require 'spec_helper_lite' require 'leadlight/request' require 'timeout' module Leadlight describe Request do include Timeout before :all do @old_abort_on_exception = Thread.abort_on_exception Thread.abort_on_exception = true end after :all do Thread.abort_on_exception = @old_abort_on_exception end # The Faraday connection API works like this: # # connection.run_request(:get, ...).on_complete do |env| # ... # end # # TODO stick a facade over Faraday instead of stubbing stuff I # don't own class FakeFaradayResponse fattr(:completion_handlers) { } attr_reader :env def initialize(env) @env = env end def on_complete(&block) completion_handlers << block end def run_completion_handlers(n=1) n.times do handler = completion_handlers.pop end end def success? true end end subject {, connection, url, http_method, body, options) } let(:service) { stub(:service, :type_map => type_map) } let(:type_map) { stub(:type_map).as_null_object } let(:connection) { stub(:connection, :run_request => faraday_response) } let(:url) { stub(:url, :to_s => "STRINGIFIED_URL") } let(:http_method){ :get } let(:body) { stub(:body) } let(:faraday_request) {stub(:faraday_request, options: {}, params: request_params)} let(:on_complete_handlers) { [] } let(:faraday_env) { {request: faraday_request} } let(:representation) { stub(:representation) } let(:faraday_response) { } let(:link) { stub(:link, params: link_params) } let(:link_params) { { a: "123", b: "456" } } let(:request_params) { { b: "789", c: "321" } } let(:options) { { link: link } } def run_completion_handlers faraday_env[:status] ||= 200 faraday_env[:response] ||= faraday_response faraday_env[:leadlight_representation] ||= representation faraday_response.run_completion_handlers end def do_it_and_complete(&block) t = do do_it(&block) end run_completion_handlers t.join(1).value end before do subject.stub!(:represent => representation) end context "for GET" do let(:http_method) { :get } its(:http_method) { should eq(:get) } end context "for POST" do let(:http_method) { :post } its(:http_method) { should eq(:post) } end describe "#submit" do let(:request_params) { stub } let(:faraday_request) { stub(options: {}, headers: {}, params: request_params) } before do connection.stub(:run_request). and_yield(faraday_request). and_return(stub.as_null_object) end it "starts a request runnning" do connection.should_receive(:run_request). with(http_method, "STRINGIFIED_URL", anything, {}). and_return(faraday_response) subject.submit end it "triggers the on_prepare_request hook in the block passed to #run_request" do yielded = :nothing subject.on_prepare_request do |request| yielded = request end subject.submit yielded.should equal(faraday_request) end end shared_examples_for "synchronous methods" do it "returns once the request has completed" do timeout(1) do trace = thread = do do_it trace << "wait finished" end trace << "completing request" run_completion_handlers thread.join(1) trace << "request completed" trace.pop.should eq("completing request") trace.pop.should eq("wait finished") trace.pop.should eq("request completed") end end end describe "#wait" do context "before a submit" do it "doesn't return until after the submit" do timeout(1) do trace = thread = do subject.wait trace << "wait finished" end trace << "submit" subject.submit trace << "completing request" run_completion_handlers thread.join(1) trace << "request completed" trace.pop.should eq("submit") trace.pop.should eq("completing request") trace.pop.should eq("wait finished") trace.pop.should eq("request completed") end end end context "after a submit" do before do subject.submit end def do_it subject.wait end it_should_behave_like "synchronous methods" it "returns self" do do_it_and_complete.should equal(subject) end end end describe "#submit_and_wait" do def do_it(&block) subject.submit_and_wait(&block) end it_should_behave_like "synchronous methods" it "returns self" do do_it_and_complete.should equal(subject) end it "yields the response representation" do yielded = :nothing do_it_and_complete do |rep| yielded = rep end yielded.should equal(representation) end end describe "#on_complete" do def submit_and_complete t = do subject.submit subject.wait end run_completion_handlers t.join(1) end it "queues hooks to be run on completion" do run_hooks = [] subject.on_complete do |response| run_hooks << "hook 1" end subject.on_complete do |response| run_hooks << "hook 2" end submit_and_complete run_hooks.should eq(["hook 1", "hook 2"]) end it "calls hooks with the faraday response" do yielded = :nothing subject.on_complete do |response| yielded = response end submit_and_complete yielded.should equal(faraday_response) end end describe "#on_error" do def submit_and_complete t = do subject.submit subject.wait end run_completion_handlers t.join(1) subject end it "yields to the block when response is an error" do called = :not_set block = proc{ called = true } faraday_response.should_receive(:success?).and_return(false) submit_and_complete.on_error(&block) called.should be_true end it "does not yield to the block when response is sucess" do called = :not_set block = proc { called = true } faraday_response.should_receive(:success?).and_return(true) submit_and_complete.on_error(&block) called.should eq(:not_set) end it "passes the representation to the handler" do passed = :not_set block = ->(arg) { passed = arg } faraday_response.should_receive(:success?).and_return(false) submit_and_complete.on_error(&block) passed.should equal(representation) end end describe "#raise_on_error" do def submit_and_complete t = do subject.submit subject.wait end run_completion_handlers t.join(1) subject end it "raises an error when the response is a client error" do faraday_response.should_receive(:success?).and_return(false) subject.should_receive(:raise).with(representation) submit_and_complete.raise_on_error end it "raises after completion when called before completion" do faraday_response.should_receive(:success?).and_return(false) subject.raise_on_error subject.should_receive(:raise).with(representation) submit_and_complete end end describe "#link" do it "defaults to a null link with the URL passed in" do subject =, connection, url, http_method, body) eq( end it 'is taken from options supplied to constructor' do link = double subject =, connection, url, http_method, body, link: link) be(link) end end describe "#params" do context "(after completion)" do def do_it(&block) subject.submit_and_wait(&block) end before do do_it_and_complete end it 'merges request params and link params' do subject.params.should eq(a: "123", b: "789", c: "321") end end end end end