#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest') require 'mocha' require 'puppettest' require 'puppet/util/settings' require 'puppettest/parsertesting' class TestSettings < Test::Unit::TestCase include PuppetTest include PuppetTest::ParserTesting Setting = Puppet::Util::Settings::Setting BooleanSetting = Puppet::Util::Settings::BooleanSetting def setup super @config = mkconfig end def set_configs(config = nil) config ||= @config config.setdefaults( "main", :one => ["a", "one"], :two => ["a", "two"], :yay => ["/default/path", "boo"], :mkusers => [true, "uh, yeah"], :name => ["testing", "a"] ) config.setdefaults( "section1", :attr => ["a", "one"], :attrdir => ["/another/dir", "two"], :attr3 => ["$attrdir/maybe", "boo"] ) end def check_for_users count = Puppet::Type.type(:user).inject(0) { |c,o| c + 1 } assert(count > 0, "Found no users") end def test_to_config set_configs newc = mkconfig set_configs(newc) # Reset all of the values, so we know they're changing. newc.each do |name, obj| next if name == :name newc[name] = true end newfile = tempfile File.open(newfile, "w") { |f| @config.to_config.split("\n").each do |line| # Uncomment the settings, so they actually take. if line =~ / = / f.puts line.sub(/^\s*#/, '') else f.puts line end end } newc.setdefaults :section, :config => [newfile, "eh"] assert_nothing_raised("Could not parse generated configuration") { newc.parse } @config.each do |name, object| assert_equal(@config[name], newc[name], "Parameter #{name} is not the same") end end def mkconfig c = Puppet::Util::Settings.new c.setdefaults :main, :noop => [false, "foo"] c end def test_addbools assert_nothing_raised { @config.setdefaults(:testing, :booltest => [true, "testing"]) } assert(@config[:booltest]) @config = mkconfig assert_nothing_raised { @config.setdefaults(:testing, :booltest => ["true", "testing"]) } assert(@config[:booltest]) assert_nothing_raised { @config[:booltest] = false } assert(! @config[:booltest], "Booltest is not false") assert_nothing_raised { @config[:booltest] = "false" } assert(! @config[:booltest], "Booltest is not false") assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @config[:booltest] = "yayness" } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @config[:booltest] = "/some/file" } end def test_strings val = "this is a string" assert_nothing_raised { @config.setdefaults(:testing, :strtest => [val, "testing"]) } assert_equal(val, @config[:strtest]) # Verify that variables are interpolated assert_nothing_raised { @config.setdefaults(:testing, :another => ["another $strtest", "testing"]) } assert_equal("another #{val}", @config[:another]) end def test_files c = mkconfig parent = "/puppet" assert_nothing_raised { @config.setdefaults(:testing, :parentdir => [parent, "booh"]) } assert_nothing_raised { @config.setdefaults(:testing, :child => ["$parent/child", "rah"]) } assert_equal(parent, @config[:parentdir]) assert_equal("/puppet/child", File.join(@config[:parentdir], "child")) end def test_getset initial = "an initial value" assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @config[:yayness] = initial } default = "this is a default" assert_nothing_raised { @config.setdefaults(:testing, :yayness => [default, "rah"]) } assert_equal(default, @config[:yayness]) assert_nothing_raised { @config[:yayness] = initial } assert_equal(initial, @config[:yayness]) assert_nothing_raised { @config.clear } assert_equal(default, @config[:yayness], "'clear' did not remove old values") assert_nothing_raised { @config[:yayness] = "not default" } assert_equal("not default", @config[:yayness]) end def test_parse_file text = %{ one = this is a test two = another test owner = root group = root yay = /a/path [main] four = five six = seven [section1] attr = value owner = puppet group = puppet attrdir = /some/dir attr3 = $attrdir/other } file = tempfile File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts text } result = nil assert_nothing_raised { result = @config.send(:parse_file, file) } main = result[:main] assert(main, "Did not get section for main") { :one => "this is a test", :two => "another test", :owner => "root", :group => "root", :yay => "/a/path", :four => "five", :six => "seven" }.each do |param, value| assert_equal(value, main[param], "Param #{param} was not set correctly in main") end section1 = result[:section1] assert(section1, "Did not get section1") { :attr => "value", :owner => "puppet", :group => "puppet", :attrdir => "/some/dir", :attr3 => "$attrdir/other" }.each do |param, value| assert_equal(value, section1[param], "Param #{param} was not set correctly in section1") end end def test_arghandling c = mkconfig assert_nothing_raised { @config.setdefaults( "testing", :onboolean => [true, "An on bool"], :offboolean => [false, "An off bool"], :string => ["a string", "A string arg"], :file => ["/path/to/file", "A file arg"] ) } data = { :onboolean => [true, false], :offboolean => [true, false], :string => ["one string", "another string"], :file => %w{/a/file /another/file} } data.each { |param, values| values.each { |val| opt = nil arg = nil if @config.boolean?