require 'json' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class SwipeCheckoutGateway < Gateway TRANSACTION_APPROVED_MSG = 'Transaction approved' TRANSACTION_DECLINED_MSG = 'Transaction declined' self.live_url = '' self.test_url = '' TRANSACTION_API = '/createShopifyTransaction.php' self.supported_countries = %w[NZ CA] self.default_currency = 'NZD' self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Swipe Checkout' self.money_format = :dollars # Swipe Checkout requires the merchant's email and API key for authorization. # This can be found under Settings > API Credentials after logging in to your # Swipe Checkout merchant console at https://merchant.swipehq.[com|ca] # # :region determines which Swipe URL is used, this can be one of "NZ" or "CA". # Currently Swipe Checkout has New Zealand and Canadian domains ( # and respectively). Merchants must use the region that they # signed up in for authentication with their merchant ID and API key to succeed. def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :api_key, :region) super end # Transfers funds immediately. # Note that Swipe Checkout only supports purchase at this stage def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, options) add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_customer_data(post, creditcard, options) add_amount(post, money, options) commit('sale', money, post) end private def add_customer_data(post, creditcard, options) post[:email] = options[:email] post[:ip_address] = options[:ip] address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] return if address.nil? post[:company] = address[:company] post[:first_name], post[:last_name] = split_names(address[:name]) post[:address] = "#{address[:address1]}, #{address[:address2]}" post[:city] = address[:city] post[:country] = address[:country] post[:mobile] = address[:phone] # API only has a "mobile" field, no "phone" end def add_invoice(post, options) # store shopping-cart order ID in Swipe for merchant's records post[:td_user_data] = options[:order_id] if options[:order_id] post[:td_item] = options[:description] if options[:description] post[:td_description] = options[:description] if options[:description] post[:item_quantity] = '1' end def add_creditcard(post, creditcard) post[:card_number] = creditcard.number post[:card_type] = creditcard.brand post[:name_on_card] = "#{creditcard.first_name} #{creditcard.last_name}" post[:card_expiry] = expdate(creditcard) post[:secure_number] = creditcard.verification_value end def expdate(creditcard) year = format(creditcard.year, :two_digits) month = format(creditcard.month, :two_digits) "#{month}#{year}" end def add_amount(post, money, options) post[:amount] = money.to_s post[:currency] = (options[:currency] || currency(money)) end def commit(action, money, parameters) case action when 'sale' begin response = call_api(TRANSACTION_API, parameters) # response code and message params should always be present code = response['response_code'] message = response['message'] if code == 200 result = response['data']['result'] success = (result == 'accepted' || (test? && result == 'test-accepted')) success, success ? TRANSACTION_APPROVED_MSG : TRANSACTION_DECLINED_MSG, response, test: test? ) else build_error_response(message, response) end rescue ResponseError => e build_error_response("ssl_post() with url #{url} raised ResponseError: #{e}") rescue JSON::ParserError => e msg = 'Invalid response received from the Swipe Checkout API. ' \ 'Please contact if you continue to receive this message.' \ " (Full error message: #{e})" build_error_response(msg) end end end def call_api(api, params = nil) params ||= {} params[:merchant_id] = @options[:login] params[:api_key] = @options[:api_key] # ssl_post() returns the response body as a string on success, # or raises a ResponseError exception on failure JSON.parse(ssl_post(url(api), params.to_query)) end def url(api) (test? ? self.test_url : self.live_url) + api end def build_error_response(message, params = {}) false, message, params, test: test? ) end end end end