# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: true require 'write_xlsx/col_name' module Writexlsx module Utility ROW_MAX = 1048576 # :nodoc: COL_MAX = 16384 # :nodoc: STR_MAX = 32767 # :nodoc: SHEETNAME_MAX = 31 # :nodoc: CHAR_WIDTHS = {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`' => 4, 'a' => 7, 'b' => 8, 'c' => 6, 'd' => 8, 'e' => 8, 'f' => 5, 'g' => 7, 'h' => 8, 'i' => 4, 'j' => 4, 'k' => 7, 'l' => 4, 'm' => 12, 'n' => 8, 'o' => 8, 'p' => 8, 'q' => 8, 'r' => 5, 's' => 6, 't' => 5, 'u' => 8, 'v' => 7, 'w' => 11, 'x' => 7, 'y' => 7, 'z' => 6, '{' => 5, '|' => 7, '}' => 5, '~' => 7 }.freeze # # xl_rowcol_to_cell($row, col, row_absolute, col_absolute) # def xl_rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_absolute = false, col_absolute = false) row += 1 # Change from 0-indexed to 1 indexed. col_str = xl_col_to_name(col, col_absolute) "#{col_str}#{absolute_char(row_absolute)}#{row}" end # # Returns: [row, col, row_absolute, col_absolute] # # The row_absolute and col_absolute parameters aren't documented because they # mainly used internally and aren't very useful to the user. # def xl_cell_to_rowcol(cell) cell =~ /(\$?)([A-Z]{1,3})(\$?)(\d+)/ col_abs = ::Regexp.last_match(1) != "" col = ::Regexp.last_match(2) row_abs = ::Regexp.last_match(3) != "" row = ::Regexp.last_match(4).to_i # Convert base26 column string to number # All your Base are belong to us. chars = col.split(//) expn = 0 col = 0 chars.reverse.each do |char| col += (char.ord - 'A'.ord + 1) * (26**expn) expn += 1 end # Convert 1-index to zero-index row -= 1 col -= 1 [row, col, row_abs, col_abs] end def xl_col_to_name(col, col_absolute) col_str = ColName.instance.col_str(col) if col_absolute "#{absolute_char(col_absolute)}#{col_str}" else # Do not allocate new string col_str end end def xl_range(row_1, row_2, col_1, col_2, row_abs_1 = false, row_abs_2 = false, col_abs_1 = false, col_abs_2 = false) range1 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(row_1, col_1, row_abs_1, col_abs_1) range2 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(row_2, col_2, row_abs_2, col_abs_2) if range1 == range2 range1 else "#{range1}:#{range2}" end end def xl_range_formula(sheetname, row_1, row_2, col_1, col_2) # Use Excel's conventions and quote the sheet name if it contains any # non-word character or if it isn't already quoted. sheetname = "'#{sheetname}'" if sheetname =~ /\W/ && !(sheetname =~ /^'/) range1 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(row_1, col_1, 1, 1) range2 = xl_rowcol_to_cell(row_2, col_2, 1, 1) "=#{sheetname}!#{range1}:#{range2}" end # # xl_string_pixel_width($string) # # Get the pixel width of a string based on individual character widths taken # from Excel. UTF8 characters are given a default width of 8. # # Note, Excel adds an additional 7 pixels padding to a cell. # def xl_string_pixel_width(string) length = 0 string.to_s.split(//).each { |char| length += CHAR_WIDTHS[char] || 8 } length end # # Sheetnames used in references should be quoted if they contain any spaces, # special characters or if the look like something that isn't a sheet name. # TODO. We need to handle more special cases. # def quote_sheetname(sheetname) # :nodoc: # Use Excel's conventions and quote the sheet name if it comtains any # non-word character or if it isn't already quoted. name = sheetname.dup if name =~ /\W/ && !