require "test_helper" # Tests around {}. class OperationTest < Minitest::Spec class Noop < Trailblazer::Operation def self.capture_circuit_options((ctx, flow_options), **circuit_options) ctx[:capture_circuit_options] = circuit_options.keys.inspect return Trailblazer::Activity::Right, [ctx, flow_options] end step task: method(:capture_circuit_options) end # Mixing keywords and string keys in {}. # Test that {.(params: {}, "current_user" => user)} is processed properly it "doesn't mistake circuit options as ctx variables when using circuit-interface" do signal, (ctx, _) = [{params: {}}, {}], # real circuit_options variable_for_circuit_options: true ) # call_with_public_interface #@ {:variable_for_circuit_options} is not supposed to be in {ctx}. assert_equal CU.inspect(ctx), %({:params=>{}, :capture_circuit_options=>"[:variable_for_circuit_options, :exec_context, :activity, :runner]"}) end it "doesn't mistake circuit options as ctx variables when using the call interface" do result = params: {}, model: true, "current_user" => Object ) # call with public interface. #@ {:variable_for_circuit_options} is not supposed to be in {ctx}. assert_result result, {params: {}, model: true, current_user: Object, capture_circuit_options: "[:wrap_runtime, :activity, :exec_context, :runner]"} end #@ {#call_with_public_interface} it "doesn't mistake circuit options as ctx variables when using circuit-interface" do result = Noop.call_with_public_interface( {params: {}}, {}, variable_for_circuit_options: true ) # call_with_public_interface has two positional args, and kwargs for {circuit_options}. assert_result result, {params: {}, capture_circuit_options: "[:variable_for_circuit_options, :wrap_runtime, :activity, :exec_context, :runner]"} # assert_equal result.inspect, %({}} mutable_options={:capture_circuit_options=>\"[:variable_for_circuit_options, :wrap_runtime, :activity, :exec_context, :runner]\"}> >) end end # TODO: remove this test as many cases are covered via autogenerated activity tests. class DeclarativeApiTest < Minitest::Spec it "doesn't invoke {call} twice when using public interface" do class MyOp < Trailblazer::Operation @@GLOBAL = [] def; @@GLOBAL; end def*args) @@GLOBAL << :call super end pass :model def model(ctx, **) @@GLOBAL << :model end end MyOp.({}) assert_equal, %{[:call, :model]} end #--- #- step, pass, fail # Test: step/pass/fail # * do they deviate properly? class Create < Trailblazer::Operation step :decide! pass :wasnt_ok! pass :was_ok! fail :return_true! left :return_false! step :bla, input: ->(ctx, *) { {id: ctx.inspect} }, output: ->(scope, ctx) { ctx["hello"] = scope["1"]; ctx } def bla(ctx, id:1, **) puts id true end def decide!(options, decide: raise, **) options["a"] = true decide end def wasnt_ok!(options, **) options["y"] = false end def was_ok!(options, **) options["x"] = true end def return_true!(options, **); options["b"] = true end def return_false!(options, **); options["c"] = false end end it { Create.(decide: true).inspect("a", "x", "y", "b", "c").must_equal %{} } it { Create.(decide: false).inspect("a", "x", "y", "b", "c").must_equal %{} } it { Create.(decide: nil).keys.must_equal(%i(decide a b c)) } it { Create.(decide: nil).to_hash.must_equal(decide: nil, a: true, b: true, c: false) } #--- #- trace it do end #--- #- empty class class Noop < Trailblazer::Operation end it { Noop.().inspect("params").must_equal %{} } it { Noop.().keys.must_equal([]) } it { Noop.().to_hash.must_equal({}) } #--- #- pass #- fail class Update < Trailblazer::Operation pass ->(options, **) { options["a"] = false } step ->(options, params: raise, **) { options["b"] = params[:decide] } fail ->(options, **) { options["c"] = true } end it { Update.("params" => {decide: true}).inspect("a", "b", "c").must_equal %{} } it { Update.("params" => {decide: false}).inspect("a", "b", "c").must_equal %{} } #--- #- inheritance class Upsert < Update step ->(options, **) { options["d"] = 1 } end class Unset < Upsert step ->(options, **) { options["e"] = 2 } end class Aliases < Update def self.flow_options_for_public_call(*) { context_options: { aliases: { 'b' => :settle }, container_class: Trailblazer::Context::Container::WithAliases, } } end end it "allows to inherit" do Upsert.("params" => {decide: true}).inspect("a", "b", "c", "d", "e").must_equal %{} Unset. ("params" => {decide: true}).inspect("a", "b", "c", "d", "e").must_equal %{} end #--- #- ctx container it do options = { "params" => {decide: true} } # Default call result = Update.(options) result.inspect("a", "b", "c").must_equal %{} # Circuit interface call signal, (ctx, _) = Update.([Update.options_for_public_call(options), {}], **{}) signal.inspect.must_equal %{#} assert_equal ctx.inspect, %(# {:decide=>true}}} mutable_options=#{{"a" => false, "b" => true}}>) # Call by passing aliases as an argument. # This uses {#call}'s second positional argument. if >="3.0.0") result = Update.( options, { context_options: { aliases: { 'b' => :settle }, container_class: Trailblazer::Context::Container::WithAliases, } } ) else result = Update.call_with_flow_options( options, { context_options: { aliases: { 'b' => :settle }, container_class: Trailblazer::Context::Container::WithAliases, } }, ) end result[:settle].must_equal true # Set aliases by overriding `flow_options` at the compile time. result = Aliases.(options) result[:settle].must_equal true end end