# THE PARSER # # The parser will not bother splitting into tokens. We are _a_ # step up from Regular Expressions, not a thousand steps. # # In short, we keep track of two things: { } and strings. # # Other than that, we look for @theme, slices(), and slice(), # in their various forms. # # Our method is to scan until we hit a delimiter followed by any # of the following: # # - @theme # - @include slices( # - slices( # - slice( # # Options # -------------------------------- # You may pass a few configuration options to a Chance instance: # # - :theme: a selector that will make up the initial value of the $theme # variable. For example: :theme => "ace.test-controls" # # - :compress: if true, the slice names in the CSS will be shortened. # This has two drawbacks: 1) the slice names will not be helpful for # debugging, and 2) if using Chance in a standalone way and committing # the output to a source control system, the output can change dramatically # between runs, even if the input CSS is unchanged. # # As the most common use of Chance is as part of the SC build tools, # and this debugging support is usually only required to debug Chance # itself, :compress defaults to true # # How Slice & Slices work # ------------------------------- # @include slice() and @include slices() are not actually responsible # for slicing the image. They do not know the image's with or height. # # All that they do is determine the slice's configuration, including # its file name, the rectangle to slice, etc. require "json" require "set" require "stringio" require "pathname" module Chance class Parser attr_reader :slices, :css UNTIL_SINGLE_QUOTE = /(?!\\)'/ UNTIL_DOUBLE_QUOTE = /(?!\\)"/ BEGIN_SCOPE = /\{/ END_SCOPE = /\}/ THEME_DIRECTIVE = /@theme\s*/ SELECTOR_THEME_VARIABLE = /\$theme\./ INCLUDE_SLICES_DIRECTIVE = /@include\s+slices\s*/ INCLUDE_SLICE_DIRECTIVE = /@include\s+slice\s*/ CHANCE_FILE_DIRECTIVE = /@_chance_file / NORMAL_SCAN_UNTIL = /[^{}@$]+/ @@uid = 0 def initialize(string, opts = {}) @opts = { :theme => "", :compress => true } @opts.merge!(opts) @path = "" @input = string @css = "" @slices = @opts[:slices] # we update the slices given to us @theme = @opts[:theme] @@uid += 1 @uid = @@uid end # SLICE MANAGEMENT # ----------------------- def create_slice(opts) filename = opts[:filename] # get current relative path relative = File.dirname(@path) # Create a path path = File.join(relative, filename) path = path[2..-1] if path[0,2] == "./" path = Pathname.new(path).cleanpath.to_s opts = opts.merge({ :path => path }) opts = normalize_rectangle(opts) slice_path = path[0..-File.extname(filename).length-1] # we add a bit to the path: the slice info rect_params = [:left, :top, :width, :height, :bottom, :right, :offset_x, :offset_y] # Generate string-compatible params slice_name_params = rect_params.map {|param| ret = "" ret = opts[param] if not opts[param].nil? ret } slice_name_params.unshift slice_path # validate and convert to integers rect_params.each {|param| value = opts[param] if not value.nil? value = Integer(value) opts[param] = value end } # it is too expensive to open the images and get their sizes at this point, though # I rather would like to.transform the rectangle into absolute coordinates # (left top width height) and use that instead of showing all six digits. slice_path = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % slice_name_params if @slices.has_key?(slice_path) slice = @slices[slice_path] slice[:min_offset_x] = [slice[:min_offset_x], opts[:offset_x]].min slice[:min_offset_y] = [slice[:min_offset_y], opts[:offset_y]].min slice[:max_offset_x] = [slice[:max_offset_x], opts[:offset_x]].max slice[:max_offset_y] = [slice[:max_offset_y], opts[:offset_y]].max else parts = slice_path.split("/") css_name = "__slice_" + parts.join("_") if @opts[:compress] css_name = "__s" + @uid.to_s + "_" + @slices.length.to_s end slice = opts.merge({ :name => slice_path, :path => path, :css_name => css_name, :min_offset_x => opts[:offset_x], # these will be taken into account when spriting. :min_offset_y => opts[:offset_y], :max_offset_x => opts[:offset_x], :max_offset_y => opts[:offset_y], :imaged_offset_x => 0, # the imaging process will re-define these. :imaged_offset_y => 0 }) @slices[slice_path] = slice end return slice end def normalize_rectangle(rect) # try to make the rectangle somewhat standard: that is, make it have # all units which make sense # it must have either a left or a right, no matter what rect[:left] = 0 if rect[:left].nil? and rect[:right].nil? # if there is no width, it must have a both left and right if rect[:width].nil? rect[:left] = 0 if