie value for 'nowTs' is '1421940391' And the cookie value for 'lastVisitTs' is ''