class UsersTestController < UIViewController attr_accessor :user_id def initWithParams(params = {}) init() self.user_id = params[:user_id] self end end class NoParamsController < UIViewController end class LoginController < UIViewController end class ConfigurableController < UIViewController attr_accessor :configured def init super.tap do |controller| controller.configured = false end end end describe "the url router" do before do @router = @nav_controller = UINavigationController.alloc.init @nav_controller.setViewControllers([], animated: false) @nav_controller.viewControllers.count.should == 0 end describe '#open' do it 'accepts a configuration block' do url = 'configured' @router.navigation_controller = @nav_controller, ConfigurableController, shared: true) do |controller| controller.configured = true end controller = @router.controller_for_url(url) end end def make_test_controller_route format = "users/:user_id", UsersTestController) @router.routes.should == {format => {:klass => UsersTestController}} end it "maps the correct urls" do make_test_controller_route user_id = "1001" controller = @router.controller_for_url("users/#{user_id}") controller.class.should == UsersTestController controller.user_id.should == user_id end it "opens urls with no params" do @router.navigation_controller = @nav_controller"url", NoParamsController)"url") @router.navigation_controller.viewControllers.count.should == 1 end it "opens nav controller to url" do @router.navigation_controller = @nav_controller make_test_controller_route"users/3") @nav_controller.viewControllers.count.should == 1 @nav_controller.viewControllers.last.class.should == UsersTestController end it "uses the shared properties correctly" do shared_format = "users" format= "users/:user_id", UsersTestController), UsersTestController, shared: true) @router.navigation_controller = @nav_controller"users/3")"users/4")"users")"users/5") @nav_controller.viewControllers.count.should == 4"users") @nav_controller.viewControllers.count.should == 3 end it "should use transition option" do [:cover, :flip, :dissolve, :curl].each do |transition| url = "login/#{transition.to_s}", LoginController, modal: true, transition:transition) controller = @router.controller_for_url(url) controller.modalTransitionStyle.should == Routable::Router::TRANSITION_STYLES[transition] end end it "should raise error when transition is unexpected value" do lambda do"login", LoginController, modal: true, transition: :unexpected) end.should.raise(ArgumentError) end it "should use presentation option" do [:full_screen, :page_sheet, :form_sheet, :current].each do |presentation| url = "login/#{presentation.to_s}", LoginController, modal: true, presentation:presentation) controller = @router.controller_for_url(url) controller.modalPresentationStyle.should == Routable::Router::PRESENTATION_STYLES[presentation] end end it "should raise error when presentation is unexpected value" do lambda do"login", LoginController, modal: true, presentation: :unexpected) end.should.raise(ArgumentError) end it "should work with callback blocks" do @called = false"logout") do @called = true end"logout") @called.should == true end it "should work with callback blocks & params" do @called = false"logout/:id") do |params| @called = params[:id] end"logout/123") @called.should == "123" end describe 'reset option' do it 'resets the navigation controller stack with the target controller' do @router.navigation_controller = @nav_controller'start', NoParamsController)'reset', NoParamsController, resets: true)'start')'reset') @router.navigation_controller.viewControllers.count.should == 1 end end end