# A SiteVisitor is a unique visitor to the site. class GreenFlag::SiteVisitor < ActiveRecord::Base attr_protected # none belongs_to :user has_many :feature_decisions # Finds, updates, or creates a SiteVisitor for the given user. # If the user has an existing SiteVisitor, return that # Otherwise, check if the given SiteVisitor can be assigned to the user. # Otherwise, create a brand new SiteVisitor def self.for_user!(user, visitor_to_check=nil) where(user_id: user.id).first || assign_visitor_if_available(visitor_to_check, user) || create!(user_id: user.id, visitor_code: new_code) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique, PG::Error => ex # Race condition - some other request created/updated a SiteVisitor with our user's id where(user_id: user.id).first || raise end def self.for_visitor_code!(code) where(visitor_code: code).first_or_create! rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique, PG::Error => ex # Race condition where(visitor_code: code).first || raise end def self.new_code SecureRandom.uuid end # If GreenFlag is added to an existing app, # then some users might be older than their corresponding SiteVisitors def first_visited_at [created_at, user.try(:created_at), DateTime.now].compact.min end private def self.assign_visitor_if_available(visitor, user) if visitor && visitor.user_id.nil? visitor.update_attribute(:user_id, user.id) return visitor end nil end end