# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "logstash/inputs/delf" require_relative "../support/helpers" require "gelf" require "flores/random" describe LogStash::Inputs::Delf do context "when interrupting the plugin" do let(:port) { Flores::Random.integer(1024..65535) } let(:host) { "" } let(:chunksize) { 1420 } let(:producer) { InfiniteDelfProducer.new(host, port, chunksize) } let(:config) { { "host" => host, "port" => port } } before { producer.run } after { producer.stop } it_behaves_like "an interruptible input plugin" end it "reads chunked gelf messages " do port = 12209 host = "" chunksize = 1420 gelfclient = GELF::Notifier.new(host, port, chunksize) conf = <<-CONFIG input { delf { port => "#{port}" host => "#{host}" } } CONFIG large_random = 2000.times.map{32 + rand(126 - 32)}.join("") messages = [ "hello", "world", large_random, "we survived delf!" ] events = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| # send a first message until plugin is up and receives it while queue.size <= 0 gelfclient.notify!("short_message" => "prime") sleep(0.1) end gelfclient.notify!("short_message" => "start") e = queue.pop while (e.get("message") != "start") e = queue.pop end messages.each do |m| gelfclient.notify!("short_message" => m) end messages.map{queue.pop} end events.each_with_index do |e, i| insist { e.get("message") } == messages[i] insist { e.get("host") } == Socket.gethostname end end it "handles multi-line messages " do port = 12209 host = "" chunksize = 1420 gelfclient = GELF::Notifier.new(host, port, chunksize) conf = <<-CONFIG input { delf { port => "#{port}" host => "#{host}" } } CONFIG messages = [{ "_container_id" => "dummy1", "short_message" => "single1" },{ "_container_id" => "dummy2", "short_message" => "single2" },{ "_container_id" => "dummy1", "short_message" => "multi1\\" },{ "_container_id" => "dummy2", "short_message" => "multi2\\" },{ "_container_id" => "dummy1", "short_message" => "multi3\\" },{ "_container_id" => "dummy2", "short_message" => "multi4\\" },{ "_container_id" => "dummy2", "short_message" => "multi5" # dummy2 multi ended first },{ "_container_id" => "dummy1", "short_message" => "multi6" },{ "_container_id" => "dummy2", "short_message" => "single3" },{ "_container_id" => "dummy1", "short_message" => "single4" }] events = input(conf) do |pipeline, queue| # send a first message until plugin is up and receives it while queue.size <= 0 gelfclient.notify!("short_message" => "prime") sleep(0.1) end gelfclient.notify!("short_message" => "start") e = queue.pop while (e.get("message") != "start") e = queue.pop end messages.each do |m| gelfclient.notify!(m) end results = [] 6.times do results << queue.pop end results end insist { events.count } == 6 insist { events[0].get("container_id") } == "dummy1" insist { events[0].get("message") } == "single1" insist { events[1].get("container_id") } == "dummy2" insist { events[1].get("message") } == "single2" insist { events[2].get("container_id") } == "dummy2" insist { events[2].get("message") } == "multi2\nmulti4\nmulti5" insist { events[3].get("container_id") } == "dummy1" insist { events[3].get("message") } == "multi1\nmulti3\nmulti6" insist { events[4].get("container_id") } == "dummy2" insist { events[4].get("message") } == "single3" insist { events[5].get("container_id") } == "dummy1" insist { events[5].get("message") } == "single4" end context "timestamp coercion" do # these test private methods, this is advisable for now until we roll out this coercion in the Timestamp class # and remove this context "integer numeric values" do it "should coerce" do expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800).to_iso8601).to eq("2000-01-01T05:00:00.000Z") expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800).usec).to eq(0) end end context "float numeric values" do # using explicit and certainly useless to_f here just to leave no doubt about the numeric type involved it "should coerce and preserve millisec precision in iso8601" do expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800.1.to_f).to_iso8601).to eq("2000-01-01T05:00:00.100Z") expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800.12.to_f).to_iso8601).to eq("2000-01-01T05:00:00.120Z") expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800.123.to_f).to_iso8601).to