(name =~ /^'/) # Double quote and single quoted strings. name = name.gsub(/'/, "''") name = "'#{name}'" end name end def check_dimensions(row, col) raise WriteXLSXDimensionError if !row || row >= ROW_MAX || !col || col >= COL_MAX 0 end # # convert_date_time(date_time_string) # # The function takes a date and time in ISO8601 "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ss" format # and converts it to a decimal number representing a valid Excel date. # def convert_date_time(date_time_string) # :nodoc: date_time = date_time_string.to_s.sub(/^\s+/, '').sub(/\s+$/, '').sub(/Z$/, '') # Check for invalid date char. return nil if date_time =~ /[^0-9T:\-.Z]/ # Check for "T" after date or before time. return nil unless date_time =~ /\dT|T\d/ days = 0 # Number of days since epoch seconds = 0 # Time expressed as fraction of 24h hours in seconds # Split into date and time. date, time = date_time.split(/T/) # We allow the time portion of the input DateTime to be optional. if time # Match hh:mm:ss.sss+ where the seconds are optional if time =~ /^(\d\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d(\.\d+)?))?/ hour = ::Regexp.last_match(1).to_i min = ::Regexp.last_match(2).to_i sec = ::Regexp.last_match(4).to_f || 0 else return nil # Not a valid time format. end # Some boundary checks return nil if hour >= 24 return nil if min >= 60 return nil if sec >= 60 # Excel expresses seconds as a fraction of the number in 24 hours. seconds = ((hour * 60 * 60) + (min * 60) + sec) / (24.0 * 60 * 60) end # We allow the date portion of the input DateTime to be optional. return seconds if date == '' # Match date as yyyy-mm-dd. if date =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/ year = ::Regexp.last_match(1).to_i month = ::Regexp.last_match(2).to_i day = ::Regexp.last_match(3).to_i else return nil # Not a valid date format. end # Set the epoch as 1900 or 1904. Defaults to 1900. # Special cases for Excel. unless date_1904? return seconds if date == '1899-12-31' # Excel 1900 epoch return seconds if date == '1900-01-00' # Excel 1900 epoch return 60 + seconds if date == '1900-02-29' # Excel false leapday end # We calculate the date by calculating the number of days since the epoch # and adjust for the number of leap days. We calculate the number of leap # days by normalising the year in relation to the epoch. Thus the year 2000 # becomes 100 for 4 and 100 year leapdays and 400 for 400 year leapdays. # epoch = date_1904? ? 1904 : 1900 offset = date_1904? ? 4 : 0 norm = 300 range = year - epoch # Set month days and check for leap year. mdays = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] leap = 0 leap = 1 if (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0 mdays[1] = 29 if leap != 0 # Some boundary checks return nil if year < epoch or year > 9999 return nil if month < 1 or month > 12 return nil if day < 1 or day > mdays[month - 1] # Accumulate the number of days since the epoch. days = day # Add days for current month (0..month - 2).each do |m| days += mdays[m] # Add days for past months end days += range * 365 # Add days for past years days += (range / 4) # Add leapdays days -= ((range + offset) / 100) # Subtract 100 year leapdays days += ((range + offset + norm) / 400) # Add 400 year leapdays days -= leap # Already counted above # Adjust for Excel erroneously treating 1900 as a leap year. days += 1 if !date_1904? and days > 59 date_time = sprintf("%0.10f", days + seconds) date_time = date_time.sub(/\.?0+$/, '') if date_time =~ /\./ if date_time =~ /\./ date_time.to_f else date_time.to_i end end def escape_url(url) unless url =~ /%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/ # Escape the URL escape symbol. url = url.gsub(/%/, "%25") # Escape whitespae in URL. url = url.gsub(/[\s\x00]/, '%20') # Escape other special characters in URL. re = /(["<>\[\]`^{}])/ while re =~ url match = $~[1] url = url.sub(re, sprintf("%%%x", match.ord)) end end url end def absolute_char(absolute) absolute ? '$' : '' end def xml_str @writer.string end def self.delete_files(path) if FileTest.file?(path) File.delete(path) elsif FileTest.directory?(path) Dir.foreach(path) do |file| next if file =~ /^\.\.?