// sass.hpp must go before all system headers to get the // __EXTENSIONS__ fix on Solaris. #include "sass.hpp" #include #include "util.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "values.hpp" #include "sass/functions.h" #include "sass_functions.hpp" extern "C" { using namespace Sass; Sass_Function_List ADDCALL sass_make_function_list(size_t length) { return (Sass_Function_List) calloc(length + 1, sizeof(Sass_Function_Entry)); } Sass_Function_Entry ADDCALL sass_make_function(const char* signature, Sass_Function_Fn function, void* cookie) { Sass_Function_Entry cb = (Sass_Function_Entry) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Function)); if (cb == 0) return 0; cb->signature = sass_copy_c_string(signature); cb->function = function; cb->cookie = cookie; return cb; } void ADDCALL sass_delete_function(Sass_Function_Entry entry) { free(entry->signature); free(entry); } // Deallocator for the allocated memory void ADDCALL sass_delete_function_list(Sass_Function_List list) { Sass_Function_List it = list; if (list == 0) return; while(*list) { sass_delete_function(*list); ++list; } free(it); } // Setters and getters for callbacks on function lists Sass_Function_Entry ADDCALL sass_function_get_list_entry(Sass_Function_List list, size_t pos) { return list[pos]; } void sass_function_set_list_entry(Sass_Function_List list, size_t pos, Sass_Function_Entry cb) { list[pos] = cb; } const char* ADDCALL sass_function_get_signature(Sass_Function_Entry cb) { return cb->signature; } Sass_Function_Fn ADDCALL sass_function_get_function(Sass_Function_Entry cb) { return cb->function; } void* ADDCALL sass_function_get_cookie(Sass_Function_Entry cb) { return cb->cookie; } Sass_Importer_Entry ADDCALL sass_make_importer(Sass_Importer_Fn importer, double priority, void* cookie) { Sass_Importer_Entry cb = (Sass_Importer_Entry) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Importer)); if (cb == 0) return 0; cb->importer = importer; cb->priority = priority; cb->cookie = cookie; return cb; } Sass_Importer_Fn ADDCALL sass_importer_get_function(Sass_Importer_Entry cb) { return cb->importer; } double ADDCALL sass_importer_get_priority (Sass_Importer_Entry cb) { return cb->priority; } void* ADDCALL sass_importer_get_cookie(Sass_Importer_Entry cb) { return cb->cookie; } // Just in case we have some stray import structs void ADDCALL sass_delete_importer (Sass_Importer_Entry cb) { free(cb); } // Creator for sass custom importer function list Sass_Importer_List ADDCALL sass_make_importer_list(size_t length) { return (Sass_Importer_List) calloc(length + 1, sizeof(Sass_Importer_Entry)); } // Deallocator for the allocated memory void ADDCALL sass_delete_importer_list(Sass_Importer_List list) { Sass_Importer_List it = list; if (list == 0) return; while(*list) { sass_delete_importer(*list); ++list; } free(it); } Sass_Importer_Entry ADDCALL sass_importer_get_list_entry(Sass_Importer_List list, size_t idx) { return list[idx]; } void ADDCALL sass_importer_set_list_entry(Sass_Importer_List list, size_t idx, Sass_Importer_Entry cb) { list[idx] = cb; } // Creator for sass custom importer return argument list Sass_Import_List ADDCALL sass_make_import_list(size_t length) { return (Sass_Import**) calloc(length + 1, sizeof(Sass_Import*)); } // Creator for a single import entry returned by the custom importer inside the list // We take ownership of the memory for source and srcmap (freed when context is destroyd) Sass_Import_Entry ADDCALL sass_make_import(const char* imp_path, const char* abs_path, char* source, char* srcmap) { Sass_Import* v = (Sass_Import*) calloc(1, sizeof(Sass_Import)); if (v == 0) return 0; v->imp_path = imp_path ? sass_copy_c_string(imp_path) : 0; v->abs_path = abs_path ? sass_copy_c_string(abs_path) : 0; v->source = source; v->srcmap = srcmap; v->error = 0; v->line = -1; v->column = -1; return v; } // Older style, but somehow still valid - keep around or deprecate? Sass_Import_Entry ADDCALL sass_make_import_entry(const char* path, char* source, char* srcmap) { return