Feature: Create a Manifest As a User I want start manifesto from the command line So that I can create a manifest Scenario: Start manifesto with no parameters Given Manifesto is not yet running When I run `manifesto` Then the output should contain "Manifesto! throw me a frickin' bone here" And the output should contain "I need some parameters" And the output should contain "Use --help to find out how" Scenario Outline: render a simple template with a single glob to the console Given a file named "simple.mustache" with: """ Group1: ({{group1.path}}) {{#group1.files}} {{.}} {{/group1.files}} """ And some empty files file1.txt file2.jpg file3.jpg file4.png When I run `manifesto --template simple.mustache ` Then the output should contain "" Scenarios: Single globs | globs | results | | '*.*' | file1.txt\nfile2 | | '*.*' | Group1: (*.*) | | '*.png' | file4 | | '*.jpg' | file2.jpg | | '*.jpg' | file3.jpg | Scenario Outline: render a simple template with multiple globs to the console Given a file named "simple.mustache" with: """ Matched Groups: {{#groups}} {{name}} ({{path}}): {{#files}}{{.}} {{/files}} {{/groups}} """ And some empty files file1.txt file2.jpg file3.jpg file4.png When I run `manifesto --template simple.mustache ` Then the output should contain "" Scenarios: single globs | globs | results | | '*.*' | file1.txt file2 | | '*.*' | group1 (*.*) | | '*.png' | file4 | | '*.png' | (*.png) | | '*.jpg' | file2.jpg | | '*.jpg' | file3.jpg | Scenarios: multiple globs | globs | results | | '*.*' '*.png' | group1 | | '*.*' '*.png' | group2 | | '*.*' '*.png' | file1.txt | | '*.*' '*.png' | file4.png | Scenario: render arbitrary properties Given a file named "simple.mustache" with: """ Group ID: {{props}} {{#groups}} {{name}} ({{path}}): {{#files}}{{.}} {{/files}} {{/groups}} """ And some empty files file1.txt file2.jpg file3.jpg file4.png When I run `manifesto -m simple.mustache --properties "{ group_id: '1234' }" '*.*'` Then the output should contain "1234"