# Using distributed files All plotly.js dist bundles inject an object `Plotly` into the global scope. Import plotly.js as: ```html ``` or the un-minified version as: ```html ``` To support IE9, put: ```html ``` before the plotly.js script tag. To add MathJax, put ```html ``` before the plotly.js script tag. You can grab the relevant MathJax files in `./dist/extras/mathjax/`. # Bundle information The main plotly.js bundle includes all the official (non-beta) trace modules. It be can imported as minified javascript - using dist file `dist/plotly.min.js` - using CDN URL https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js OR https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-1.20.5.min.js or as raw javascript: - using dist file `dist/plotly.js` - using CDN URL https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.js OR https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-1.20.5.js - using CommonJS with `require('plotly.js')` If you would like to have access to the attribute meta information (including attribute descriptions as on the [schema reference page](https://plot.ly/javascript/reference/)), use dist file `dist/plotly-with-meta.js` The main plotly.js bundle weights in at: | plotly.js | plotly.min.js | plotly.min.js + gzip | plotly-with-meta.js | |-----------|---------------|----------------------|---------------------| | 4.2 MB | 1.7 MB | 526.5 kB | 4.3 MB | ## Partial bundles Starting in `v1.15.0`, plotly.js also ships with several _partial_ bundles: - [basic](#plotlyjs-basic) - [cartesian](#plotlyjs-cartesian) - [geo](#plotlyjs-geo) - [gl3d](#plotlyjs-gl3d) - [gl2d](#plotlyjs-gl2d) - [mapbox](#plotlyjs-mapbox) - [finance](#plotlyjs-finance) ### plotly.js basic The `basic` partial bundle contains the `scatter`, `bar` and `pie` trace modules. | Way to import | Location | |---------------|----------| | dist bundle | `dist/plotly-basic.js` | | dist bundle (minified) | `dist/plotly-basic.min.js` | | CDN URL (latest) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-basic-latest.js | | CDN URL (latest minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-basic-latest.min.js | | CDN URL (tagged) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-basic-1.20.5.js | | CDN URL (tagged minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-basic-1.20.5.min.js | | CommonJS | `require('plotly.js/lib/index-basic')` | | Raw size | Minified size | Minified + gzip size | |------|-----------------|------------------------| | 1.6 MB | 607 kB | 196.7 kB | ### plotly.js cartesian The `cartesian` partial bundle contains the `scatter`, `bar`, `box`, `heatmap`, `histogram`, `histogram2d`, `histogram2dcontour`, `pie`, `contour` and `scatterternary` trace modules. | Way to import | Location | |---------------|----------| | dist bundle | `dist/plotly-cartesian.js` | | dist bundle (minified) | `dist/plotly-cartesian.min.js` | | CDN URL (latest) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-cartesian-latest.js | | CDN URL (latest minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-cartesian-latest.min.js | | CDN URL (tagged) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-cartesian-1.20.5.js | | CDN URL (tagged minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-cartesian-1.20.5.min.js | | CommonJS | `require('plotly.js/lib/index-cartesian')` | | Raw size | Minified size | Minified + gzip size | |------|-----------------|------------------------| | 1.8 MB | 677.8 kB | 218 kB | ### plotly.js geo The `geo` partial bundle contains the `scatter`, `scattergeo` and `choropleth` trace modules. | Way to import | Location | |---------------|----------| | dist bundle | `dist/plotly-geo.js` | | dist bundle (minified) | `dist/plotly-geo.min.js` | | CDN URL (latest) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-geo-latest.js | | CDN URL (latest minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-geo-latest.min.js | | CDN URL (tagged) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-geo-1.20.5.js | | CDN URL (tagged minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-geo-1.20.5.min.js | | CommonJS | `require('plotly.js/lib/index-geo')` | | Raw size | Minified size | Minified + gzip size | |------|-----------------|------------------------| | 1.6 MB | 635.5 kB | 207.3 kB | ### plotly.js gl3d The `gl3d` partial bundle contains the `scatter`, `scatter3d`, `surface` and `mesh3d` trace modules. | Way to import | Location | |---------------|----------| | dist bundle | `dist/plotly-gl3d.js` | | dist bundle (minified) | `dist/plotly-gl3d.min.js` | | CDN URL (latest) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-gl3d-latest.js | | CDN URL (latest minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-gl3d-latest.min.js | | CDN URL (tagged) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-gl3d-1.20.5.js | | CDN URL (tagged minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-gl3d-1.20.5.min.js | | CommonJS | `require('plotly.js/lib/index-gl3d')` | | Raw size | Minified size | Minified + gzip size | |------|-----------------|------------------------| | 2.5 MB | 1 MB | 328.1 kB | ### plotly.js gl2d The `gl2d` partial bundle contains the `scatter`, `scattergl`, `pointcloud`, `heatmapgl` and `contourgl` trace modules. | Way to import | Location | |---------------|----------| | dist bundle | `dist/plotly-gl2d.js` | | dist bundle (minified) | `dist/plotly-gl2d.min.js` | | CDN URL (latest) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-gl2d-latest.js | | CDN URL (latest minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-gl2d-latest.min.js | | CDN URL (tagged) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-gl2d-1.20.5.js | | CDN URL (tagged minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-gl2d-1.20.5.min.js | | CommonJS | `require('plotly.js/lib/index-gl2d')` | | Raw size | Minified size | Minified + gzip size | |------|-----------------|------------------------| | 2.2 MB | 929.5 kB | 290.9 kB | ### plotly.js mapbox The `mapbox` partial bundle contains the `scatter` and `scattermapbox` trace modules. | Way to import | Location | |---------------|----------| | dist bundle | `dist/plotly-mapbox.js` | | dist bundle (minified) | `dist/plotly-mapbox.min.js` | | CDN URL (latest) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-mapbox-latest.js | | CDN URL (latest minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-mapbox-latest.min.js | | CDN URL (tagged) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-mapbox-1.20.5.js | | CDN URL (tagged minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-mapbox-1.20.5.min.js | | CommonJS | `require('plotly.js/lib/index-mapbox')` | | Raw size | Minified size | Minified + gzip size | |------|-----------------|------------------------| | 2.6 MB | 1 MB | 310.8 kB | ### plotly.js finance The `finance` partial bundle contains the `scatter`, `bar`, `histogram`, `pie`, `ohlc` and `candlestick` trace modules. | Way to import | Location | |---------------|----------| | dist bundle | `dist/plotly-finance.js` | | dist bundle (minified) | `dist/plotly-finance.min.js` | | CDN URL (latest) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-finance-latest.js | | CDN URL (latest minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-finance-latest.min.js | | CDN URL (tagged) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-finance-1.20.5.js | | CDN URL (tagged minified) | https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-finance-1.20.5.min.js | | CommonJS | `require('plotly.js/lib/index-finance')` | | Raw size | Minified size | Minified + gzip size | |------|-----------------|------------------------| | 1.6 MB | 632.3 kB | 203.6 kB | ---------------- _This file is auto-generated by `npm run stats`. Please do not edit this file directly._