package; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; import javax.validation.constraints.Max; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue; import; import com.treasuredata.api.TdApiClient; import com.treasuredata.api.TdApiClientConfig; import com.treasuredata.api.TdApiClientConfig.HttpProxyConfig; import com.treasuredata.api.TdApiConflictException; import com.treasuredata.api.TdApiNotFoundException; import com.treasuredata.api.model.TDBulkImportSession; import com.treasuredata.api.model.TDBulkImportSession.ImportStatus; import com.treasuredata.api.model.TDTable; import com.treasuredata.api.model.TDColumn; import com.treasuredata.api.model.TDColumnType; import com.treasuredata.api.model.TDPrimitiveColumnType; import org.embulk.config.TaskReport; import org.embulk.config.Config; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDefault; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDiff; import org.embulk.config.ConfigSource; import org.embulk.config.ConfigException; import org.embulk.config.Task; import org.embulk.config.TaskSource; import; import org.embulk.spi.DataException; import org.embulk.spi.Exec; import org.embulk.spi.ColumnVisitor; import org.embulk.spi.ExecSession; import org.embulk.spi.OutputPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.Schema; import org.embulk.spi.Column; import org.embulk.spi.TransactionalPageOutput; import org.embulk.spi.time.Timestamp; import org.embulk.spi.time.TimestampFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.msgpack.MessagePack; import org.msgpack.unpacker.Unpacker; import org.msgpack.unpacker.UnpackerIterator; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class TdOutputPlugin implements OutputPlugin { public interface PluginTask extends Task, TimestampFormatter.Task { @Config("apikey") public String getApiKey(); @Config("endpoint") @ConfigDefault("\"\"") public String getEndpoint(); @Config("use_ssl") @ConfigDefault("true") public boolean getUseSsl(); @Config("http_proxy") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getHttpProxy(); // TODO connect_timeout, read_timeout, send_timeout @Config("mode") @ConfigDefault("\"append\"") public Mode getMode(); @Config("auto_create_table") @ConfigDefault("true") public boolean getAutoCreateTable(); @Config("database") public String getDatabase(); @Config("table") public String getTable(); public void setLoadTargetTableName(String name); public String getLoadTargetTableName(); @Config("session") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getSession(); @Config("default_timestamp_type_convert_to") @ConfigDefault("\"string\"") public ConvertTimestampType getConvertTimestampType(); @Config("time_column") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getTimeColumn(); @Config("time_value") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getTimeValue(); // TODO allow timestamp format such as {from: "2015-01-01 00:00:00 UTC", to: "2015-01-02 00:00:00 UTC"} as well as unixtime integer public void setTimeValue(Optional timeValue); @Config("unix_timestamp_unit") @ConfigDefault("\"sec\"") public UnixTimestampUnit getUnixTimestampUnit(); @Config("tmpdir") @ConfigDefault("\"/tmp\"") public String getTempDir(); @Config("upload_concurrency") @ConfigDefault("2") @Min(1) @Max(8) public int getUploadConcurrency(); @Config("file_split_size") @ConfigDefault("16384") // default 16MB (unit: kb) public long getFileSplitSize(); @Override @Config("default_timestamp_format") // SQL timestamp with milliseconds is, by defualt, used because Hive and Presto use // those format. As timestamp type, Presto // * cannot parse SQL timestamp with timezone like '2015-02-03 04:05:06.789 UTC' // * cannot parse SQL timestamp with nanoseconds like '2015-02-03 04:05:06.789012345' // * cannot parse SQL timestamp with microseconds like '2015-02-03 04:05:06.789012' // * can parse SQL timestamp with milliseconds like '2015-02-03 04:05:06.789' // On the other hand, Hive // * cannot parse SQL timestamp with timezone like '2015-02-03 04:05:06.789 UTC' // * can parse SQL timestamp with nanoseconds like '2015-02-03 04:05:06.789012345' // * can parse SQL timestamp with microseconds like '2015-02-03 04:05:06.789012' // * can parse SQL timestamp with milliseconds like '2015-02-03 04:05:06.789' @ConfigDefault("\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N\"") public String getDefaultTimestampFormat(); @Config("column_options") @ConfigDefault("{}") public Map getColumnOptions(); @Config("stop_on_invalid_record") @ConfigDefault("false") boolean getStopOnInvalidRecord(); @Config("displayed_error_records_count_limit") @ConfigDefault("10") @Min(0) int getDisplayedErrorRecordsCountLimit(); public boolean getDoUpload(); public void setDoUpload(boolean doUpload); public String getSessionName(); public void setSessionName(String session); } public interface TimestampColumnOption extends Task, TimestampFormatter.TimestampColumnOption {} public enum Mode { APPEND, REPLACE, TRUNCATE; @JsonCreator public static Mode fromConfig(String value) { switch(value) { case "append": return