$/ # '.' or '..' delete_files(path.sub(%r{/+$}, "") + '/' + file) end Dir.rmdir(path) end end def put_deprecate_message(method) warn("Warning: calling deprecated method #{method}. This method will be removed in a future release.") end # Check for a cell reference in A1 notation and substitute row and column def row_col_notation(row_or_a1) # :nodoc: substitute_cellref(row_or_a1) if row_or_a1.respond_to?(:match) && row_or_a1.to_s =~ /^\D/ end # # Substitute an Excel cell reference in A1 notation for zero based row and # column values in an argument list. # # Ex: ("A4", "Hello") is converted to (3, 0, "Hello"). # def substitute_cellref(cell, *args) # :nodoc: # return [*args] if cell.respond_to?(:coerce) # Numeric normalized_cell = cell.upcase case normalized_cell # Convert a column range: 'A:A' or 'B:G'. # A range such as A:A is equivalent to A1:65536, so add rows as required when /\$?([A-Z]{1,3}):\$?([A-Z]{1,3})/ row1, col1 = xl_cell_to_rowcol(::Regexp.last_match(1) + '1') row2, col2 = xl_cell_to_rowcol(::Regexp.last_match(2) + ROW_MAX.to_s) [row1, col1, row2, col2, *args] # Convert a cell range: 'A1:B7' when /\$?([A-Z]{1,3}\$?\d+):\$?([A-Z]{1,3}\$?\d+)/ row1, col1 = xl_cell_to_rowcol(::Regexp.last_match(1)) row2, col2 = xl_cell_to_rowcol(::Regexp.last_match(2)) [row1, col1, row2, col2, *args] # Convert a cell reference: 'A1' or 'AD2000' when /\$?([A-Z]{1,3}\$?\d+)/ row1, col1 = xl_cell_to_rowcol(::Regexp.last_match(1)) [row1, col1, *args] else raise("Unknown cell reference #{normalized_cell}") end end def underline_attributes(underline) if underline == 2 [%w[val double]] elsif underline == 33 [%w[val singleAccounting]] elsif underline == 34 [%w[val doubleAccounting]] else [] # Default to single underline. end end # # Write the element. # def write_color(name, value, writer = @writer) # :nodoc: attributes = [[name, value]] writer.empty_tag('color', attributes) end PERL_TRUE_VALUES = [false, nil, 0, "0", "", [], {}].freeze # # return perl's boolean result # def ptrue?(value) if PERL_TRUE_VALUES.include?(value) false else true end end def check_parameter(params, valid_keys, method) invalids = params.keys - valid_keys unless invalids.empty? raise WriteXLSXOptionParameterError, "Unknown parameter '#{invalids.join(", ")}' in #{method}." end true end # # Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values for use in # other methods/elements. # def check_dimensions_and_update_max_min_values(row, col, ignore_row = 0, ignore_col = 0) # :nodoc: check_dimensions(row, col) store_row_max_min_values(row) if ignore_row == 0 store_col_max_min_values(col) if ignore_col == 0 0 end def store_row_max_min_values(row) @dim_rowmin = row if !@dim_rowmin || (row < @dim_rowmin) @dim_rowmax = row if !@dim_rowmax || (row > @dim_rowmax) end def store_col_max_min_values(col) @dim_colmin = col if !@dim_colmin || (col < @dim_colmin) @dim_colmax = col if !@dim_colmax || (col > @dim_colmax) end def float_to_str(float) return '' unless float if float == float.to_i float.to_i.to_s else float.to_s end end # # Convert user defined legend properties to the structure required internally. # def legend_properties(params) legend = Writexlsx::Chart::Legend.new legend.position = params[:position] || 'right' legend.delete_series = params[:delete_series] legend.font = convert_font_args(params[:font]) # Set the legend layout. legend.layout = layout_properties(params[:layout]) # Turn off the legend. legend.position = 'none' if params[:none] # Set the line properties for the legend. line = line_properties(params[:line]) # Allow 'border' as a synonym for 'line'. line = line_properties(params[:border]) if params[:border] # Set the fill properties for the legend. fill = fill_properties(params[:fill]) # Set the pattern properties for the legend. pattern = pattern_properties(params[:pattern]) # Set the gradient fill properties for the legend. gradient = gradient_properties(params[:gradient]) # Pattern fill overrides solid fill. fill = nil if pattern # Gradient fill overrides solid and pattern fills. if gradient pattern = nil fill = nil end # Set the legend layout. layout = layout_properties(params[:layout]) legend.line = line legend.fill = fill legend.pattern = pattern legend.gradient = gradient legend.layout = layout @legend = legend end # # Convert user defined layout properties to the format required internally. # def layout_properties(args, is_text = false) return unless ptrue?