# I18n support.
# require 'sinatra/support/i18nsupport'
# class Main < Sinatra::Base
# register Sinatra::I18nSupport
# load_locales './config/locales'
# set :default_locale, 'fr' # Optional; defaults to 'en'
# end
# Be sure that you have the +I18n+ gem. Use +gem install i18n+, or if you're
# using Bundler:
# # Gemfile
# gem "i18n"
# Then put your locale YAML files into +./config/locales+ (whatever path you
# use for {#load_locales}:
# # config/locales/en.yml
# en:
# an_article: "An article"
# create: "Create"
# delete: "Delete"
# == Helpers
# === {Helpers#t t} - Translates something.
<%= t('article.an_article') %>
# <%= t('article.delete', name: @article.to_s) %>
# === {Helpers#t l} - Localizes something.
# <%= l(Time.now) %>
# <%= l(Time.now, format: :short) %>
# === {Helpers#current_locale current_locale} - Returns the current locale name.
# === {Helpers#available_locales available_locales} - A list of available locales.
# <% if available_locales.include?(:es) %>
# en Espanol
# <% end %>
# == Changing locales
# Set +session[:locale]+ to the locale name.
# get '/locales/:locale' do |locale|
# not_found unless locales.include?(locale)
# session[:locale] = locale
# end
# If you want to override the way of checking for the current locale,
# simply redefine the `current_locale` helper:
# helpers do
# def current_locale
# current_user.locale || session[:locale] || settings.default_locale
# end
# end
# == Locale files
# This gem does not ship with default options for time, date and such.
# You may want to get those from the Rails-I18n project:
# https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails/locale
# == Using a different backend
# Instead of calling {#load_locales}, just load the right I18n backend
# using the I18n gem.
# You can also just use +I18n.store_translations+ if you still want to use
# the default simple I18n backend.
# == Settings
# [+default_locale+] The locale to use by default. Defaults to +en+.
module Sinatra::I18nSupport
def self.registered(app)
require 'i18n'
app.set :default_locale, 'en'
app.helpers Helpers
# Loads the locales in the given path.
def load_locales(path)
Dir[File.join(path, '*.yml')].each do |file|
I18n.backend.load_translations file
module Helpers
# Override this if you need to, say, check for the user's preferred locale.
def current_locale
session[:locale] || settings.default_locale
def available_locales
def l(what, options={})
I18n.l what, {:locale => current_locale}.merge(options)
def t(what, options={})
I18n.t what, {:locale => current_locale}.merge(options)