sass_make_import(path, path, source, srcmap); } // Upgrade a normal import entry to throw an error (original path can be re-used by error reporting) Sass_Import_Entry ADDCALL sass_import_set_error(Sass_Import_Entry import, const char* error, size_t line, size_t col) { if (import == 0) return 0; if (import->error) free(import->error); import->error = error ? sass_copy_c_string(error) : 0; import->line = line ? line : -1; import->column = col ? col : -1; return import; } // Setters and getters for entries on the import list void ADDCALL sass_import_set_list_entry(Sass_Import_List list, size_t idx, Sass_Import_Entry entry) { list[idx] = entry; } Sass_Import_Entry ADDCALL sass_import_get_list_entry(Sass_Import_List list, size_t idx) { return list[idx]; } // Deallocator for the allocated memory void ADDCALL sass_delete_import_list(Sass_Import_List list) { Sass_Import_List it = list; if (list == 0) return; while(*list) { sass_delete_import(*list); ++list; } free(it); } // Just in case we have some stray import structs void ADDCALL sass_delete_import(Sass_Import_Entry import) { free(import->imp_path); free(import->abs_path); free(import->source); free(import->srcmap); free(import->error); free(import); } // Getter for callee entry const char* ADDCALL sass_callee_get_name(Sass_Callee_Entry entry) { return entry->name; } const char* ADDCALL sass_callee_get_path(Sass_Callee_Entry entry) { return entry->path; } size_t ADDCALL sass_callee_get_line(Sass_Callee_Entry entry) { return entry->line; } size_t ADDCALL sass_callee_get_column(Sass_Callee_Entry entry) { return entry->column; } enum Sass_Callee_Type ADDCALL sass_callee_get_type(Sass_Callee_Entry entry) { return entry->type; } Sass_Env_Frame ADDCALL sass_callee_get_env (Sass_Callee_Entry entry) { return &entry->env; } // Getters and Setters for environments (lexical, local and global) union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_env_get_lexical (Sass_Env_Frame env, const char* name) { Expression* ex = Cast((*env->frame)[name]); return ex != NULL ? ast_node_to_sass_value(ex) : NULL; } void ADDCALL sass_env_set_lexical (Sass_Env_Frame env, const char* name, union Sass_Value* val) { (*env->frame)[name] = sass_value_to_ast_node(val); } union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_env_get_local (Sass_Env_Frame env, const char* name) { Expression* ex = Cast(env->frame->get_local(name)); return ex != NULL ? ast_node_to_sass_value(ex) : NULL; } void ADDCALL sass_env_set_local (Sass_Env_Frame env, const char* name, union Sass_Value* val) { env->frame->set_local(name, sass_value_to_ast_node(val)); } union Sass_Value* ADDCALL sass_env_get_global (Sass_Env_Frame env, const char* name) { Expression* ex = Cast(env->frame->get_global(name)); return ex != NULL ? ast_node_to_sass_value(ex) : NULL; } void ADDCALL sass_env_set_global (Sass_Env_Frame env, const char* name, union Sass_Value* val) { env->frame->set_global(name, sass_value_to_ast_node(val)); } // Getter for import entry const char* ADDCALL sass_import_get_imp_path(Sass_Import_Entry entry) { return entry->imp_path; } const char* ADDCALL sass_import_get_abs_path(Sass_Import_Entry entry) { return entry->abs_path; } const char* ADDCALL sass_import_get_source(Sass_Import_Entry entry) { return entry->source; } const char* ADDCALL sass_import_get_srcmap(Sass_Import_Entry entry) { return entry->srcmap; } // Getter for import error entry size_t ADDCALL sass_import_get_error_line(Sass_Import_Entry entry) { return entry->line; } size_t ADDCALL sass_import_get_error_column(Sass_Import_Entry entry) { return entry->column; } const char* ADDCALL sass_import_get_error_message(Sass_Import_Entry entry) { return entry->error; } // Explicit functions to take ownership of the memory // Resets our own property since we do not know if it is still alive char* ADDCALL sass_import_take_source(Sass_Import_Entry entry) { char* ptr = entry->source; entry->source = 0; return ptr; } char* ADDCALL sass_import_take_srcmap(Sass_Import_Entry entry) { char* ptr = entry->srcmap; entry->srcmap = 0; return ptr; } }