Copyright (c) 2006 Ezra Zygmuntowicz Merb. Lightweight MVC Ruby app server. For high performance dynamic pages. ** Dependencies ** mongrel erubis json or fjson mime-types archive-tar-minitar rspec Install these gems first then you can build the merb gem from svn trunk like so: $ sudo gem install mongrel erubis json mime-types archive-tar-minitar rspec --include-dependencies $ svn co merb $ cd merb $ rake install To generate a new merb app after the gem is installed: $ merb -g myapp **FEATURES** *Mongrel handler* built in that parses incoming requests including multipart uploads and post as well as ?query=strings. Puts the params into params and the cookies into cookies when it instantiates your controller class. *RouteMatcher and route compiler* Reads your route definition and compiles a method on the fly that will match the request path against each route and do the right thing. *** NEW RESTFULL ROUTES *** note the r.resource :posts macro. That makes it possible to use a restfull crud style controller for the posts resource Merb::RouteMatcher.prepare do |r| r.resources :posts r.default_routes r.add '/', :controller => 'files', :action => 'index' end The r.default_routes routes adds the standard routes: /controller/action/id.xml /controller/action/id /controller/action.xml /controller/action /controller.xml # index action /controller # index action *Controllers* Classes with built in render method and template handling with instance vars available in the views automatically. Merb also supports layouts. It will look for a layout named after your controller class first and then fall back to application.herb if no layout exists named after your controller. You can use render :layout => :none. Merb does not automatically render for you in your controller actions, you have to call render yourself. I consider this a big advantage over the way rails does it for a few reasons. The main reason is that in rails you can only render once per action, so it knows if you haven’t rendered it shoudl auto render. Merb on the other hand, returns to the browser whatever the return value of your controller’s action method is. This opens up more possibilities imho because now you can return any string from your action and that will be sent down the pipe. So Merb’s render method just returns a string and needs to be the last thing you call in your action. You can render multiple times and capture the results into @ivars and then render a master template with many embeded templates. Also if you return a handle on a File or IO object from your action then merb will hand that over to mongrel to be streamed out to the client. And if you return a Proc object from your action, it will be called and the return value sent to the client. That last point has some cool connotations if you think about it. Merb does have a mutex lock around the call to your controller’s action anywhere that you can call AR objects. Merb’s lock is way smaller then rails giant lock though and allows for many more concurrent requests to be handled by one process. By returning a Proc object from your action, you allow merb to release the lock and the proc is called in multi threaded way. This allows for all kinds of cool streaming and ‘futures’ where you return the proc and release the mutex. It’s basically like handing over the proc to mongrel and mongrel handles calling it in a thread safe manner. class Test < Merb::Controller def hello # params, headers and cookies are available here. @name = params[:name] render end end You can also render partials like so: <%= partial(:comments) %> This assumes a _comments.rhtml file in the same view dir as the current controller/view Partials compile the template ands returns a string. So you can also call them and assign them to a var if you want: def someaction @one = partial(:one) @two = partial(:two) end partials can also render views from other controllers by specifying the path partial('/shared/foo') Merb also allows for returning javascript instead of html for ajax actions You have to use the render_js instead of normal render def ajax_action @posts = Post.find :all render_js end # ajax_action.jerb $('comments').update('<%=js partial(:posts) %>'); # _posts.herb *Restful Controllers* restful controllers use a different dispatch system based on the request method verbs. Merb supports multi return values based on the accept header via respond_to class Posts < Merb::Controller # GET /posts # GET /posts.xml def index @posts = Post.find :all respond_to {|format| format.html { render } format.js { render :js => 'index' } format.xml { render :xml => @posts.to_xml } } end # GET /posts/1 # GET /posts/1.xml def show end # GET /posts/new def new end # GET /posts/1;edit def edit end # POST /posts # POST /posts.xml def create end # PUT /posts/1 # PUT /posts/1.xml def update end # DELETE /posts/1 # DELETE /posts/1.xml def destroy end end *Controllers have powerful before and after filters* Use the before method in your controllers. before accepts either a symbol, string or a Proc/lambda object. If you give it a symbol it will call a method with the same name as the symbol. If you give it a proc that takes one argument it will call the proc with the current controller as that argument. You can use :only and :exclude as options to your filters to exclude or include actionsfrom certain filters. :only and :exclude take :symbols or [:sym, :sam] array of symbols. class Foo < Merb::Controller before :setup_user, :only => :foo before lambda {|c| c.headers['X-Foo] = 'bar' }, :exclude => [:foo, :baz] def setup_user # blah blah end def foo # blah end def regular_action # blah end end To stop the before filter chain you use throw :halt with a few options: # halts the filter chain and calls filters_halted which you can override # in your controller to specialize it. throw :halt # halts the filters and calls the method named after the symbol: throw :halt, :other_action # halts the filter chain and returns the result of the Proc being called throw :halt,{ |c| c.redirect "/foo" } # halts the chain and returns whatever is in the string throw :halt, "

You don't have permissions dude!

" or even render templates: throw :halt, render 'foo' throw :halt, partial 'foo' After filters accept a symbol, string or Proc and call that proc with the controller: after {|c| }, :only => :index Sessions are available when you start merb with the sql_session set to true or the memory_session set to true. See generated app for migration too add session table. Helpers: dist/app/helpers/global_helper.rb will be available to all of your views. Helpers named after your controller plus _helper.rb will be included in the views for that controller only. *The merb server* right now you add your routes in the appdir/dist/conf/router.rb file. So by default it runs on port 4000 $ cd /path/to/your/merb/app $ merb Or to start merb on a different port: $ merb -p 3500 To start a cluster of merb servers you specify the first port and then how many servers you want spawned. SO this command will start a merb instance on ports 3000, 3001, 3002 $ merb -p 3000 -c 3 To start a Merb IRB console where all your models and other classes are pre loaded use the -i flag $merb -i *File uploads* This is one of the things that Merb was written for. Rails doesn't allow multiple concurrent file uploads at once without blocking an entire rails backend for each file upload. Merb allows multiple file uploads at once. When a file is uploaded with Merb, it gets put in a Tempfile. So you just want to copy it to the right place on the filesystem. def upload puts params[:file].inspect params[:file][:tempfile].path, MERB_ROOT+"/uploads/#{params[:file][:filename]}" render end A file upload will have a hash of params like this: { :filename => File.basename(filename), :content_type => content_type, :tempfile => , :size => File.size(body) } *Merb app layout* A Merb app contains everything it needs to run in production in the MERB_ROOT/dist directory. So for deployment you only need to deploy the dist dir. This keeps your test code and development plugins separate from your main app and lets you not deploy them to the live server. You deal with two things with this setup, MERB_ROOT and DIST_ROOT. MERB_ROOT is the root of the whole tree. And DISTROOT is MERB_ROOT+/dist You will cd into MERB_ROOT to run the merb command line. ANd when you deploy live you will put the dist dir into another empty MERB_ROOT on the production server. merb_app: Rakefile README scripts test spec unit plugins dist app controllers models views conf lib public plugins schema