APPEND; case "replace": return REPLACE; case "truncate": return TRUNCATE; default: throw new ConfigException(String.format("Unknown mode '%s'. Supported modes are [append, replace, truncate]", value)); } } @JsonValue public String toString() { switch(this) { case APPEND: return "append"; case REPLACE: return "replace"; case TRUNCATE: return "truncate"; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } public interface HttpProxyTask extends Task { @Config("host") public String getHost(); @Config("port") public int getPort(); @Config("use_ssl") @ConfigDefault("false") public boolean getUseSsl(); } public static enum ConvertTimestampType { STRING(-1), //SEC_DOUBLE(-1), // TODO SEC(1); //MILLI(1000), // TODO //MICRO(1000000), // TODO //NANO(1000000000); // TODO private final int unit; private ConvertTimestampType(int unit) { this.unit = unit; } public int getFractionUnit() { return unit; } @JsonCreator public static ConvertTimestampType of(String s) { switch (s) { case "string": return STRING; //case "sec_double": return SEC_DOUBLE; case "sec": return SEC; //case "milli": return MILLI; //case "micro": return MICRO; //case "nano": return NANO; default: throw new ConfigException( String.format("Unknown convert_timestamp_type '%s'. Supported units are string, sec, milli, micro, nano, and sec_double", s)); } } @JsonValue @Override public String toString() { return name().toLowerCase(); } } public static enum UnixTimestampUnit { SEC(1), MILLI(1000), MICRO(1000000), NANO(1000000000); private final int unit; private UnixTimestampUnit(int unit) { this.unit = unit; } public int getFractionUnit() { return unit; } @JsonCreator public static UnixTimestampUnit of(String s) { switch (s) { case "sec": return SEC; case "milli": return MILLI; case "micro": return MICRO; case "nano": return NANO; default: throw new ConfigException( String.format("Unknown unix_timestamp_unit '%s'. Supported units are sec, milli, micro, and nano", s)); } } @JsonValue @Override public String toString() { return name().toLowerCase(); } } private final Logger log; public TdOutputPlugin() { this.log = Exec.getLogger(getClass()); } public ConfigDiff transaction(final ConfigSource config, final Schema schema, int processorCount, OutputPlugin.Control control) { final PluginTask task = config.loadConfig(PluginTask.class); // check column_options is valid or not checkColumnOptions(schema, task.getColumnOptions()); // generate session name task.setSessionName(buildBulkImportSessionName(task, Exec.session())); try (TdApiClient client = newTdApiClient(task)) { String databaseName = task.getDatabase(); String tableName = task.getTable(); switch (task.getMode()) { case APPEND: if (task.getAutoCreateTable()) { // auto_create_table is valid only with append mode (replace mode always creates a new table) createTableIfNotExists(client, databaseName, tableName); } else { // check if the database and/or table exist or not validateTableExists(client, databaseName, tableName); } task.setLoadTargetTableName(tableName); break; case REPLACE: case TRUNCATE: task.setLoadTargetTableName( createTemporaryTableWithPrefix(client, databaseName, makeTablePrefix(task))); break; } // validate FieldWriterSet configuration before transaction is started RecordWriter.validateSchema(log, task, schema); return doRun(client, schema, task, control); } } public ConfigDiff resume(TaskSource taskSource, Schema schema, int processorCount, OutputPlugin.Control control) { PluginTask task = taskSource.loadTask(PluginTask.class); try (TdApiClient client = newTdApiClient(task)) { return doRun(client, schema, task, control); } } @VisibleForTesting ConfigDiff doRun(TdApiClient client, Schema schema, PluginTask task, OutputPlugin.Control control) { boolean doUpload = startBulkImportSession(client, task.getSessionName(), task.getDatabase(), task.getLoadTargetTableName()); task.setDoUpload(doUpload);; completeBulkImportSession(client, schema, task, 0); // TODO perform job priority // commit switch (task.getMode()) { case APPEND: // already done break; case REPLACE: case TRUNCATE: // rename table renameTable(client, task.getDatabase(), task.getLoadTargetTableName(), task.getTable()); } ConfigDiff configDiff = Exec.newConfigDiff(); configDiff.set("last_session", task.getSessionName()); return configDiff; } public void cleanup(TaskSource taskSource, Schema schema, int processorCount, List successTaskReports) { PluginTask task = taskSource.loadTask(PluginTask.class); try (TdApiClient client = newTdApiClient(task)) { String sessionName = task.getSessionName();"Deleting bulk import session '{}'", sessionName); client.deleteBulkImportSession(sessionName); } } private String makeTablePrefix(PluginTask task) { return task.getTable() + "_" + task.getSessionName(); } @VisibleForTesting void checkColumnOptions(Schema schema, Map columnOptions) { for (String columnName : columnOptions.keySet()) { schema.lookupColumn(columnName); // throws SchemaConfigException } } @VisibleForTesting public TdApiClient newTdApiClient(final PluginTask task) { Optional httpProxyConfig = newHttpProxyConfig(task.getHttpProxy()); TdApiClientConfig config = new TdApiClientConfig(task.getEndpoint(), task.getUseSsl(), httpProxyConfig); TdApiClient client = new TdApiClient(task.getApiKey(), config); try { client.start(); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } return client; } private Optional newHttpProxyConfig(Optional task) { Optional httpProxyConfig; if (task.isPresent()) { HttpProxyTask pt = task.get(); httpProxyConfig = Optional.of(new HttpProxyConfig(pt.getHost(), pt.getPort(), pt.getUseSsl())); } else { httpProxyConfig = Optional.absent(); } return httpProxyConfig; } @VisibleForTesting void createTableIfNotExists(TdApiClient client, String databaseName, String tableName) { log.debug("Creating table \"{}\".