require 'spec_helper' describe Ripple::EmbeddedDocument::Finders do # require 'support/models/address' # require 'support/models/favorite' before :each do @address = end it "should instantiate a document" do Address.stub!(:new).and_return(@address) Address.instantiate('_type' => 'Address').should == @address end it "should instantiate a class of _type if present in attrs" do Favorite.instantiate('_type' => 'Address').class.should == Address end it "should use self if being called from a class including Ripple::EmbeddedDocument and _type is not present" do Address.instantiate({}).class.should == Address end it 'initializes the document with no changes' do a = Address.instantiate('_type' => 'Address', 'street' => 'Pine St') a.should_not be_changed a.changes.should be_empty end end