# # Copyright 2012 Mortar Data Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' require 'fakefs/spec_helpers' require 'mortar/command/describe' require 'mortar/api/describe' require 'launchy' module Mortar::Command describe Describe do before(:each) do stub_core @git = Mortar::Git::Git.new end context("index") do it "errors when an alias is not provided" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| write_file(File.join(p.pigscripts_path, "my_script.pig")) stderr, stdout = execute("describe pigscripts/my_script.pig", p) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Usage: mortar describe PIGSCRIPT ALIAS ! Must specify PIGSCRIPT and ALIAS. STDERR end end it "errors when no remote exists in the project" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| @git.git('remote rm mortar') p.remote = nil write_file(File.join(p.pigscripts_path, "my_script.pig")) stderr, stdout = execute("describe pigscripts/my_script.pig my_alias", p, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Unable to find git remote for project myproject STDERR end end it "errors when requested pigscript cannot be found with old pigscript access style" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| stderr, stdout = execute("describe does_not_exist my_alias", p, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Unable to find a pigscript or controlscript for does_not_exist ! ! No pigscripts found ! ! No controlscripts found STDERR end end it "errors when requested pigscript cannot be found with new full-path pigscript access style" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| stderr, stdout = execute("describe pigscripts/does_not_exist.pig my_alias", p, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Unable to find a pigscript or controlscript for pigscripts/does_not_exist.pig ! ! No pigscripts found ! ! No controlscripts found STDERR end end it "errors when requested with controlscript" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| write_file(File.join(p.controlscripts_path, "my_script.py")) stderr, stdout = execute("describe my_script my_alias", p, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Currently Mortar does not support describing control scripts STDERR end end it "requests and reports on a successful describe using deprecated no-path pigscript syntax" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| # stub api requests describe_id = "c571a8c7f76a4fd4a67c103d753e2dd5" describe_url = "https://api.mortardata.com/describe/#{describe_id}" parameters = ["name"=>"key", "value"=>"value" ] mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_describe("myproject", "my_script", "my_alias", is_a(String), :parameters => parameters) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"describe_id" => describe_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_QUEUED, "status_description" => "Pending"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_GATEWAY_STARTING, "status_description" => "Gateway starting"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_PROGRESS, "status_description" => "Starting pig"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_SUCCESS, "status_description" => "Success", "web_result_url" => describe_url})).ordered # stub launchy mock(Launchy).open(describe_url) {Thread.new {}} write_file(File.join(p.pigscripts_path, "my_script.pig")) stderr, stdout = execute("describe my_script my_alias --polling_interval 0.05 -p key=value", p, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDOUT Taking code snapshot... done Sending code snapshot to Mortar... done Starting describe... done \r\e[0K[/] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors...\r\e[0K[-] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors...\r\e[0K[\\] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors...\r\e[0K[|] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors... Results available at https://api.mortardata.com/describe/c571a8c7f76a4fd4a67c103d753e2dd5 Opening web browser to show results... done STDOUT end end it "requests and reports on a successful describe using new full path pigscript syntax" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| # stub api requests describe_id = "c571a8c7f76a4fd4a67c103d753e2dd5" describe_url = "https://api.mortardata.com/describe/#{describe_id}" parameters = ["name"=>"key", "value"=>"value" ] mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_describe("myproject", "my_script", "my_alias", is_a(String), :parameters => parameters) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"describe_id" => describe_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_QUEUED, "status_description" => "Pending"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_GATEWAY_STARTING, "status_description" => "Gateway starting"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_PROGRESS, "status_description" => "Starting pig"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_SUCCESS, "status_description" => "Success", "web_result_url" => describe_url})).ordered # stub launchy mock(Launchy).open(describe_url) {Thread.new {}} write_file(File.join(p.pigscripts_path, "my_script.pig")) stderr, stdout = execute("describe pigscripts/my_script.pig my_alias --polling_interval 0.05 -p key=value", p, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDOUT Taking code snapshot... done Sending code snapshot to Mortar... done Starting describe... done \r\e[0K[/] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors...\r\e[0K[-] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors...\r\e[0K[\\] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors...\r\e[0K[|] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors... Results available at https://api.mortardata.com/describe/c571a8c7f76a4fd4a67c103d753e2dd5 Opening web browser to show results... done STDOUT end end it "requests and reports on a failed describe" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| # stub api requests describe_id = "c571a8c7f76a4fd4a67c103d753e2dd5" error_message = "This is my error message\nWith multiple lines." line_number = 23 column_number = 32 error_type = 'PigError' mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_describe("myproject", "my_script", "my_alias", is_a(String), :parameters => []) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"describe_id" => describe_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_QUEUED, "status_description" => "Pending"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_FAILURE, "status_description" => "Failed", "error_message" => error_message, "line_number" => line_number, "column_number" => column_number, "error_type" => error_type})).ordered write_file(File.join(p.pigscripts_path, "my_script.pig")) stderr, stdout = execute("describe pigscripts/my_script.pig my_alias --polling_interval 0.05", p, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDOUT Taking code snapshot... done Sending code snapshot to Mortar... done Starting describe... done \r\e[0K[/] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors...\r\e[0K[-] Calculating schema for my_alias and ancestors... STDOUT stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Describe failed with PigError at Line 23, Column 32: ! ! This is my error message ! With multiple lines. STDERR end end end it "requests and reports a describe for an embedded project" do with_embedded_project do |p| # stub api requests describe_id = "c571a8c7f76a4fd4a67c103d753e2dd5" describe_url = "https://api.mortardata.com/describe/#{describe_id}" parameters = ["name"=>"key", "value"=>"value" ] mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_describe("myproject", "my_script", "my_alias", is_a(String), :parameters => parameters) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"describe_id" => describe_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_QUEUED, "status_description" => "Pending"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_GATEWAY_STARTING, "status_description" => "Gateway starting"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_PROGRESS, "status_description" => "Starting pig"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_describe(describe_id, :exclude_result => true).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_code" => Mortar::API::Describe::STATUS_SUCCESS, "status_description" => "Success", "web_result_url" => describe_url})).ordered mock(@git).sync_embedded_project.with_any_args.times(1) { "somewhere_over_the_rainbow" } # stub launchy mock(Launchy).open(describe_url) {Thread.new {}} write_file(File.join(p.pigscripts_path, "my_script.pig")) stderr, stdout = execute("describe pigscripts/my_script.pig my_alias --polling_interval 0.05 -p key=value", p, @git) end end end end