\"{}\" if not exists", databaseName, tableName); try { client.createTable(databaseName, tableName); log.debug("Created table \"{}\".\"{}\"", databaseName, tableName); } catch (TdApiNotFoundException e) { try { client.createDatabase(databaseName); log.debug("Created database \"{}\"", databaseName); } catch (TdApiConflictException ex) { // ignorable error } try { client.createTable(databaseName, tableName); log.debug("Created table \"{}\".\"{}\"", databaseName, tableName); } catch (TdApiConflictException exe) { // ignorable error } } catch (TdApiConflictException e) { // ignorable error } } @VisibleForTesting String createTemporaryTableWithPrefix(TdApiClient client, String databaseName, String tablePrefix) throws TdApiConflictException { String tableName = tablePrefix; while (true) { log.debug("Creating temporal table \"{}\".\"{}\"", databaseName, tableName); try { client.createTable(databaseName, tableName); log.debug("Created temporal table \"{}\".\"{}\"", databaseName, tableName); return tableName; } catch (TdApiConflictException e) { log.debug("\"{}\".\"{}\" table already exists. Renaming temporal table.", databaseName, tableName); tableName += "_"; } } } @VisibleForTesting void validateTableExists(TdApiClient client, String databaseName, String tableName) { try { for (TDTable table : client.getTables(databaseName)) { if (table.getName().equals(tableName)) { return; } } throw new ConfigException(String.format("Table \"%s\".\"%s\" doesn't exist", databaseName, tableName)); } catch (TdApiNotFoundException ex) { throw new ConfigException(String.format("Database \"%s\" doesn't exist", databaseName), ex); } } @VisibleForTesting String buildBulkImportSessionName(PluginTask task, ExecSession exec) { if (task.getSession().isPresent()) { return task.getSession().get(); } else { Timestamp time = exec.getTransactionTime(); // TODO implement Exec.getTransactionUniqueName() return String.format("embulk_%s_%09d", DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").withZoneUTC().print(time.getEpochSecond() * 1000), time.getNano()); } } // return false if all files are already uploaded @VisibleForTesting boolean startBulkImportSession(TdApiClient client, String sessionName, String databaseName, String tableName) {"Create bulk_import session {}", sessionName); TDBulkImportSession session; try { client.createBulkImportSession(sessionName, databaseName, tableName); } catch (TdApiConflictException ex) { // ignorable error } session = client.getBulkImportSession(sessionName); // TODO check associated databaseName and tableName switch (session.getStatus()) { case UPLOADING: if (session.getUploadFrozen()) { return false; } return true; case PERFORMING: return false; case READY: return false; case COMMITTING: return false; case COMMITTED: return false; case UNKNOWN: default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown bulk import status"); } } @VisibleForTesting void completeBulkImportSession(TdApiClient client, Schema schema, PluginTask task, int priority) { String sessionName = task.getSessionName(); TDBulkImportSession session = client.getBulkImportSession(sessionName); switch (session.getStatus()) { case UPLOADING: if (!session.getUploadFrozen()) { // freeze try { client.freezeBulkImportSession(sessionName); } catch (TdApiConflictException e) { // ignorable error } } // perform client.performBulkImportSession(sessionName, priority); // pass case PERFORMING:"Performing bulk import session '{}'", sessionName); session = waitForStatusChange(client, sessionName, ImportStatus.PERFORMING, ImportStatus.READY, "perform");" job id: {}", session.getJobId()); // pass case READY: // TODO add an option to make the transaction failed if error_records or error_parts is too large // add Embulk's columns to the table schema Map newColumns = updateSchema(client, schema, task);"Committing bulk import session '{}'", sessionName);" valid records: {}", session.getValidRecords());" error records: {}", session.getErrorRecords());" valid parts: {}", session.getValidParts());" error parts: {}", session.getErrorParts()); if (!newColumns.isEmpty()) {" new columns:"); } for (Map.Entry pair : newColumns.entrySet()) {" - {}: {}", pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()); } if (session.getErrorRecords() > 