module GovukPublishingComponents module Presenters class ComponentWrapperHelper def initialize(options) @options = options check_id_is_valid(@options[:id]) if @options.include?(:id) check_data_attributes_are_valid(@options[:data_attributes]) if @options.include?(:data_attributes) check_classes_are_valid(@options[:classes]) if @options.include?(:classes) check_aria_is_valid(@options[:aria]) if @options.include?(:aria) check_role_is_valid(@options[:role]) if @options.include?(:role) check_lang_is_valid(@options[:lang]) if @options.include?(:lang) check_open_is_valid(@options[:open]) if @options.include?(:open) check_hidden_is_valid(@options[:hidden]) if @options.include?(:hidden) check_tabindex_is_valid(@options[:tabindex]) if @options.include?(:tabindex) check_dir_is_valid(@options[:dir]) if @options.include?(:dir) check_type_is_valid(@options[:type]) if @options.include?(:type) check_draggable_is_valid(@options[:draggable]) if @options.include?(:draggable) check_rel_is_valid(@options[:rel]) if @options.include?(:rel) check_target_is_valid(@options[:target]) if @options.include?(:target) check_margin_bottom_is_valid(@options[:margin_bottom]) if @options.include?(:margin_bottom) end def all_attributes attributes = {} attributes[:id] = @options[:id] unless @options[:id].blank? attributes[:data] = @options[:data_attributes] unless @options[:data_attributes].blank? attributes[:aria] = @options[:aria] unless @options[:aria].blank? ((@options[:classes] ||= "") << " govuk-!-margin-bottom-#{@options[:margin_bottom]}").strip! if @options[:margin_bottom] attributes[:class] = @options[:classes] unless @options[:classes].blank? attributes[:role] = @options[:role] unless @options[:role].blank? attributes[:lang] = @options[:lang] unless @options[:lang].blank? attributes[:open] = @options[:open] unless @options[:open].blank? attributes[:hidden] = @options[:hidden] unless @options[:hidden].nil? attributes[:tabindex] = @options[:tabindex] unless @options[:tabindex].blank? attributes[:dir] = @options[:dir] unless @options[:dir].blank? attributes[:type] = @options[:type] unless @options[:type].blank? attributes[:draggable] = @options[:draggable] unless @options[:draggable].blank? attributes[:rel] = @options[:rel] unless @options[:rel].blank? attributes[:target] = @options[:target] unless @options[:target].blank? attributes[:title] = @options[:title] unless @options[:title].blank? attributes end def set_id(id) check_id_is_valid(id) @options[:id] = id end def add_class(classes) check_classes_are_valid(classes) extend_string(:classes, classes) end def add_data_attribute(attributes) check_data_attributes_are_valid(attributes) extend_object(:data_attributes, attributes) end def add_aria_attribute(attributes) check_aria_is_valid(attributes) extend_object(:aria, attributes) end def add_role(role) check_role_is_valid(role) extend_string(:role, role) end def set_lang(lang) check_lang_is_valid(lang) @options[:lang] = lang end def set_open(open_attribute) check_open_is_valid(open_attribute) @options[:open] = open_attribute end def set_hidden(hidden_attribute) check_hidden_is_valid(hidden_attribute) @options[:hidden] = hidden_attribute end def set_tabindex(tabindex_attribute) check_tabindex_is_valid(tabindex_attribute) @options[:tabindex] = tabindex_attribute end def set_dir(dir_attribute) check_dir_is_valid(dir_attribute) @options[:dir] = dir_attribute end def set_type(type_attribute) check_type_is_valid(type_attribute) @options[:type] = type_attribute end def set_draggable(draggable_attribute) check_draggable_is_valid(draggable_attribute) @options[:draggable] = draggable_attribute end def add_rel(rel_attribute) check_rel_is_valid(rel_attribute) extend_string(:rel, rel_attribute) end def set_rel(rel_attribute) check_rel_is_valid(rel_attribute) @options[:rel] = rel_attribute end def set_target(target_attribute) check_target_is_valid(target_attribute) @options[:target] = target_attribute end def set_title(title_attribute) @options[:title] = title_attribute end def set_margin_bottom(margin_bottom) check_margin_bottom_is_valid(margin_bottom) @options[:margin_bottom] = margin_bottom end private def check_id_is_valid(id) return if id.blank? raise(ArgumentError, "Id (#{id}) cannot start with a number or contain whitespace and can only contain letters, digits, `_` and `-`") unless /\A[a-zA-Z][\w:-]*\z/.match?(id) end def check_data_attributes_are_valid(attributes) return if attributes.blank? attributes_keys = { |key, _| key.to_s } invalid_attributes = { |a| a if /^(xml)/.match?(a) || /[A-Z :]+/.match?(a) }.compact raise(ArgumentError, "Data attributes (#{invalid_attributes.join(', ')}) cannot contain capitals, spaces or colons, or start with 'xml'") if invalid_attributes.any? end def check_classes_are_valid(classes) return if classes.blank? class_array = classes.split(" ") unless class_array.all? { |c| c.start_with?