rect[:left].nil? rect[:right] = 0 if rect[:right].nil? end # it must have either a top or a bottom, no matter what rect[:top] = 0 if rect[:top].nil? and rect[:bottom].nil? # if there is no height, it must have _both_ top and bottom if rect[:height].nil? rect[:top] = 0 if rect[:top].nil? rect[:bottom] = 0 if rect[:bottom].nil? end return rect end # PARSING # ----------------------- def parse @scanner = StringScanner.new(@input) @image_names = {} @css = _parse if not @scanner.eos? # how do we do an error? raise SyntaxError, "Found end of block; expecting end of file." end end # _parse will parse until it finds either the end or until it finds # an unmatched ending brace. An unmatched ending brace is assumed # to mean that this is a recursive call. def _parse scanner = @scanner output = [] while not scanner.eos? do output << handle_empty break if scanner.eos? if scanner.match?(BEGIN_SCOPE) output << handle_scope next end if scanner.match?(THEME_DIRECTIVE) output << handle_theme next end if scanner.match?(SELECTOR_THEME_VARIABLE) output << handle_theme_variable next end if scanner.match?(INCLUDE_SLICES_DIRECTIVE) output << handle_slices next end if scanner.match?(INCLUDE_SLICE_DIRECTIVE) output << handle_slice_include next end if scanner.match?(CHANCE_FILE_DIRECTIVE) handle_file_change next end break if scanner.match?(END_SCOPE) # skip over anything that our tokens do not start with res = scanner.scan(NORMAL_SCAN_UNTIL) if res.nil? output << scanner.getch else output << res end end output = output.join return output end def handle_comment scanner = @scanner scanner.pos += 2 scanner.scan_until /\*\// end def parse_string(cssString) # I cheat: to parse strings, I use JSON. # This will fail with strings quoted with "'", so I'm # just not bothering for now. At some point, I should either make # this function more proper or use some other function... if not cssString[0..0] == '"' return cssString end return JSON.parse("[" + cssString + "]").first end def handle_string scanner = @scanner str = scanner.getch str += scanner.scan_until(str == "'" ? UNTIL_SINGLE_QUOTE : UNTIL_DOUBLE_QUOTE) return str end def handle_empty scanner = @scanner output = "" while true do if scanner.match?(/\s+/) output += scanner.scan /\s+/ next end if scanner.match?(/\/\*/) handle_comment next end break end return output end def handle_scope scanner = @scanner scanner.scan /\{/ output = '{' output += _parse output += '}' raise SyntaxError, "Expected end of block." unless scanner.scan /\}/ return output end def handle_theme scanner = @scanner scanner.scan THEME_DIRECTIVE if scanner.scan(/\((.+?)\)\s*/).nil? raise SyntaxError, "Expected (theme-name) after @theme" end theme_name = scanner[1] raise SyntaxError, "Expected { after @theme." unless scanner.scan /\{/ # calculate new theme name old_theme = @theme @theme = old_theme + "." + theme_name output = "" output += "\n$theme: '" + @theme + "';\n" output += _parse @theme = old_theme output += "$theme: '" + @theme + "';\n" raise SyntaxError, "Expected end of block." unless scanner.scan /\}/ return output end def handle_theme_variable scanner = @scanner scanner.scan SELECTOR_THEME_VARIABLE output = "\#{$theme}." return output end # when we receive a @_chance_file directive, it means that our current file # scope has changed. We need to know this because we parse the combined file # rather than the individual pieces, yet we have paths relative to the original # files. def handle_file_change scanner = @scanner scanner.scan CHANCE_FILE_DIRECTIVE path = scanner.scan_until /;/ path = path[0..-1] @path = path end def parse_argument scanner = @scanner # We do not care for whitespace or comments handle_empty # this is the final value; we won't actually set it until # the very end. value = nil # this holds the value as we are parsing it parsing_value = "" # The key MAY be present if we are starting with a $. # But remember: it could be $abc: $abc + $def key = :NO_KEY if scanner.match?(/\$/) scanner.scan /\$/ handle_empty parsing_value = scanner.scan(/[a-zA-Z_-][a-zA-Z0-9+_-]*/) raise SyntaxError, "Expected a valid key." if key.nil? handle_empty if scanner.scan(/:/) # ok, it was a key key = parsing_value.intern parsing_value = "" handle_empty end end value = nil # we stop when we either a) reach the end of the arglist, or # b) reach the end of the argument. Argument ends at ',', list ends # at ')' parsing_value += handle_empty until scanner.match?(/[,)]/) or scanner.eos? do if scanner.match?