0L) { showBulkImportErrorRecords(client, sessionName, (int) Math.min(session.getErrorRecords(), task.getDisplayedErrorRecordsCountLimit())); } if (session.getErrorRecords() > 0 && task.getStopOnInvalidRecord()) { throw new DataException(String.format("Stop committing because the perform job skipped %d error records", session.getErrorRecords())); } // commit client.commitBulkImportSession(sessionName); // pass case COMMITTING: session = waitForStatusChange(client, sessionName, ImportStatus.COMMITTING, ImportStatus.COMMITTED, "commit"); // pass case COMMITTED: return; case UNKNOWN: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown bulk import status"); } } Map updateSchema(TdApiClient client, Schema inputSchema, PluginTask task) { if (task.getMode() == Mode.REPLACE) { // replace mode doesn't update the table schema. return ImmutableMap.of(); } String databaseName = task.getDatabase(); TDTable table = findTable(client, databaseName, task.getTable()); if (table == null) { return new HashMap<>(); } final Map guessedSchema = new HashMap<>(); inputSchema.visitColumns(new ColumnVisitor() { public void booleanColumn(Column column) { guessedSchema.put(column.getName(), TDPrimitiveColumnType.LONG); } public void longColumn(Column column) { guessedSchema.put(column.getName(), TDPrimitiveColumnType.LONG);; } public void doubleColumn(Column column) { guessedSchema.put(column.getName(), TDPrimitiveColumnType.DOUBLE); } public void stringColumn(Column column) { guessedSchema.put(column.getName(), TDPrimitiveColumnType.STRING); } public void timestampColumn(Column column) { guessedSchema.put(column.getName(), TDPrimitiveColumnType.STRING); } }); Map usedNames = new HashMap<>(); for (TDColumn existent : table.getColumns()) { usedNames.put(new String(existent.getKey()), 1); guessedSchema.remove(existent.getName()); // don't change type of existent columns } guessedSchema.remove("time"); // don't change type of 'time' column List newSchema = new ArrayList<>(table.getColumns()); for (Map.Entry pair : guessedSchema.entrySet()) { String key = renameColumn(pair.getKey()); if (!usedNames.containsKey(key)) { usedNames.put(key, 1); } else { int next = usedNames.get(key); key = key + "_" + next; usedNames.put(key, next + 1); } newSchema.add(new TDColumn(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue(), key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } client.updateSchema(databaseName, task.getLoadTargetTableName(), newSchema); return guessedSchema; } private static TDTable findTable(TdApiClient client, String databaseName, String tableName) { for (TDTable table : client.getTables(databaseName)) { if (table.getName().equals(tableName)) { return table; } } return null; } private static final Pattern COLUMN_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\A[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*\\z"); private static final Pattern COLUMN_NAME_SQUASH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?:[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|(?:\\A[^a-zA-Z_]))+"); private static String renameColumn(String origName) { if (COLUMN_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(origName).matches()) { return origName; } return COLUMN_NAME_SQUASH_PATTERN.matcher(origName).replaceAll("_").toLowerCase(); } void showBulkImportErrorRecords(TdApiClient client, String sessionName, int recordCountLimit) {"Show {} error records", recordCountLimit); try (InputStream in = client.getBulkImportErrorRecords(sessionName)) { Unpacker unpacker = new MessagePack().createUnpacker(new GZIPInputStream(in)); UnpackerIterator records = unpacker.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < recordCountLimit; i++) {" {}",; } } catch (Exception ignored) {"Stop downloading error records", ignored); } } @VisibleForTesting TDBulkImportSession waitForStatusChange(TdApiClient client, String sessionName, ImportStatus current, ImportStatus expecting, String operation) { TDBulkImportSession importSession; while (true) { importSession = client.getBulkImportSession(sessionName); if ( { return importSession; } else if ( { // in progress } else { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Failed to %s bulk import session '%s'", operation, sessionName)); } try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } @VisibleForTesting void renameTable(TdApiClient client, String databaseName, String oldName, String newName) { log.debug("Renaming table \"{}\".\"{}\" to \"{}\"", databaseName, oldName, newName); client.renameTable(databaseName, oldName, newName, true); } @Override public TransactionalPageOutput open(TaskSource taskSource, Schema schema, int taskIndex) { final PluginTask task = taskSource.loadTask(PluginTask.class); RecordWriter closeLater = null; try { FieldWriterSet fieldWriters = new FieldWriterSet(log, task, schema); closeLater = new RecordWriter(task, taskIndex, newTdApiClient(task), fieldWriters); RecordWriter recordWriter = closeLater;; closeLater = null; return recordWriter; } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } finally { if (closeLater != null) { closeLater.close(); } } } }