require 'benchmark' require_relative '../lib/enhanced/enhanced' # Adjust the path if necessary # Define the number of iterations ITERATIONS = 10_000 EXCEPTIONS_PER_BATCH = 100 class Boo < StandardError; end def calculate_cost(time_in_seconds) milliseconds = time_in_seconds * 1000 (milliseconds / (ITERATIONS / EXCEPTIONS_PER_BATCH)).round(2) end def with_enhanced_errors EnhancedErrors.enhance_exceptions!(debug: false) ITERATIONS.times do begin foo = 'bar' @boo = 'baz' raise 'Test exception with EnhancedErrors' rescue => e e.message end end end def without_enhanced_errors ITERATIONS.times do begin foo = 'bar' @boo = 'baz' raise 'Test exception without EnhancedErrors' rescue => e e.message end end end def when_capture_only_regexp_matched EnhancedErrors.enhance_exceptions!(debug: false) do eligible_for_capture { |exception| !!/Boo/.match(exception.class.to_s) } end ITERATIONS.times do begin foo = 'bar' @boo = 'baz' raise'Test exception with EnhancedErrors') rescue => e e.message end end end def when_capture_only_regexp_did_not_match EnhancedErrors.enhance_exceptions!(debug: false) do eligible_for_capture { |exception| !!/Baz/.match(exception.class.to_s) } end ITERATIONS.times do begin foo = 'bar' @boo = 'baz' raise'Test exception with EnhancedErrors') rescue => e e.message end end end puts "Cost Exploration\n" do |x| without_time ='10k Without EnhancedErrors:') { without_enhanced_errors } with_time ='10k With EnhancedErrors:') { with_enhanced_errors } puts "\nCost per 100 exceptions (Without EnhancedErrors): #{calculate_cost(without_time.real)} ms" puts "Cost per 100 exceptions (With EnhancedErrors): #{calculate_cost(with_time.real)} ms" end puts "\nProof that if you only match the classes you care about, the cost is nominal\n" do |x| matched_time ='10k With capture_only_regexp match:') { when_capture_only_regexp_matched } not_matched_time ='10k Without capture_only_regexp match:') { when_capture_only_regexp_did_not_match } puts "\nCost per 100 exceptions (Capture Only Match): #{calculate_cost(matched_time.real)} ms" puts "Cost per 100 exceptions (No Match): #{calculate_cost(not_matched_time.real)} ms" end