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Instead of ``` ruby class InvoicePolicy def initialize(invoice, company:) @invoice = invoice @company = company end def payable? some_logic(invoice, company) end private attr_reader :invoice, :company end ``` you can just do ``` ruby class InvoiceBuilder pattr_initialize :invoice, [:company!] def payable? some_logic(invoice, company) end end ``` And instead of ``` ruby class PayInvoice def self.call(invoice, amount) new(invoice, amount).call end def initialize(invoice, amount) @invoice = invoice @amount = amount end def call PaymentGateway.charge(invoice.id, amount_in_cents) end private def amount_in_cents amount * 100 end attr_reader :invoice, :amount end ``` you can just do ``` ruby class PayInvoice method_object :invoice, :amount def call PaymentGateway.charge(invoice.id, amount_in_cents) end private def amount_in_cents amount * 100 end end ``` Supports positional arguments as well as optional and required keyword arguments. Also provides conveniences for creating value objects, method objects, query methods and abstract methods. ## Usage * [`attr_initialize`](#attr_initialize) * [`attr_private`](#attr_private) * [`attr_value`](#attr_value) * [`pattr_initialize`](#pattr_initialize) / [`attr_private_initialize`](#attr_private_initialize) * [`vattr_initialize`](#vattr_initialize) / [`attr_value_initialize`](#attr_value_initialize) * [`rattr_initialize`](#rattr_initialize) / [`attr_reader_initialize`](#attr_reader_initialize) * [`aattr_initialize`](#aattr_initialize) / [`attr_accessor_initialize`](#attr_accessor_initialize) * [`static_facade`](#static_facade) * [`method_object`](#method_object) * [`attr_implement`](#attr_implement) * [`cattr_implement`](#cattr_implement) * [`attr_query`](#attr_query) * [`attr_id_query`](#attr_id_query) ### `attr_initialize` `attr_initialize :foo, :bar` defines an initializer that takes two arguments and assigns `@foo` and `@bar`. `attr_initialize :foo, [:bar, :baz!]` defines an initializer that takes one regular argument, assigning `@foo`, and two keyword arguments, assigning `@bar` (optional) and `@baz` (required). `attr_initialize [:bar, :baz!]` defines an initializer that takes two keyword arguments, assigning `@bar` (optional) and `@baz` (required). If you pass unknown keyword arguments, you will get an `ArgumentError`. If you don't pass required arguments and don't define default value for them, you will get a `KeyError`. `attr_initialize` can also accept a block which will be invoked after initialization. This is useful for e.g. initializing private data as necessary. #### Default values Keyword arguments can have default values: `attr_initialize [:bar, baz: "default value"]` defines an initializer that takes two keyword arguments, assigning `@bar` (optional) and `@baz` (optional with default value `"default value"`). Note that default values are evaluated *when the class is loaded* and not on every instantition. So `attr_initialize [time: Time.now]` might not do what you expect. You can always use regular Ruby methods to achieve this: ``` class Foo attr_initialize [:time] private def time @time || Time.now end end ``` Or just use a regular initializer with default values. ### `attr_private` `attr_private :foo, :bar` defines private readers for `@foo` and `@bar`. ### `attr_value` `attr_value :foo, :bar` defines public readers for `@foo` and `@bar` and also defines object equality: two value objects of the same class with the same values will be considered equal (with `==` and `eql?`, in `Set`s, as `Hash` keys etc). It does not define writers, because [value objects](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_object) are typically immutable. ### `pattr_initialize` ### `attr_private_initialize` `pattr_initialize :foo, :bar` defines both initializer and private readers. Shortcut for: ``` ruby attr_initialize :foo, :bar attr_private :foo, :bar ``` `pattr_initialize` is aliased as `attr_private_initialize` if you prefer a longer but clearer name. Example: ``` ruby class Item pattr_initialize :name, :price def price_with_vat price * 1.25 end end Item.new("Pug", 100).price_with_vat # => 125.0 ``` [The `attr_initialize` notation](#attr_initialize) for keyword arguments is also supported: `pattr_initialize :foo, [:bar, :baz!]