eq("2000-01-01T05:00:00.123Z") end it "should coerce and preserve usec precision" do expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800.1.to_f).usec).to eq(100000) expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800.12.to_f).usec).to eq(120000) expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800.123.to_f).usec).to eq(123000) # since Java Timestamp in 2.3+ relies on JodaTime which supports only millisec precision # the usec method will only be precise up to millisec. expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800.1234.to_f).usec).to be_within(1000).of(123400) expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800.12345.to_f).usec).to be_within(1000).of(123450) expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(946702800.123456.to_f).usec).to be_within(1000).of(123456) end end context "BigDecimal numeric values" do it "should coerce and preserve millisec precision in iso8601" do expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(BigDecimal.new("946702800.1")).to_iso8601).to eq("2000-01-01T05:00:00.100Z") expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(BigDecimal.new("946702800.12")).to_iso8601).to eq("2000-01-01T05:00:00.120Z") expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(BigDecimal.new("946702800.123")).to_iso8601).to eq("2000-01-01T05:00:00.123Z") end it "should coerce and preserve usec precision" do expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(BigDecimal.new("946702800.1")).usec).to eq(100000) expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(BigDecimal.new("946702800.12")).usec).to eq(120000) expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(BigDecimal.new("946702800.123")).usec).to eq(123000) # since Java Timestamp in 2.3+ relies on JodaTime which supports only millisec precision # the usec method will only be precise up to millisec. expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(BigDecimal.new("946702800.1234")).usec).to be_within(1000).of(123400) expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(BigDecimal.new("946702800.12345")).usec).to be_within(1000).of(123450) expect(LogStash::Inputs::Delf.coerce_timestamp(BigDecimal.new("946702800.123456")).usec).to be_within(1000).of(123456) end end end context "json timestamp coercion" do # these test private methods, this is advisable for now until we roll out this coercion in the Timestamp class # and remove this it "should coerce integer numeric json timestamp input" do event = LogStash::Inputs::Delf.new_event("{\"timestamp\":946702800}", "dummy") expect(event.timestamp.to_iso8601).to eq("2000-01-01T05:00:00.000Z") end it "should coerce float numeric value and preserve milliseconds precision in iso8601" do event = LogStash::Inputs::Delf.new_event("{\"timestamp\":946702800.123}", "dummy") expect(event.timestamp.to_iso8601).to eq("2000-01-01T05:00:00.123Z") end it "should coerce float numeric value and preserve usec precision" do # since Java Timestamp in 2.3+ relies on JodaTime which supports only millisec precision # the usec method will only be precise up to millisec. event = LogStash::Inputs::Delf.new_event("{\"timestamp\":946702800.123456}", "dummy") expect(event.timestamp.usec).to be_within(1000).of(123456) end end context "when an invalid JSON is fed to the listener" do subject { LogStash::Inputs::Delf.new_event(message, "host") } let(:message) { "Invalid JSON message" } if LogStash::Event.respond_to?(:from_json) context "default :from_json parser output" do it { should be_a(LogStash::Event) } it "falls back to plain-text" do expect(subject.get("message")).to eq(message) end it "tags message with _jsonparsefailure" do expect(subject.get("tags")).to include("_jsonparsefailure") end it "tags message with _fromjsonparser" do expect(subject.get("tags")).to include("_fromjsonparser") end end else context "legacy JSON parser output" do it { should be_a(LogStash::Event) } it "falls back to plain-text" do expect(subject.get("message")).to eq(message) end it "tags message with _jsonparsefailure" do expect(subject.get("tags")).to include("_jsonparsefailure") end it "tags message with _legacyjsonparser" do expect(subject.get("tags")).to include("_legacyjsonparser") end end end end end