Simple, extendable, test-driven commandline editor written in ruby. Features: - **Intuitive interface** - selecting via Shift+left/right/up/down (only on Linux) and Ctrl+a(all) - Tab -> indent / Shift+Tab -> unindent - keeps indentation (+ paste-detection e.g. via Cmd+v) - change (*) + writable (!) indicators - find / go to line / delete line / search & replace - configuration via `~/.ruco.rb` - cut, copy and paste -> Ctrl+x/c/v - undo / redo - stays at last position when reopening a file - opens file at line with `ruco foo/bar.rb:32` syntax - keeps whatever newline format you use (\r \n \r\n) - (optional) remove trailing whitespace on save - (optional) blank line before eof on save Install ======= sudo gem install ruco Usage ===== ruco file.rb Customize ========= # ~/.ruco.rb Ruco.configure do # set options options.window_line_scroll_offset = 5 # default 1 options.history_entries = 10 # default 100 options.editor_remove_trailing_whitespace_on_save = true # default false options.editor_blank_line_before_eof_on_save = true # default false ... # bind a key # - you can use Integers and Symbols # - use "ruco --debug-keys foo" to see which keys are possible # - have a look at lib/ruco/keyboard.rb bind(:"Ctrl+e") do ask('foo') do |response| if response == 'bar' editor.insert('baz') else editor.move(:to, 0,0) editor.delete(99999) editor.insert('FAIL!') end end end # bind an existing action puts @actions.keys bind :"Ctrl+x", :quit bind :"Ctrl+o", :save bind :"Ctrl+k", :delete_line # create reusable actions action(:first){ editor.move(:to_column, 0) } bind(:"Ctrl+a", :first) bind(:home, :first) end TIPS ==== - [Tabs] Ruco does not like tabs. Existing tabs are displayed as ' ' and pressing tab inserts 2*' ' - [RVM] `alias r="rvm ree exec ruco"` and you only have to install ruco once - [Ruby1.9] Unicode support -> install libncursesw5-dev before installing ruby (does not work for 1.8) - [ssh vs clipboard] access your desktops clipboard by installing `xauth` on the server and then using `ssh -X` - [Alt key] if Alt does not work try your Meta/Win/Cmd key TODO ===== - align soft-tabs - handle \\r and \\r\\n nicely <-> breaks curses output - highlight tabs (e.g. strange character or reverse/underline/color) - big warning when editing a not-writable file - find next (Alt+n) - add selection colors to forms in command_bar - smart staying at column when changing line - syntax highlighting - raise when binding to a unsupported key - search history via up/down arrow - search options regex + case-sensitive - add auto-confirm to 'replace?' dialog -> type s == skip, no enter needed - 1.8: unicode support <-> already finished but unusable due to Curses (see encoding branch) - support Alt+Fx keys - (later) extract keyboard and html-style components into separate project Author ====== [Michael Grosser](
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