(/["']/) parsing_value += handle_string parsing_value += handle_empty next end parsing_value += scanner.getch parsing_value += handle_empty end value = parsing_value unless parsing_value.empty? return { :key => key, :value => value } end # Parses a list of arguemnts, INCLUDING beginning AND ending # parenthesis. def parse_argument_list scanner = @scanner raise SyntaxError, "Expected ( to begin argument list." unless scanner.scan /\(/ idx = 0 args = {} until scanner.match?(/\)/) or scanner.eos? do arg = parse_argument if arg[:key] == :NO_KEY arg[:key] = idx idx += 1 end args[arg[:key]] = arg[:value].strip scanner.scan /,/ end scanner.scan /\)/ return args end def generate_slice_include(slice) # the argument list is rather raw. We need to combine it with default values, # and preprocess any arguments, before we can call create_slice to get the real # slice definition slice[:offset] = "0 0" if slice[:offset].nil? slice[:repeat] = "none" if slice[:repeat].nil? # the offset will be given to us as one string; however, it has two parts. # splitting by whitespace doesn't handle everything, so we may want to refine # this at some point unless we could just pass the whole offset to the offset # function somehow. offset = slice[:offset].strip.split(/\s+/) slice[:offset_x] = offset[0] slice[:offset_y] = offset[1] slice = create_slice(slice) output = "" output += "@extend ." + slice[:css_name] + ";\n" output += "background-position: " output += "_slice_offset_x(" + slice[:name].dump + ", " + slice[:offset_x].to_s + ") " output += "_slice_offset_y(" + slice[:name].dump + ", " + slice[:offset_y].to_s + ");" output += "background-repeat: " + slice[:repeat] return output end def handle_slice_include scanner = @scanner scanner.scan /@include slice\s*/ slice = parse_argument_list # the image could be quoted or not; in any case, use parse_string to # parse it. Sure, at the moment, we don't parse quoted strings properly, # but it should work for most cases. single-quoted strings are out, though... slice[:filename] = parse_string(slice[0]) # now that we have all of the info, we can get the actual slice information. # This process will create a slice entry if needed. return generate_slice_include(slice) end def should_include_slice?(slice) return true if slice[:width].nil? return true if slice[:height].nil? return false if slice[:width] == 0 return false if slice[:height] == 0 return true end def slice_layout(slice) output = "" layout_properties = [:left, :top, :right, :bottom] if not slice[:repeat].nil? output += "background-repeat: " + slice[:repeat] + "; \n" end if slice[:right].nil? or slice[:left].nil? layout_properties.push(:width) end if slice[:bottom].nil? or slice[:top].nil? layout_properties.push(:height) end layout_properties.each {|prop| unless slice[prop].nil? output += prop.to_s + ": " + slice[prop].to_s + "px; \n" end } return output end def handle_slices scanner = @scanner scanner.scan /@include slices\s*/ arguments = parse_argument_list # slices() only supports four-param, left top right bottom rectangles. [:top, :left, :bottom, :right].each {|key| arguments[key] = Integer(arguments[key]) if not arguments[key].nil? arguments[key] = 0 if arguments[key].nil? } values = arguments.values left = arguments[:left] top = arguments[:top] right = arguments[:right] bottom = arguments[:bottom] # determine fill method fill = arguments[:fill] || "1 0" fill = fill.strip.split(/\s+/) fill_width = Integer(fill[0]) fill_height = Integer(fill[1]) skip_top_left = values.include? 'skip-top-left' skip_top = values.include? 'skip-top' skip_top_right = values.include? 'skip-top-right' skip_left = values.include? 'skip-left' skip_middle = values.include? 'skip-middle' skip_right = values.include? 'skip-right' skip_bottom_left = values.include? 'skip-bottom-left' skip_bottom = values.include? 'skip-bottom' skip_bottom_right = values.include? 'skip-bottom-right' filename = parse_string(arguments[0]) # we are going to form 9 slices. If any are empty we'll skip them # top-left top_left_slice = { :left => 0, :top => 0, :width => left, :height => top, :sprite_anchor => arguments[:"top-left-anchor"], :sprite_padding => arguments[:"top-left-padding"], :offset => arguments[:"top-left-offset"], :filename => filename } left_slice = { :left => 0, :top => top, :width => left, :sprite_anchor => arguments[:"left-anchor"], :sprite_padding => arguments[:"left-padding"], :offset => arguments[:"left-offset"], :filename => filename, :repeat => fill_height == 0 ? nil : "repeat-y" # we fill in either height or bottom, depending on fill } bottom_left_slice = { :left => 0, :bottom => 0, :width => left, :height => bottom, :sprite_anchor => arguments[:"bottom-left-anchor"], :sprite_padding => arguments[:"bottom-left-padding"], :offset => arguments[:"bottom-left-offset"], :filename => filename } top_slice = { :left => left, :top => 0, :height => top, :sprite_anchor => arguments[:"top-anchor"], :sprite_padding => arguments[:"top-padding"], :offset => arguments[:"top-offset"], :filename => filename, :repeat => fill_width == 0 ? nil : "repeat-x" # we fill in either width or right, depending on fill } middle_slice = { :left => left, :top => top, :sprite_anchor => arguments[:"middle-anchor"], :sprite_padding => arguments[:"middle-padding"], :offset => arguments[:"middle-offset"], :filename => filename, :repeat => fill_height != 0 ? (fill_width != 0 ? "repeat-both" : "repeat-y") : (fill_width != 0 ? "repeat-x" : nil) # fill in width, height or right, bottom depending on fill settings } bottom_slice = { :left => left, :bottom => 0, :height => bottom, :sprite_anchor => arguments[:"bottom-anchor"], :sprite_padding => arguments[:"bottom-padding"], :offset => arguments[:"bottom-offset"], :filename => filename, :repeat => fill_width == 0 ? nil : "repeat-x" # we fill in width or right depending on fill settings } top_right_slice = { :right => 0, :top => 0, :width => right, :height => top, :sprite_anchor => arguments[:"top-right-anchor"], :sprite_padding => arguments[:"top-right-padding"], :offset => arguments[:"top-right-offset"], :filename => filename } right_slice = { :right => 0, :top => top, :width => right, :sprite_anchor => arguments[:"right-anchor"], :sprite_padding => arguments[:"right-padding"], :offset => arguments[:"right-offset"], :filename => filename, :repeat => fill_height == 0 ? nil : "repeat-y" # we fill in either height or top depending on fill settings } bottom_right_slice = { :right => 0, :bottom => 0, :width => right, :height => bottom, :sprite_anchor => arguments[:"bottom-right-anchor"], :sprite_padding => arguments[:"bottom-right-padding"], :offset => arguments[:"bottom-right-offset"], :filename => filename } if fill_width == 0 top_slice[:right] = right middle_slice[:right] = right bottom_slice[:right] = right else top_slice[:width] = fill_width middle_slice[:width] = fill_width bottom_slice[:width] = fill_width end if fill_height == 0 left_slice[:bottom] = bottom middle_slice[:bottom] = bottom right_slice[:bottom] = bottom else left_slice[:height] = fill_height middle_slice[:height] = fill_height right_slice[:height] = fill_height end output = "" # LEFT if should_include_slice?(top_left_slice) and not skip_top_left output += ".top-left {\n" output += generate_slice_include(top_left_slice) + ";" output += "\nposition: absolute;\n" output += slice_layout(top_left_slice) output += "}\n" end if should_include_slice?(left_slice) and not skip_left output += ".left {\n" output += generate_slice_include(left_slice) + ";" output += "\nposition: absolute;\n" output += slice_layout(left_slice.merge({ :bottom => bottom })) output += "}\n" end if should_include_slice?(bottom_left_slice) and not skip_bottom_left output += ".bottom-left {\n" output += generate_slice_include(bottom_left_slice) + ";" output += "\nposition: absolute;\n" output += slice_layout(bottom_left_slice) output += "}\n" end # MIDDLE if should_include_slice?(top_slice) and not skip_top output += ".top {\n" output += generate_slice_include(top_slice) + ";" output += "\nposition: absolute;\n" output += slice_layout(top_slice.merge({ :right => right })) output += "}\n" end if should_include_slice?(middle_slice) and not skip_middle output += ".middle {\n" output += generate_slice_include(middle_slice) + ";" output += "\nposition: absolute;\n" output += slice_layout(middle_slice.merge({ :bottom => bottom, :right => right })) output += "}\n" end if should_include_slice?(bottom_slice) and not skip_bottom output += ".bottom {\n" output += generate_slice_include(bottom_slice) + ";" output += "\nposition: absolute;\n" output += slice_layout(bottom_slice.merge({ :right => right })) output += "}\n" end # RIGHT if should_include_slice?(top_right_slice) and not skip_top_right output += ".top-right {\n" output += generate_slice_include(top_right_slice) + ";" output += "\nposition: absolute;\n" output += slice_layout(top_right_slice) output += "}\n" end if should_include_slice?(right_slice) and not skip_right output += ".right {\n" output += generate_slice_include(right_slice) + ";" output += "\nposition: absolute;\n" output += slice_layout(right_slice.merge({ :bottom => bottom })) output += "}\n" end if should_include_slice?(bottom_right_slice) and not skip_bottom_right output += ".bottom-right {\n" output += generate_slice_include(bottom_right_slice) + ";" output += "\nposition: absolute;\n" output += slice_layout(bottom_right_slice) output += "}\n" end return output end end end