require 'spec/helper' class SpecFlash include Innate::Node map '/' def welcome flash[:name] = 'manveru' "Welcome #{flash[:name]}" end def bye "Bye #{flash[:name]}" end def check_empty flash.empty?.to_s end def set_delete_key flash[:name] = 'manveru' flash.delete(:name) flash[:name].to_s end def delete_key flash.delete(:name) "Bye #{flash[:name]}" end def merge! flash.merge!(:name => 'feagliir').inspect end def merge flash.merge(:name => 'feagliir').inspect end def inspect flash[:yes] = :yeah flash.inspect end def iterate flash[:yes] = :yeah elems = [] flash.each{|k,v| elems << [k,v] } elems.inspect end end class SpecFlashSub < SpecFlash map '/sub' end describe Innate::Helper::Flash do behaves_like :rack_test should 'set and forget flash twice' do get('/welcome').body.should == 'Welcome manveru' get('/bye').body.should == 'Bye manveru' get('/bye').body.should == 'Bye' get('/welcome').body.should == 'Welcome manveru' get('/bye').body.should == 'Bye manveru' get('/bye').body.should == 'Bye' end should 'work over multiple nodes' do get('/welcome').body.should == 'Welcome manveru' get('/sub/bye').body.should == 'Bye manveru' get('/sub/bye').body.should == 'Bye' get('/sub/welcome').body.should == 'Welcome manveru' get('/bye').body.should == 'Bye manveru' get('/bye').body.should == 'Bye' end should 'check if flash is empty' do get('/welcome').body.should == 'Welcome manveru' get('/check_empty').body.should == 'false' get('/check_empty').body.should == 'true' end should 'set and delete key within one request' do get('/set_delete_key').body.should == '' end should 'set and delete key over two request' do get('/welcome').body.should == 'Welcome manveru' get('/delete_key').body.should == 'Bye' end should 'merge with hash' do get('/merge').body.should == {:name => 'feagliir'}.inspect get('/bye').body.should == 'Bye' end should 'merge! with hash' do get('/merge!').body.should == {:name => 'feagliir'}.inspect get('/bye').body.should == 'Bye feagliir' end should 'inspect combined' do get('/welcome') get('/inspect').body.should == {:name => 'manveru', :yes => :yeah}.inspect end should 'iterate over combined' do get('/welcome') hash = {:yes => :yeah, :name => 'manveru'} Hash[*eval(get('/iterate').body).flatten].should == hash end end