` ### `vattr_initialize` ### `attr_value_initialize` `vattr_initialize :foo, :bar` defines initializer, public readers and [value object identity](#attr_value). Shortcut for: ``` ruby attr_initialize :foo, :bar attr_value :foo, :bar ``` `vattr_initialize` is aliased as `attr_value_initialize` if you prefer a longer but clearer name. Example: ``` ruby class Country vattr_initialize :code end Country.new("SE") == Country.new("SE") # => true Country.new("SE").code # => "SE" ``` [The `attr_initialize` notation](#attr_initialize) for keyword arguments is also supported: `vattr_initialize :foo, [:bar, :baz!]` ### `rattr_initialize` ### `attr_reader_initialize` `rattr_initialize :foo, :bar` defines both initializer and public readers. Shortcut for: ``` ruby attr_initialize :foo, :bar attr_reader :foo, :bar ``` `rattr_initialize` is aliased as `attr_reader_initialize` if you prefer a longer but clearer name. Example: ``` ruby class PublishBook rattr_initialize :book_name, :publisher_backend def call publisher_backend.publish book_name end end service = PublishBook.new("A Novel", publisher) service.book_name # => "A Novel" ``` [The `attr_initialize` notation](#attr_initialize) for keyword arguments is also supported: `rattr_initialize :foo, [:bar, :baz!]` ### `aattr_initialize` ### `attr_accessor_initialize` `aattr_initialize :foo, :bar` defines an initializer, public readers, and public writers. It's a shortcut for: ``` ruby attr_initialize :foo, :bar attr_accessor :foo, :bar ``` `aattr_initialize` is aliased as `attr_accessor_initialize`, if you prefer a longer but clearer name. Example: ``` ruby class Client aattr_initialize :username, :access_token end client = Client.new("barsoom", "SECRET") client.username # => "barsoom" client.access_token = "NEW_SECRET" client.access_token # => "NEW_SECRET" ``` [The `attr_initialize` notation](#attr_initialize) for keyword arguments and blocks is also supported. ### `static_facade` `static_facade :allow?, :user` defines an `.allow?` class method that delegates to an instance method by the same name, having first provided `user` as a private reader. This is handy when a class-method API makes sense but you still want [the refactorability of instance methods](http://blog.codeclimate.com/blog/2012/11/14/why-ruby-class-methods-resist-refactoring/). Example: ``` ruby class PublishingPolicy static_facade :allow?, :user def allow? user.admin? && complicated_extracted_method end private def complicated_extracted_method # … end end PublishingPolicy.allow?(user) ``` `static_facade :allow?, :user` is a shortcut for ``` ruby pattr_initialize :user def self.allow?(user) new(user).allow? end ``` [The `attr_initialize` notation](#attr_initialize) for keyword arguments is also supported: `static_facade :allow?, :user, [:user_agent, :ip!]` You don't have to specify arguments/readers if you don't want them: just `static_facade :tuesday?` is also valid. You can specify multiple method names as long as they can share the same initializer arguments: `static_facade [:allow?, :deny?], :user, [:user_agent, :ip!]` Any block given to the class method will be passed on to the instance method. "Static façade" is the least bad name for this pattern we've come up with. Suggestions are welcome. ### `method_object` *NOTE: v4.0.0 made a breaking change! [`static_facade`](#static_facade) does exactly what `method_object` used to do; the new `method_object` no longer accepts a method name argument.* `method_object :foo` defines a `.call` class method that delegates to an instance method by the same name, having first provided `foo` as a private reader. This is a special case of [`static_facade`](#static_facade) for when you want a [Method Object](http://refactoring.com/catalog/replaceMethodWithMethodObject.html), and the class name itself will communicate the action it performs. Example: ``` ruby class CalculatePrice method_object :order def call total * factor end private def total order.items.map(&:price).inject(:+) end def factor 1 + rand end end class Order def price CalculatePrice.call(self) end end ``` You could even do `CalculatePrice.