(function(){ "use strict"; $(function(){ if($('#in_tail_format').length === 0) return; var FormatBundle = Vue.component('format-bundle', { inherit: true, template: "#format-bundle", computed: { options: { get: function(){ return this.formatOptions[this.format]; }, }, selectableFormats: { get: function() { return Object.keys(this.formatOptions); } } } }); new Vue({ el: "#in_tail_format", paramAttributes: ["formatOptionsJson", "initialSelected", "targetFile", "paramsJson"], data: { previewProcessing: false, format: "", highlightedLines: null, }, compiled: function(){ this.$watch('params.setting.regexp', function(){ this.preview(); }); this.$watch('format', function(){ this.preview(); }); this.$set("formatOptions", JSON.parse(this.formatOptionsJson)); this.format = this.initialSelected; // initialize params // NOTE: if `params.setting.foo` is undefined, Vue can't binding with v-model="params.setting.foo" var params = JSON.parse(this.paramsJson); if(!params.setting) { params.setting = {}; } _.each(this.formatOptions, function(options){ _.each(options, function(key){ if(!params.setting.hasOwnProperty(key)){ params.setting[key] = ""; } }); }); this.$set('params', params); this.$emit("data-loaded"); }, methods: { updateHighlightedLines: function() { if(!this.regexpMatches) { this.highlightedLines = null; return; } var $container = jQuery('
'); _.each(this.regexpMatches, function(match){ var colors = [ "#ff9", "#cff", "#fcf", "#dfd" ]; var whole = match.whole; var html = ""; var matches = []; var lastPos = 0; _.each(match.matches, function(match) { var matched = match.matched; if(!matched) return; if(matched.length === 0) return; // Ignore empty matched with "foobar".match(/foo(.*?)bar/)[1] #=> "" // rotated highlight color var currentColor = colors.shift(); colors.push(currentColor); // create highlighted range HTML var $highlighted = jQuery('').text(matched); $highlighted.attr({ "class": "regexp-preview", "data-toggle": "tooltip", "data-placement": "top", "title": match.key, 'style': 'background-color:' + currentColor }); var highlightedHtml = $highlighted.wrap('
').parent().html(); var pos = { "start": match.pos[0], "end": match.pos[1] }; if(pos.start > 0) { html += _.escape(whole.substring(lastPos, pos.start)); } html += highlightedHtml; lastPos = pos.end; }); html += whole.substring(lastPos); $container.append(html); $container.append("
"); }); this.highlightedLines = $container.html(); setTimeout(function(){ $('#in_tail_format').tooltip({ selector: "[data-toggle=tooltip]", container: "body" }) },0); }, preview: function(){ if(this.previewAjax) { this.previewAjax.abort(); } var self = this; new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { self.previewAjax = $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "/api/regexp_preview", data: { regexp: self.params.setting.regexp, time_format: self.params.setting.time_format, format: _.isEmpty(self.format) ? "regexp" : self.format, file: self.targetFile } }).done(resolve).fail(reject); }).then(function(result){ self.params = _.merge(self.params, result.params); self.regexpMatches = result.matches; self.updateHighlightedLines(); })["catch"](function(error){ if(error.stack) { console.error(error.stack); } }); }, } }); }); })();