require 'digest/sha1' class MemCache class ActiveRecord DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :autofix_keys => false, :check_size => true, :failover => false, :logger => nil, :multithread => true, :namespace => nil, :namespace_separator => ':', :no_reply => false, :readonly => false, :timeout => nil, } MAX_KEY_SIZE = 250 MAX_VALUE_SIZE = 2 ** 20 COLUMN_NAMES = { :key => 'key', :value => 'value', :cas => 'cas', :expire_at => 'expire_at', } STORED = "STORED\r\n" NOT_STORED = "NOT_STORED\r\n" EXISTS = "EXISTS\r\n" DELETED = "DELETED\r\n" NOT_FOUND = "NOT_FOUND\r\n" attr_reader :autofix_keys attr_reader :failover attr_reader :logger attr_reader :multithread attr_reader :namespace attr_reader :no_reply attr_reader :timeout def initialize(active_record, options = {}) @ar = active_record [ :check_size, :failover, :logger, :multithread, :timeout, ].each do |name| if options.key?(name) && options[name] != DEFAULT_OPTIONS[name] raise ArgumentError, "#{name} isn't changeable" end end options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @autofix_keys = options[:autofix_keys] @check_size = options[:check_size] @failover = options[:failover] @logger = options[:logger] @multithread = options[:multithread] @namespace = options[:namespace] @namespace_separator = options[:namespace_separator] @no_reply = options[:no_reply] @readonly = options[:readonly] @timeout = options[:timeout] end def inspect '<%s: %s, ns: %p, ro: %p>' % [self.class, @ar, @namespace, @readonly] end def active? true end def readonly? @readonly end def get(key, raw = false) cache_key = make_cache_key(key) if value = find(cache_key, :value, true, __method__) raw ? value : Marshal.load(value) end end def fetch(key, expiry = 0, raw = false, &block) value = get(key, raw) if value.nil? && block_given? value = yield add(key, value, expiry, raw) end value end def get_multi(*keys) cache_keys = keys.inject({}) do |cache_keys, key| cache_keys[make_cache_key(key)] = key cache_keys end rows = find_all(cache_keys.keys, [:key, :value], true, __method__) rows.inject({}) do |hash, (key, value)| hash[cache_keys[key]] = Marshal.load(value) hash end end def set(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false) check_readonly! cache_key = make_cache_key(key) value = value_to_storable(value, raw) unless update(cache_key, value, expiry, __method__) # rescue duplicate key error insert(cache_key, value, expiry, __method__) rescue nil end STORED unless @no_reply end def cas(key, expiry = 0, raw = false, &block) check_readonly! raise MemCacheError, 'A block is required' unless block_given? result = cas_with_reply(key, expiry, raw, __method__, &block) result unless @no_reply end def add(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false) check_readonly! cache_key = make_cache_key(key) value = value_to_storable(value, raw) old_value, expire_at = find(cache_key, [:value, :expire_at], false, __method__) if old_value && available?(expire_at) NOT_STORED unless @no_reply else if old_value update(cache_key, value, expiry, __method__) else # rescue duplicate key error insert(cache_key, value, expiry, __method__) rescue nil end STORED unless @no_reply end end def replace(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false) check_readonly! cache_key = make_cache_key(key) value = value_to_storable(value, raw) if update(cache_key, value, expiry, __method__, true) STORED unless @no_reply else NOT_STORED unless @no_reply end end def append(key, value) append_or_prepend(__method__, key, value) end def prepend(key, value) append_or_prepend(__method__, key, value) end def incr(key, amount = 1) incr_or_decl(__method__, key, amount) end def decr(key, amount = 1) incr_or_decl(__method__, key, amount) end def delete(key) check_readonly! cache_key = make_cache_key(key) conditions = { COLUMN_NAMES[:key] => cache_key } if @no_reply _delete(conditions, __method__) nil else exists = !!find(cache_key, :key, true, __method__) _delete(conditions, __method__) exists ? DELETED : NOT_FOUND end end def flush_all check_readonly! truncate(__method__) end alias_method :[], :get def []=(key, value) set(key, value) end def garbage_collection! _delete(["#{quote_column_name(:expire_at)} <= ?", now], __method__) end private def check_readonly! raise MemCacheError, 'Update of readonly cache' if @readonly end def make_cache_key(key) if @autofix_keys && (key =~ /\s/ || (key.length + (namespace.nil? ? 0 : namespace.length)) > MAX_KEY_SIZE) key = "#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(key)}-autofixed" end key = namespace.nil? ? key : "#{namespace}#{@namespace_separator}#{key}" if key =~ /\s/ raise ArgumentError, "illegal character in key #{key.inspect}" end if key.length > MAX_KEY_SIZE raise ArgumentError, "key too long #{key.inspect}" end key end def value_to_storable(value, raw) value = raw ? value.to_s : Marshal.dump(value) check_value_size!(value) value end def check_value_size!