(self)` if you like, since we're using the [`call` convention](http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Proc.html#method-i-call). `method_object :foo` is a shortcut for ``` ruby static_facade :call, :foo ``` which is a shortcut for ``` ruby pattr_initialize :foo def self.call(foo) new(foo).call end ``` [The `attr_initialize` notation](#attr_initialize) for keyword arguments is also supported: `method_object :foo, [:bar, :baz!]` You don't have to specify arguments/readers if you don't want them: just `method_object` is also valid. Any block given to the class method will be passed on to the instance method. ### `attr_implement` `attr_implement :foo, :bar` defines nullary (0-argument) methods `foo` and `bar` that raise e.g. `"Implement a 'foo()' method"`. `attr_implement :foo, [:name, :age]` will define a binary (2-argument) method `foo` that raises `"Implement a 'foo(name, age)' method"`. This is suitable for [abstract methods](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_method#Abstract_methods) in base classes, e.g. when using the [template method pattern](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_method_pattern). It's more or less a shortcut for ``` ruby def my_method raise "Implement me in a subclass!" end ``` though it is shorter, more declarative, gives you a clear message and handles edge cases you might not have thought about (see tests). Note that you can also use this with modules, to effectively mix in interfaces: ``` ruby module Bookable attr_implement :book, [:bookable] attr_implement :booked? end class Invoice include Bookable end class Payment include Bookable end ``` ### `cattr_implement` Like [`attr_implement`](#attr_implement) but for class methods. Example: ``` ruby class TransportOrder cattr_implement :must_be_tracked? end ``` ### `attr_query` `attr_query :foo?, :bar?` defines query methods like `foo?`, which is true if (and only if) `foo` is truthy. ### `attr_id_query` `attr_id_query :foo?, :bar?` defines query methods like `foo?`, which is true if (and only if) `foo_id` is truthy. Goes well with Active Record. ## Explicit mode By default, attr\_extras will add methods to every class and module. This is not ideal if you're using attr\_extras in a library: those who depend on your library will get those methods as well. It's also not obvious where the methods come from. You can be more explicit about it, and restrict where the methods are added, like this: ``` ruby require "attr_extras/explicit" class MyLib extend AttrExtras.mixin pattr_initialize :now_this_class_can_use_attr_extras end ``` Crucially, you need to `require "attr_extras/explicit"` *instead of* `require "attr_extras"`. Some frameworks, like Ruby on Rails, may automatically require everything in your `Gemfile`. You can avoid that with `gem "attr_extras", require: "attr_extras/explicit"`. In explicit mode, you need to call `extend AttrExtras.mixin` *in every class or module* that wants the attr\_extras methods. ## Philosophy Findability is a core value. Hence the long name `attr_initialize`, so you see it when scanning for the initializer; and the enforced questionmarks with `attr_id_query :foo?`, so you can search for that method. ## Q & A ### Why not use `Struct` instead of `pattr_initialize`? See: ["Struct inheritance is overused"](http://thepugautomatic.com/2013/08/struct-inheritance-is-overused/) ### Why not use `private; attr_reader :foo` instead of `attr_private :foo`? Other than being more to type, declaring `attr_reader` after `private` will actually give you a warning (deserved or not) if you run Ruby with warnings turned on. If you don't want the dependency on `attr_extras`, you can get rid of the warnings with `attr_reader :foo; private :foo`. Or just define a regular private method. ### Can I use attr\_extras in `BasicObject`s? No, sorry. It depends on various methods that `BasicObject`s don't have. Use a regular `Object` or make do without attr\_extras. ## Installation Add this line to your application's `Gemfile`: gem "attr_extras" And then execute: bundle Or install it yourself as: gem install attr_extras ## Running the tests Run them with: rake Or to see warnings (try not to have any): RUBYOPT=-w rake You can run an individual test using the [m](https://github.com/qrush/m) gem: m spec/attr_extras/attr_initialize_spec.rb:48 The tests are intentionally split into two test suites for reasons described in `Rakefile`. ## License [MIT](LICENSE.txt)