(args) properties = is_text ? %i[x y] : %i[x y width height] # Check for valid properties. args.keys.each do |key| raise "Property '#{key}' not allowed in layout options\n" unless properties.include?(key.to_sym) end # Set the layout properties layout = {} properties.each do |property| value = args[property] # Convert to the format used by Excel for easier testing. layout[property] = sprintf("%.17g", value) end layout end # # Convert vertices from pixels to points. # def pixels_to_points(vertices) _col_start, _row_start, _x1, _y1, _col_end, _row_end, _x2, _y2, left, top, width, height = vertices.flatten left *= 0.75 top *= 0.75 width *= 0.75 height *= 0.75 [left, top, width, height] end def v_shape_attributes_base(id) [ ['id', "_x0000_s#{id}"], ['type', type] ] end def v_shape_style_base(z_index, vertices) left, top, width, height = pixels_to_points(vertices) left_str = float_to_str(left) top_str = float_to_str(top) width_str = float_to_str(width) height_str = float_to_str(height) z_index_str = float_to_str(z_index) shape_style_base(left_str, top_str, width_str, height_str, z_index_str) end def shape_style_base(left_str, top_str, width_str, height_str, z_index_str) [ 'position:absolute;', 'margin-left:', left_str, 'pt;', 'margin-top:', top_str, 'pt;', 'width:', width_str, 'pt;', 'height:', height_str, 'pt;', 'z-index:', z_index_str, ';' ] end # # Write the element. # def write_fill @writer.empty_tag('v:fill', fill_attributes) end # # Write the element. # def write_comment_path(gradientshapeok, connecttype) attributes = [] attributes << %w[gradientshapeok t] if gradientshapeok attributes << ['o:connecttype', connecttype] @writer.empty_tag('v:path', attributes) end # # Write the element. # def write_anchor col_start, row_start, x1, y1, col_end, row_end, x2, y2 = vertices data = [col_start, x1, row_start, y1, col_end, x2, row_end, y2].join(', ') @writer.data_element('x:Anchor', data) end # # Write the element. # def write_auto_fill @writer.data_element('x:AutoFill', 'False') end # # Write the
element. # def write_div(align, font = nil) style = "text-align:#{align}" attributes = [['style', style]] @writer.tag_elements('div', attributes) do if font # Write the font element. write_font(font) end end end # # Write the element. # def write_font(font) caption = font[:_caption] face = 'Calibri' size = 220 color = '#000000' attributes = [ ['face', face], ['size', size], ['color', color] ] @writer.data_element('font', caption, attributes) end # # Write the element. # def write_stroke attributes = [%w[joinstyle miter]] @writer.empty_tag('v:stroke', attributes) end def r_id_attributes(id) ['r:id', "rId#{id}"] end def write_xml_declaration @writer.xml_decl yield @writer.crlf @writer.close end # # Convert user defined line properties to the structure required internally. # def line_properties(line) # :nodoc: line_fill_properties(line) do value_or_raise(dash_types, line[:dash_type], 'dash type') end end # # Convert user defined fill properties to the structure required internally. # def fill_properties(fill) # :nodoc: line_fill_properties(fill) end # # Convert user defined pattern properties to the structure required internally. # def pattern_properties(args) # :nodoc: pattern = {} return nil unless args # Check the pattern type is present. return nil unless args.has_key?(:pattern) # Check the foreground color is present. retuen nil unless args.has_key?