(param) if val opt = "--#{param}" else opt = "--no-#{param}" end else opt = "--#{param}" arg = val end assert_nothing_raised("Could not handle arg #{opt} with value #{val}") { @config.handlearg(opt, arg) } } } end def test_addargs @config.setdefaults( "testing", :onboolean => [true, "An on bool"], :offboolean => [false, "An off bool"], :string => ["a string", "A string arg"], :file => ["/path/to/file", "A file arg"] ) should = [] @config.each { |name, element| element.expects(:getopt_args).returns([name]) should << name } result = [] assert_nothing_raised("Add args failed") do @config.addargs(result) end assert_equal(should, result, "Did not call addargs correctly.") end def test_addargs_functional @config = Puppet::Util::Settings.new @config.setdefaults( "testing", :onboolean => [true, "An on bool"], :string => ["a string", "A string arg"] ) result = [] should = [] assert_nothing_raised("Add args failed") do @config.addargs(result) end @config.each do |name, element| if name == :onboolean should << ["--onboolean", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] should << ["--no-onboolean", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] elsif name == :string should << ["--string", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT] end end assert_equal(should, result, "Add args functional test failed") end def test_groupsetting cfile = tempfile group = "yayness" File.open(cfile, "w") do |f| f.puts "[main] group = #{group} " end config = mkconfig config.setdefaults(Puppet[:name], :group => ["puppet", "a group"], :config => [cfile, "eh"]) assert_nothing_raised { config.parse } assert_equal(group, config[:group], "Group did not take") end # provide a method to modify and create files w/out specifying the info # already stored in a config def test_writingfiles File.umask(0022) path = tempfile mode = 0644 config = mkconfig args = { :default => path, :mode => mode, :desc => "yay" } user = nonrootuser group = nonrootgroup if Puppet.features.root? args[:owner] = user.name args[:group] = group.name end config.setdefaults(:testing, :myfile => args) assert_nothing_raised { config.write(:myfile) do |file| file.puts "yay" end } assert_equal(mode, filemode(path), "Modes are not equal") # OS X is broken in how it chgrps files if Puppet.features.root? assert_equal(user.uid, File.stat(path).uid, "UIDS are not equal") case Facter["operatingsystem"].value when /BSD/, "Darwin" # nothing else assert_equal(group.gid, File.stat(path).gid, "GIDS are not equal") end end end def test_mkdir File.umask(0022) path = tempfile mode = 0755 config = mkconfig args = { :default => path, :mode => mode, :desc => "a file" } user = nonrootuser group = nonrootgroup if Puppet.features.root? args[:owner] = user.name args[:group] = group.name end config.setdefaults(:testing, :mydir => args) assert_nothing_raised { config.mkdir(:mydir) } assert_equal(mode, filemode(path), "Modes are not equal") # OS X and *BSD is broken in how it chgrps files if Puppet.features.root? assert_equal(user.uid, File.stat(path).uid, "UIDS are not equal") case Facter["operatingsystem"].value when /BSD/, "Darwin" # nothing else assert_equal(group.gid, File.stat(path).gid, "GIDS are not equal") end end end # Make sure that tags are ignored when configuring def test_configs_ignore_tags config = mkconfig file = tempfile config.setdefaults( :mysection, :mydir => [file, "a file"] ) Puppet[:tags] = "yayness" assert_nothing_raised { config.use(:mysection) } assert(FileTest.directory?(file), "Directory did not get created") assert_equal( "yayness", Puppet[:tags], "Tags got changed during config") end def test_configs_replace_in_url config = mkconfig config.setdefaults(:mysection, :host => ["yayness", "yay"]) config.setdefaults(:mysection, :url => ["http://$host/rahness", "yay"]) val = nil assert_nothing_raised { val = config[:url] } assert_equal( "http://yayness/rahness", val, "Settings got messed up") end def test_correct_type_assumptions file = Puppet::Util::Settings::FileSetting setting = Puppet::Util::Settings::Setting bool = Puppet::Util::Settings::BooleanSetting # We have to keep these ordered, unfortunately. [ ["/this/is/a/file", file], ["true", bool], [true, bool], ["false", bool], ["server", setting], ["http://$server/yay", setting], ["$server/yayness", file], ["$server/yayness.conf", file] ].each do |ary| config = mkconfig value, type = ary name = value.to_s + "_setting" assert_nothing_raised { config.setdefaults(:yayness, name => { :default => value, :desc => name.to_s}) } elem = config.setting(name) assert_instance_of( type, elem, "#{value.inspect} got created as wrong type") end end def test_parse_removes_quotes config = mkconfig config.setdefaults(:mysection, :singleq => ["single", "yay"]) config.setdefaults(:mysection, :doubleq => ["double", "yay"]) config.setdefaults(:mysection, :none => ["noquote", "yay"]) config.setdefaults(:mysection, :middle => ["midquote", "yay"]) file = tempfile # Set one parameter in the file File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts %{[main]\n singleq = 'one' doubleq = "one" none = one middle = mid"quote } } config.setdefaults(:mysection, :config => [file, "eh"]) assert_nothing_raised { config.parse } %w{singleq doubleq none}.each do |p| assert_equal("one", config[p], "#{p} did not match") end assert_equal('mid"quote', config["middle"], "middle did not match") end # Test that config parameters correctly call passed-in blocks when the value # is set. def test_paramblocks config = mkconfig testing = nil assert_nothing_raised do config.setdefaults :test, :blocktest => {:default => "yay", :desc => "boo", :hook => proc { |value| testing = value }} end elem = config.setting(:blocktest) assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal("yay", elem.value) end assert_nothing_raised do config[:blocktest] = "yaytest" end assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal("yaytest", elem.value) end assert_equal("yaytest", testing) assert_nothing_raised do config[:blocktest] = "another" end assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal("another", elem.value) end assert_equal("another", testing) # Now verify it works from setdefault assert_nothing_raised do config.setdefaults :test, :blocktest2 => { :default => "yay", :desc => "yay", :hook => proc { |v| testing = v } } end assert_equal("yay", config[:blocktest2]) assert_nothing_raised do config[:blocktest2] = "footest" end assert_equal("footest", config[:blocktest2]) assert_equal("footest", testing) end def test_no_modify_root config = mkconfig config.setdefaults( :yay, :mydir => {:default => tempfile, :mode => 0644, :owner => "root", :group => "service", :desc => "yay" }, :mkusers => [false, "yay"] ) assert_nothing_raised do config.use(:yay) end # Now enable it so they'll be added config[:mkusers] = true comp = config.to_catalog comp.vertices.find_all { |r| r.class.name == :user }.each do |u| assert(u.name != "root", "Tried to manage root user") end comp.vertices.find_all { |r| r.class.name == :group }.each do |u| assert(u.name != "root", "Tried to manage root group") assert(u.name != "wheel", "Tried to manage wheel group") end # assert(yay, "Did not find yay component") # yay.each do |c| # puts @config.ref # end # assert(! yay.find { |o| o.class.name == :user and o.name == "root" }, # "Found root user") # assert(! yay.find { |o| o.class.name == :group and o.name == "root" }, # "Found root group") end # #415 def test_remove_trailing_spaces config = mkconfig file = tempfile File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts "rah = something " } config.setdefaults(:yay, :config => [file, "eh"], :rah => ["testing", "a desc"]) assert_nothing_raised { config.parse } assert_equal("something", config[:rah], "did not remove trailing whitespace in parsing") end # #484 def test_parsing_unknown_variables logstore config = mkconfig file = tempfile File.open(file, "w") { |f| f.puts %{[main]\n one = one two = yay } } config.setdefaults(:mysection, :config => [file, "eh"], :one => ["yay", "yay"]) assert_nothing_raised("Unknown parameter threw an exception") do config.parse end end def test_multiple_interpolations @config.setdefaults( :section, :one => ["oneval", "yay"], :two => ["twoval", "yay"], :three => ["$one/$two", "yay"] ) assert_equal( "oneval/twoval", @config[:three], "Did not interpolate multiple variables") end # Make sure we can replace ${style} var names def test_curly_replacements @config.setdefaults( :section, :one => ["oneval", "yay"], :two => ["twoval", "yay"], :three => ["$one/${two}/${one}/$two", "yay"] ) assert_equal( "oneval/twoval/oneval/twoval", @config[:three], "Did not interpolate curlied variables") end # Test to make sure that we can set and get a short name def test_setting_short_name setting= nil assert_nothing_raised("Could not create setting") do setting= Setting.new :short => "n", :desc => "anything", :settings => Puppet::Util::Settings.new end assert_equal("n", setting.short, "Short value is not retained") assert_raise(ArgumentError,"Allowed multicharactered short names.") do setting= Setting.new :short => "no", :desc => "anything", :settings => Puppet::Util::Settings.new end end # Test to make sure that no two celements have the same short name def test_celement_short_name_not_duplicated config = mkconfig assert_nothing_raised("Could not create celement with short name.") do config.setdefaults( :main, :one => { :default => "blah", :desc => "anything", :short => "o" }) end assert_nothing_raised("Could not create second celement with short name.") do config.setdefaults( :main, :two => { :default => "blah", :desc => "anything", :short => "i" }) end assert_raise(ArgumentError, "Could create second celement with duplicate short name.") do config.setdefaults( :main, :three => { :default => "blah", :desc => "anything", :short => "i" }) end # make sure that when the above raises an expection that the config is not included assert(!config.include?(:three), "Invalid configuration item was retained") end # Tell getopt which arguments are valid def test_get_getopt_args element = Setting.new :name => "foo", :desc => "anything", :settings => Puppet::Util::Settings.new assert_equal([["--foo", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]], element.getopt_args, "Did not produce appropriate getopt args") element.short = "n" assert_equal([["--foo", "-n", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]], element.getopt_args, "Did not produce appropriate getopt args") element = BooleanSetting.new :name => "foo", :desc => "anything", :settings => Puppet::Util::Settings.new assert_equal( [["--foo", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ["--no-foo", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]], element.getopt_args, "Did not produce appropriate getopt args") element.short = "n" assert_equal( [["--foo", "-n", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],["--no-foo", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]], element.getopt_args, "Did not produce appropriate getopt args") end end