require 'spec_helper' describe Mongo::Collection::View::Readable do let(:selector) do {} end let(:options) do {} end let(:view) do, selector, options) end after do authorized_collection.delete_many end describe '#allow_partial_results' do let(:new_view) do view.allow_partial_results end it 'sets the flag' do expect(new_view.send(:flags)).to include(:partial) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(new_view).not_to be(view) end end describe '#aggregate' do let(:documents) do [ { city: "Berlin", pop: 18913, neighborhood: "Kreuzberg" }, { city: "Berlin", pop: 84143, neighborhood: "Mitte" }, { city: "New York", pop: 40270, neighborhood: "Brooklyn" } ] end let(:pipeline) do [{ "$group" => { "_id" => "$city", "totalpop" => { "$sum" => "$pop" } } }] end before do authorized_collection.insert_many(documents) end let(:aggregation) do view.aggregate(pipeline) end context 'when not iterating the aggregation' do it 'returns the aggregation object' do expect(aggregation).to be_a(Mongo::Collection::View::Aggregation) end end context 'when iterating the aggregation' do it 'yields to each document' do aggregation.each do |doc| expect(doc[:totalpop]).to_not be_nil end end end context 'when options are specified' do let(:agg_options) do { :max_time_ms => 500 } end let(:aggregation) do view.aggregate(pipeline, agg_options) end it 'passes the option to the Aggregation object' do expect(aggregation.options[:max_time_ms]).to eq(agg_options[:max_time_ms]) end end end describe '#map_reduce' do let(:map) do %Q{ function() { emit(, { population: this.population }); }} end let(:reduce) do %Q{ function(key, values) { var result = { population: 0 }; values.forEach(function(value) { result.population += value.population; }); return result; }} end let(:documents) do [ { name: 'Berlin', population: 3000000 }, { name: 'London', population: 9000000 } ] end before do authorized_collection.insert_many(documents) end let(:map_reduce) do view.map_reduce(map, reduce) end context 'when not iterating the map/reduce' do it 'returns the map/reduce object' do expect(map_reduce).to be_a(Mongo::Collection::View::MapReduce) end end context 'when iterating the map/reduce' do it 'yields to each document' do map_reduce.each do |doc| expect(doc[:_id]).to_not be_nil end end end end describe '#batch_size' do let(:options) do { :batch_size => 13 } end context 'when a batch size is specified' do let(:new_batch_size) do 15 end it 'sets the batch size' do new_view = view.batch_size(new_batch_size) expect(new_view.batch_size).to eq(new_batch_size) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.batch_size(new_batch_size)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when a batch size is not specified' do it 'returns the batch_size' do expect(view.batch_size).to eq(options[:batch_size]) end end end describe '#comment' do let(:options) do { :comment => 'test1' } end context 'when a comment is specified' do let(:new_comment) do 'test2' end it 'sets the comment' do new_view = view.comment(new_comment) expect(new_view.comment).to eq(new_comment) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.comment(new_comment)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when a comment is not specified' do it 'returns the comment' do expect(view.comment).to eq(options[:comment]) end end end describe '#count' do let(:documents) do (1..10).map{ |i| { field: "test#{i}" }} end before do authorized_collection.insert_many(documents) end after do authorized_collection.delete_many end context 'when a selector is provided' do let(:selector) do { field: 'test1' } end it 'returns the count of matching documents' do expect(view.count).to eq(1) end end context 'when no selector is provided' do it 'returns the count of matching documents' do expect(view.count).to eq(10) end end it 'takes a read preference option' do expect(view.count(read: { mode: :secondary })).to eq(10) end it 'takes a max_time_ms option', if: write_command_enabled? do expect { view.count(max_time_ms: 0.1) }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::OperationFailure) end it 'sets the max_time_ms option on the command', if: write_command_enabled? do expect(view.count(max_time_ms: 100)).to eq(10) end end describe '#distinct' do context 'when a selector is provided' do let(:selector) do { field: 'test' } end let(:documents) do (1..3).map{ |i| { field: "test" }} end before do authorized_collection.insert_many(documents) end context 'when the field is a symbol' do let(:distinct) do view.distinct(:field) end it 'returns the distinct values' do expect(distinct).to eq([ 'test' ]) end end context 'when the field is a string' do let(:distinct) do view.distinct('field') end it 'returns the distinct values' do expect(distinct).to eq([ 'test' ]) end end context 'when the field is nil' do let(:distinct) do view.distinct(nil) end it 'returns an empty