(:fg_color) types = { 'percent_5' => 'pct5', 'percent_10' => 'pct10', 'percent_20' => 'pct20', 'percent_25' => 'pct25', 'percent_30' => 'pct30', 'percent_40' => 'pct40', 'percent_50' => 'pct50', 'percent_60' => 'pct60', 'percent_70' => 'pct70', 'percent_75' => 'pct75', 'percent_80' => 'pct80', 'percent_90' => 'pct90', 'light_downward_diagonal' => 'ltDnDiag', 'light_upward_diagonal' => 'ltUpDiag', 'dark_downward_diagonal' => 'dkDnDiag', 'dark_upward_diagonal' => 'dkUpDiag', 'wide_downward_diagonal' => 'wdDnDiag', 'wide_upward_diagonal' => 'wdUpDiag', 'light_vertical' => 'ltVert', 'light_horizontal' => 'ltHorz', 'narrow_vertical' => 'narVert', 'narrow_horizontal' => 'narHorz', 'dark_vertical' => 'dkVert', 'dark_horizontal' => 'dkHorz', 'dashed_downward_diagonal' => 'dashDnDiag', 'dashed_upward_diagonal' => 'dashUpDiag', 'dashed_horizontal' => 'dashHorz', 'dashed_vertical' => 'dashVert', 'small_confetti' => 'smConfetti', 'large_confetti' => 'lgConfetti', 'zigzag' => 'zigZag', 'wave' => 'wave', 'diagonal_brick' => 'diagBrick', 'horizontal_brick' => 'horzBrick', 'weave' => 'weave', 'plaid' => 'plaid', 'divot' => 'divot', 'dotted_grid' => 'dotGrid', 'dotted_diamond' => 'dotDmnd', 'shingle' => 'shingle', 'trellis' => 'trellis', 'sphere' => 'sphere', 'small_grid' => 'smGrid', 'large_grid' => 'lgGrid', 'small_check' => 'smCheck', 'large_check' => 'lgCheck', 'outlined_diamond' => 'openDmnd', 'solid_diamond' => 'solidDmnd' } # Check for valid types. if types[args[:pattern]] pattern[:pattern] = types[args[:pattern]] else raise "Unknown pattern type '#{args[:pattern]}'" end pattern[:bg_color] = args[:bg_color] || '#FFFFFF' pattern[:fg_color] = args[:fg_color] pattern end def line_fill_properties(params) return { _defined: 0 } unless params ret = params.dup ret[:dash_type] = yield if block_given? && ret[:dash_type] ret[:_defined] = 1 ret end def dash_types { solid: 'solid', round_dot: 'sysDot', square_dot: 'sysDash', dash: 'dash', dash_dot: 'dashDot', long_dash: 'lgDash', long_dash_dot: 'lgDashDot', long_dash_dot_dot: 'lgDashDotDot', dot: 'dot', system_dash_dot: 'sysDashDot', system_dash_dot_dot: 'sysDashDotDot' } end def value_or_raise(hash, key, msg) raise "Unknown #{msg} '#{key}'" if hash[key.to_sym].nil? hash[key.to_sym] end def palette_color(index) # Adjust the colour index. idx = index - 8 r, g, b = @palette[idx] sprintf("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) end # # Workbook の生成時のオプションハッシュを解析する # def process_workbook_options(*params) case params.size when 0 [{}, {}] when 1 # one hash options_keys = %i[tempdir date_1904 optimization excel2003_style strings_to_urls] hash = params.first options = hash.reject { |k, _v| !options_keys.include?(k) } default_format_properties = hash[:default_format_properties] || hash.reject { |k, _v| options_keys.include?(k) } [options, default_format_properties.dup] when 2 # array which includes options and default_format_properties options, default_format_properties = params default_format_properties ||= {} [options.dup, default_format_properties.dup] end end # # Convert user defined font values into private hash values. # def convert_font_args(params) return unless params font = params_to_font(params) # Convert font size units. font[:_size] *= 100 if font[:_size] && font[:_size] != 0 # Convert rotation into 60,000ths of a degree. font[:_rotation] = 60_000 * font[:_rotation].to_i if ptrue?(font[:_rotation]) font end def params_to_font(params) { _name: params[:name], _color: params[:color], _size: params[:size], _bold: params[:bold], _italic: params[:italic], _underline: params[:underline], _pitch_family: params[:pitch_family], _charset: params[:charset], _baseline: params[:baseline] || 0, _rotation: params[:rotation] } end # # Write the element. # def write_tx_pr(font, is_y_axis = nil) # :nodoc: rotation = nil rotation = font[:_rotation] if font && font.respond_to?