(value) if @check_size && value.size > MAX_VALUE_SIZE raise MemCacheError, "Value too large, memcached can only store 1MB of data per key" end end def gets(key, raw, method) cache_key = make_cache_key(key) value, cas = find(cache_key, [:value, :cas], true, method) if cas [raw ? value : Marshal.load(value), cas] end end def cas_with_reply(key, expiry, raw, method, &block) value, cas = gets(key, raw, method) if cas cache_key = make_cache_key(key) value = value_to_storable(yield(value), raw) update(cache_key, value, expiry, method, true, cas) ? STORED : EXISTS end end # TODO: check value size def append_or_prepend(method, key, value) check_readonly! cache_key = make_cache_key(key) value = value.to_s old = quote_column_name(:value) new = quote_value(:value, value) pairs = { :value => concat_sql(*(method == :append ? [old, new] : [new, old])) } affected_rows = @ar.connection.update( update_sql(cache_key, pairs, true, nil), sql_name(method) ) affected_rows > 0 ? STORED : NOT_STORED unless @no_reply end def incr_or_decl(method, key, amount) check_readonly! unless /\A\s*\d+\s*\z/ =~ amount.to_s raise MemCacheError, 'invalid numeric delta argument' end amount = method == :incr ? amount.to_i : - amount.to_i value = nil count = 0 begin count += 1 raise MemCacheError, "cannot #{method}" if count > 10 result = cas_with_reply(key, nil, true, method) do |old_value| unless /\A\s*\d+\s*\z/ =~old_value raise MemCacheError, 'cannot increment or decrement non-numeric value' end value = [old_value.to_i + amount, 0].max end end while result == EXISTS value unless @no_reply rescue MemCacheError raise unless @no_reply end def find(cache_key, column_keys, only_available, method) result = @ar.connection.send( column_keys.is_a?(Array) ? :select_one : :select_value, select_sql( cache_key, quote_column_name(*Array(column_keys)), only_available ), sql_name(method) ) (result && column_keys.is_a?(Array)) ? {|k| result[COLUMN_NAMES[k]] } : result end def find_all(cache_keys, column_keys, only_available, method) return [] if cache_keys.empty? result = @ar.connection.send( column_keys.is_a?(Array) ? :select_all : :select_values, select_sql( cache_keys, quote_column_name(*Array(column_keys)), only_available ), sql_name(method) ) column_keys.is_a?(Array) ? {|r| {|k| r[COLUMN_NAMES[k]] }} : result end def insert(cache_key, value, expiry, method) attributes = attributes_for_update(value, expiry).merge( :key => cache_key, :cas => 0 ) column_keys = attributes.keys quoted_values = do |column_key| quote_value(column_key, attributes[column_key]) end @ar.connection.execute( "INSERT INTO #{@ar.quoted_table_name}" + " (#{quote_column_name(*column_keys)})" + " VALUES(#{quoted_values.join(', ')})", sql_name(method) ) end def update(cache_key, value, expiry, method, only_available = false, cas = nil) attributes = attributes_for_update(value, expiry) pairs = attributes.keys.inject({}) do |pairs, column_key| pairs[column_key] = quote_value(column_key, attributes[column_key]) pairs end @ar.connection.update( update_sql(cache_key, pairs, only_available, cas), sql_name(method) ) > 0 end def _delete(conditions, method) @ar.connection.execute( "DELETE FROM #{@ar.quoted_table_name}" + " WHERE #{@ar.send(:sanitize_sql, conditions)}", sql_name(method) ) end def truncate(method) sql = case @ar.connection.adapter_name when 'SQLite' "DELETE FROM #{@ar.quoted_table_name}" else "TRUNCATE TABLE #{@ar.quoted_table_name}" end @ar.connection.execute(sql, sql_name(method)) end def attributes_for_update(value, expiry) attributes = { :value => value } unless expiry.nil? attributes.update(:expire_at => ? nil : now(expiry)) end attributes end def select_sql(cache_key, select, only_available) conditions = build_conditions(cache_key, nil, only_available) "SELECT #{select}" + " FROM #{@ar.quoted_table_name}" + " WHERE #{@ar.send(:sanitize_sql, conditions)}" end def update_sql(cache_key, pairs, only_available, cas) pairs[:cas] = "#{quote_column_name(:cas)} + 1" pairs = {|n, v| "#{quote_column_name(n)} = #{v}" } conditions = build_conditions(cache_key, cas, only_available) "UPDATE #{@ar.quoted_table_name}" + " SET #{pairs.join(', ')}" + " WHERE #{@ar.send(:sanitize_sql, conditions)}" end def build_conditions(cache_key, cas, only_available) conditions = [ @ar.send(:attribute_condition, quote_column_name(:key), cache_key), cache_key ] if cas conditions.first << " AND #{quote_column_name(:cas)} = ?" conditions << cas end if only_available conditions.first << ' AND (' + "#{quote_column_name(:expire_at)} IS NULL" + " OR #{quote_column_name(:expire_at)} > ?" + ')' conditions << now end conditions end def concat_sql(a, b) case @ar.connection.adapter_name when 'MySQL' "CONCAT(#{a}, #{b})" else "#{a} || #{b}" end end def sql_name(method) "#{}##{method}" end def now(delay = 0) + delay end def quote_column_name(*column_keys) do |column_key| @ar.connection.quote_column_name( column_key.is_a?(Symbol) ? COLUMN_NAMES[column_key] : column_key) end.join(', ') end def quote_value(column_key, value) @ar.connection.quote(value, @ar.columns_hash[COLUMN_NAMES[column_key]]) end def available?(expire_at) expire_at.nil? || now < to_time(expire_at) end def to_time(expire_at) @ar.columns_hash[COLUMN_NAMES[:expire_at]].type_cast(expire_at) end end unless const_defined?(:MemCacheError) class MemCacheError < RuntimeError; end end end