Welcome to your new exhibit!

<% unless current_user %>

In order to curate exhibit content, you need to <%= link_to t('spotlight.header_links.login'), main_app.new_user_session_path %>

<% end %> <% if can? :edit, @page %>

When you're ready to begin building your exhibit, here's how to get started:

    <% if can? :update, current_exhibit %>
  1. Visit the <%= link_to "Administrative Dashboard Settings", edit_exhibit_path(current_exhibit) %> page to configure the exhibit title and subtitle.
  2. Next, go to the <%= link_to "Administration > Appearance", edit_exhibit_appearance_path(current_exhibit) %> page to add a site masthead image and configure other appearance options.
  3. <% end %> <% if can? :manage, Spotlight::Role.new(exhibit: current_exhibit) %>
  4. If you want help building the exhibit, use the <%= link_to "Administration > Users", exhibit_roles_path(current_exhibit) %> page to add other user accounts.
  5. <% end %> <% unless Spotlight::Engine.config.resource_providers.any? %>
  6. Add items to the exhibit. Go to the <%= link_to "Curation > Items", admin_exhibit_catalog_index_path(current_exhibit) %> page and click Add non-repository item. You can add items individually or in bulk via a CSV file.
  7. <% end %> <% if can? :update, current_exhibit.blacklight_configuration %>
  8. Use the other Curation pages, such as <%= link_to "Curation > Metadata", edit_exhibit_metadata_configuration_path(current_exhibit) %> and <%= link_to "Curation > Search", edit_exhibit_search_configuration_path(current_exhibit) %>, to customize the way various features are presented to exhibit visitors.
  9. <% end %>
  10. Visit the Spotlight <%= link_to "documentation pages", "https://github.com/sul-dlss/spotlight/wiki" %> to learn how to add and edit feature pages, about pages, custom browse categories, and more.
<% end %>