array' do expect(distinct).to be_empty end end end context 'when no selector is provided' do let(:documents) do (1..3).map{ |i| { field: "test#{i}" }} end before do authorized_collection.insert_many(documents) end context 'when the field is a symbol' do let(:distinct) do view.distinct(:field) end it 'returns the distinct values' do expect(distinct).to eq([ 'test1', 'test2', 'test3' ]) end end context 'when the field is a string' do let(:distinct) do view.distinct('field') end it 'returns the distinct values' do expect(distinct).to eq([ 'test1', 'test2', 'test3' ]) end end context 'when the field is nil' do let(:distinct) do view.distinct(nil) end it 'returns an empty array' do expect(distinct).to be_empty end end end context 'when a read preference is specified' do let(:documents) do (1..3).map{ |i| { field: "test#{i}" }} end before do authorized_collection.insert_many(documents) end let(:distinct) do view.distinct(:field, read: { mode: :secondary }) end it 'returns the distinct values' do expect(distinct).to eq([ 'test1', 'test2', 'test3' ]) end end context 'when a max_time_ms is specified', if: write_command_enabled? do let(:documents) do (1..3).map{ |i| { field: "test" }} end before do authorized_collection.insert_many(documents) end it 'sets the max_time_ms option on the command' do expect { view.distinct(:field, max_time_ms: 0.1) }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::OperationFailure) end it 'sets the max_time_ms option on the command' do expect(view.distinct(:field, max_time_ms: 100)).to eq([ 'test' ]) end end end describe '#hint' do context 'when a hint is specified' do let(:options) do { :hint => { 'x' => Mongo::Index::ASCENDING } } end let(:new_hint) do { 'x' => Mongo::Index::DESCENDING } end it 'sets the hint' do new_view = view.hint(new_hint) expect(new_view.hint).to eq(new_hint) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.hint(new_hint)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when a hint is not specified' do let(:options) do { :hint => 'x' } end it 'returns the hint' do expect(view.hint).to eq(options[:hint]) end end end describe '#limit' do context 'when a limit is specified' do let(:options) do { :limit => 5 } end let(:new_limit) do 10 end it 'sets the limit' do new_view = view.limit(new_limit) expect(new_view.limit).to eq(new_limit) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.limit(new_limit)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when a limit is not specified' do let(:options) do { :limit => 5 } end it 'returns the limit' do expect(view.limit).to eq(options[:limit]) end end end describe '#max_scan' do let(:new_view) do view.max_scan(10) end it 'sets the value in the options' do expect(new_view.max_scan).to eq(10) end end describe '#no_cursor_timeout' do let(:new_view) do view.no_cursor_timeout end it 'sets the flag' do expect(new_view.send(:flags)).to include(:no_cursor_timeout) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(new_view).not_to be(view) end end describe '#parallel_scan', unless: sharded? do let(:documents) do (1..200).map do |i| { name: "testing-scan-#{i}" } end end before do authorized_collection.insert_many(documents) end let(:cursors) do view.parallel_scan(2) end it 'returns an array of cursors', if: write_command_enabled? do cursors.each do |cursor| expect(cursor.class).to be(Mongo::Cursor) end end it 'returns the correct number of documents', if: write_command_enabled? do expect( cursors.reduce(0) { |total, cursor| total + cursor.to_a.size } ).to eq(200) end it 'raises an error', unless: write_command_enabled? do expect { cursors }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::OperationFailure) end end describe '#projection' do let(:options) do { :projection => { 'x' => 1 } } end context 'when projection are specified' do let(:new_projection) do { 'y' => 1 } end it 'sets the projection' do new_view = view.projection(new_projection) expect(new_view.projection).to eq(new_projection) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.projection(new_projection)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when projection is not specified' do it 'returns the projection' do expect(view.projection).to eq(options[:projection]) end end context 'when projection is not a document' do let(:new_projection) do 'y' end it 'raises an error' do expect do view.projection(new_projection) raise_error(Mongo::Error::InvalidDocument) end end end describe '#read' do context 'when providing a hash' do it 'converts to a read preference' do expect( => :primary_preferred).read).to be_a( Mongo::ServerSelector::PrimaryPreferred ) end end context 'when a read pref is specified' do let(:options) do { :read => Mongo::ServerSelector.get(:mode => :secondary) } end let(:new_read) do Mongo::ServerSelector.get(:mode => :secondary_preferred) end it 'sets the read preference' do new_view = expect( eq(new_read) end it 'returns a new View' do expect( be(view) end end context 'when a read pref is not specified' do let(:options) do { :read => Mongo::ServerSelector.get(:mode => :secondary) } end it 'returns the read preference' do expect( eq(options[:read]) end context 'when no read pref is set on initialization' do let(:options) do {} end it 'returns the collection read preference' do expect( eq(authorized_collection.read_preference) end end end end describe '#show_disk_loc' do let(:options) do { :show_disk_loc => true } end context 'when show_disk_loc is specified' do let(:new_show_disk_loc) do false end it 'sets the show_disk_loc value' do new_view = view.show_disk_loc(new_show_disk_loc) expect(new_view.show_disk_loc).to eq(new_show_disk_loc) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.show_disk_loc(new_show_disk_loc)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when show_disk_loc is not specified' do it 'returns the show_disk_loc value' do expect(view.show_disk_loc).to eq(options[:show_disk_loc]) end end end describe '#modifiers' do let(:options) do { :modifiers => { :$orderby => Mongo::Index::ASCENDING } } end context 'when a modifiers document is specified' do let(:new_modifiers) do { :modifiers => { :$orderby => Mongo::Index::DESCENDING } } end it 'sets the new_modifiers document' do new_view = view.modifiers(new_modifiers) expect(new_view.modifiers).to eq(new_modifiers) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.modifiers(new_modifiers)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when a modifiers document is not specified' do it 'returns the modifiers value' do expect(view.modifiers).to eq(options[:modifiers]) end end end describe '#max_time_ms' do let(:options) do { :max_time_ms => 200 } end context 'when max_time_ms is specified' do let(:new_max_time_ms) do 300 end it 'sets the max_time_ms value' do new_view = view.max_time_ms(new_max_time_ms) expect(new_view.max_time_ms).to eq(new_max_time_ms) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.max_time_ms(new_max_time_ms)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when max_time_ms is not specified' do it 'returns the max_time_ms value' do expect(view.max_time_ms).to eq(options[:max_time_ms]) end end end describe '#skip' do context 'when a skip is specified' do let(:options) do { :skip => 5 } end let(:new_skip) do 10 end it 'sets the skip value' do new_view = view.skip(new_skip) expect(new_view.skip).to eq(new_skip) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.skip(new_skip)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when a skip is not specified' do let(:options) do { :skip => 5 } end it 'returns the skip value' do expect(view.skip).to eq(options[:skip]) end end end describe '#snapshot' do let(:new_view) do view.snapshot(true) end it 'sets the value in the options' do expect(new_view.snapshot).to be true end end describe '#sort' do context 'when a sort is specified' do let(:options) do { :sort => { 'x' => Mongo::Index::ASCENDING }} end let(:new_sort) do { 'x' => Mongo::Index::DESCENDING } end it 'sets the sort option' do new_view = view.sort(new_sort) expect(new_view.sort).to eq(new_sort) end it 'returns a new View' do expect(view.sort(new_sort)).not_to be(view) end end context 'when a sort is not specified' do let(:options) do { :sort => { 'x' => Mongo::Index::ASCENDING }} end it 'returns the sort' do expect(view.sort).to eq(options[:sort]) end end context 'when an option is a cursor flag' do let(:query_spec_options) do view.send(:query_spec)[:options] end context 'when allow_partial_results is set as an option' do let(:options) do { :allow_partial_results => true } end it 'sets the cursor flag' do expect(query_spec_options[:flags]).to eq([:partial]) end context 'when allow_partial_results is also called as a method' do before do view.allow_partial_results end it 'sets only one cursor flag' do expect(query_spec_options[:flags]).to eq([:partial]) end end end context 'when oplog_replay is set as an option' do let(:options) do { :oplog_replay => true } end it 'sets the cursor flag' do expect(query_spec_options[:flags]).to eq([:oplog_replay]) end end context 'when no_cursor_timeout is set as an option' do let(:options) do { :no_cursor_timeout => true } end it 'sets the cursor flag' do expect(query_spec_options[:flags]).to eq([:no_cursor_timeout]) end end context 'when cursor_type is set as an option' do context 'when :tailable is the cursor type' do let(:options) do { :cursor_type => :tailable } end it 'sets the cursor flag' do expect(query_spec_options[:flags]).to eq([:tailable_cursor]) end end context 'when :tailable_await is the cursor type' do let(:options) do { :cursor_type => :tailable_await } end it 'sets the cursor flags' do expect(query_spec_options[:flags]).to eq([:await_data, :tailable_cursor]) end end end end end end