(:[]) && font[:_rotation] @writer.tag_elements('c:txPr') do # Write the a:bodyPr element. write_a_body_pr(rotation, is_y_axis) # Write the a:lstStyle element. write_a_lst_style # Write the a:p element. write_a_p_formula(font) end end # # Write the element. # def write_a_body_pr(rot, is_y_axis = nil) # :nodoc: rot = -5400000 if !rot && ptrue?(is_y_axis) attributes = [] if rot if rot == 16_200_000 # 270 deg/stacked angle. attributes << ['rot', 0] attributes << %w[vert wordArtVert] elsif rot == 16_260_000 # 271 deg/stacked angle. attributes << ['rot', 0] attributes << %w[vert eaVert] else attributes << ['rot', rot] attributes << %w[vert horz] end end @writer.empty_tag('a:bodyPr', attributes) end # # Write the element. # def write_a_lst_style # :nodoc: @writer.empty_tag('a:lstStyle') end # # Write the element for formula titles. # def write_a_p_formula(font = nil) # :nodoc: @writer.tag_elements('a:p') do # Write the a:pPr element. write_a_p_pr_formula(font) # Write the a:endParaRPr element. write_a_end_para_rpr end end # # Write the element for formula titles. # def write_a_p_pr_formula(font) # :nodoc: @writer.tag_elements('a:pPr') { write_a_def_rpr(font) } end # # Write the element. # def write_a_def_rpr(font = nil) # :nodoc: write_def_rpr_r_pr_common( font, get_font_style_attributes(font), 'a:defRPr' ) end def write_def_rpr_r_pr_common(font, style_attributes, tag) # :nodoc: latin_attributes = get_font_latin_attributes(font) has_color = ptrue?(font) && ptrue?(font[:_color]) if !latin_attributes.empty? || has_color @writer.tag_elements(tag, style_attributes) do write_a_solid_fill(color: font[:_color]) if has_color write_a_latin(latin_attributes) unless latin_attributes.empty? end else @writer.empty_tag(tag, style_attributes) end end # # Get the font latin attributes from a font hash. # def get_font_latin_attributes(font) return [] unless font return [] unless font.respond_to?(:[]) attributes = [] attributes << ['typeface', font[:_name]] if ptrue?(font[:_name]) attributes << ['pitchFamily', font[:_pitch_family]] if font[:_pitch_family] attributes << ['charset', font[:_charset]] if font[:_charset] attributes end # # Write the element. # def write_a_solid_fill(fill) # :nodoc: @writer.tag_elements('a:solidFill') do if fill[:color] # Write the a:srgbClr element. write_a_srgb_clr(color(fill[:color]), fill[:transparency]) end end end # # Write the element. # def write_a_srgb_clr(color, transparency = nil) # :nodoc: tag = 'a:srgbClr' attributes = [['val', color]] if ptrue?(transparency) @writer.tag_elements(tag, attributes) do write_a_alpha(transparency) end else @writer.empty_tag(tag, attributes) end end # # Convert the user specified colour index or string to a rgb colour. # def color(color_code) # :nodoc: if color_code and color_code =~ /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/ # Convert a HTML style #RRGGBB color. color_code.sub(/^#/, '').upcase else index = Format.color(color_code) raise "Unknown color '#{color_code}' used in chart formatting." unless index palette_color(index) end end # # Get the font style attributes from a font hash. # def get_font_style_attributes(font) return [] unless font return [] unless font.respond_to?(:[]) attributes = [] attributes << ['sz', font[:_size]] if ptrue?(font[:_size]) attributes << ['b', font[:_bold]] if font[:_bold] attributes << ['i', font[:_italic]] if font[:_italic] attributes << %w[u sng] if font[:_underline] # Turn off baseline when testing fonts that don't have it. attributes << ['baseline', font[:_baseline]] if font[:_baseline] != -1 attributes end # # Write the element. # def write_a_end_para_rpr # :nodoc: @writer.empty_tag('a:endParaRPr', [%w[lang en-US]]) end end module WriteDPtPoint # # Write an individual element. Override the parent method to add # markers. # def write_d_pt_point(index, point) @writer.tag_elements('c:dPt') do # Write the c:idx element. write_idx(index) @writer.tag_elements('c:marker') do # Write the c:spPr element. write_sp_pr(point) end end end end end