("js-", "gem-c-", "govuk-", "app-c-", "brand--", "brand__") || c == "direction-rtl" } raise(ArgumentError, "Classes (#{classes}) must be prefixed with `js-`") end end def check_aria_is_valid(attributes) return if attributes.blank? arias = %w[activedescendant atomic autocomplete busy checked colcount colindex colspan controls current describedby description details disabled dropeffect errormessage expanded flowto grabbed haspopup hidden invalid keyshortcuts label labelledby level live modal multiline multiselectable orientation owns placeholder posinset pressed readonly relevant required roledescription rowcount rowindex rowspan selected setsize sort valuemax valuemin valuenow valuetext] # array keys are immutable so we have to do this to make a copy, in order to # subtract valid aria attributes from invalid in the error message below attributes_keys = { |key, _| key.to_s } unless attributes_keys.all? { |key| arias.include? key } raise(ArgumentError, "Aria attribute (#{(attributes_keys - arias).join(', ')}) not recognised") end end def check_role_is_valid(role) return if role.blank? roles = %w[alert alertdialog application article associationlist associationlistitemkey associationlistitemvalue banner blockquote caption cell code columnheader combobox complementary contentinfo definition deletion dialog directory document emphasis feed figure form group heading img insertion list listitem log main marquee math menu menubar meter navigation none note paragraph presentation region row rowgroup rowheader scrollbar search searchbox separator separator slider spinbutton status strong subscript superscript switch tab table tablist tabpanel term time timer toolbar tooltip tree treegrid treeitem] role = role.split(" ") # can have more than one role unless role.all? { |r| roles.include? r } raise(ArgumentError, "Role attribute (#{(role - roles).join(', ')}) is not recognised") end end def check_lang_is_valid(lang) return if lang.blank? langs = %w[ab aa af ak sq am ar an hy as av ae ay az bm ba eu be bn bh bi bs br bg my ca ch ce ny zh zh-Hans zh-Hant cv kw co cr hr cs da dv nl dz en eo et ee fo fj fi fr ff gl gd gv ka de el kl gn gu ht ha he hz hi ho hu is io ig id in ia ie iu ik ga it ja jv kl kn kr ks kk km ki rw rn ky kv kg ko ku kj lo la lv li ln lt lu lg lb gv mk mg ms ml mt mi mr mh mo mn na nv ng nd ne no nb nn ii oc oj cu or om os pi ps fa pl pt pa qu rm ro ru se sm sg sa sr sh st tn sn ii sd si ss sk sl so nr es su sw ss sv tl ty tg ta tt te th bo ti to ts tr tk tw ug uk ur uz ve vi vo wa cy wo fy xh yi ji yo za zu] unless langs.include? lang raise(ArgumentError, "lang attribute (#{lang}) is not recognised") end end def check_open_is_valid(open_attribute) return if open_attribute.blank? options = [true, false] unless options.include? open_attribute raise(ArgumentError, "open attribute (#{open_attribute}) is not recognised") end end def check_hidden_is_valid(hidden_attribute) return if hidden_attribute.nil? options = ["", "hidden", "until-found"] unless options.include? hidden_attribute raise(ArgumentError, "hidden attribute (#{hidden_attribute}) is not recognised") end end def check_tabindex_is_valid(tabindex_attribute) return if tabindex_attribute.blank? tabindex_attribute = tabindex_attribute.to_s unless /^-?[0-9]+$/.match?(tabindex_attribute) raise(ArgumentError, "tabindex_attribute attribute (#{tabindex_attribute}) is not recognised") end end def check_margin_bottom_is_valid(margin_bottom) raise(ArgumentError, "margin_bottom option (#{margin_bottom}) is not recognised") unless [*0..9].include?(margin_bottom) end def check_dir_is_valid(dir_attribute) return if dir_attribute.blank? options = %w[ltr rtl auto] unless options.include? dir_attribute raise(ArgumentError, "dir attribute (#{dir_attribute}) is not recognised") end end def check_type_is_valid(type_attribute) return if type_attribute.blank? options = %w[button checkbox color date datetime-local email file hidden image month number password radio range reset search submit tel text time url week] unless options.include? type_attribute raise(ArgumentError, "type attribute (#{type_attribute}) is not recognised") end end def check_draggable_is_valid(draggable_attribute) return if draggable_attribute.blank? options = %w[true false] unless options.include? draggable_attribute raise(ArgumentError, "draggable attribute (#{draggable_attribute}) is not recognised") end end def check_rel_is_valid(rel_attribute) return if rel_attribute.blank? options = %w[alternate author bookmark canonical dns-prefetch external expect help icon license manifest me modulepreload next nofollow noopener noreferrer opener pingback preconnect prefetch preload prerender prev privacy-policy search stylesheet tag terms-of-service] rel_array = rel_attribute.split(" ") unless rel_array.all? { |r| options.include? r } raise(ArgumentError, "rel attribute (#{rel_attribute}) is not recognised") end end def check_target_is_valid(target_attribute) return if target_attribute.blank? options = %w[_self _blank _parent _top _unfencedTop] unless options.include? target_attribute raise(ArgumentError, "target attribute (#{target_attribute}) is not recognised") end end def extend_string(option, string) ((@options[option] ||= "") << " #{string}").strip! end def extend_object(option, object) @options[option] ||= {} object.each_key do |key| @options[option][key] = if @options[option].key?(key) "#{@options[option][key]} #{object[key]}" else object[key] end end end end end end