const valueParser = require("postcss-value-parser"); const path = require("path"); const fg = require("fast-glob"); const { sort } = require("fast-sort"); const { cocoPath } = require("../../config/utils.cjs"); const SORTERS = ["asc", "desc"]; const DEFAULT_SORTER = "asc"; module.exports = (opts = {}) => { const sorter = SORTERS.indexOf(opts.sort) !== -1 ? opts.sort : DEFAULT_SORTER; const aliases = opts.aliases || {}; return { postcssPlugin: "postcss-import-alias-glob", Once(root, { AtRule, result }) { const promisesList = []; root.walkAtRules("import-glob", (rule) => { promisesList.push( new Promise((resolve) => { const globList = []; const layer = new Map(); const params = valueParser(rule.params).nodes; let dirName = typeof rule.source.input.file === "string" ? path.dirname(rule.source.input.file) : __dirname; for (const param of params) { if (param.type === "string") { let expandedPath; try { expandedPath = cocoPath(param.value); } catch (e) { expandedPath = path .join(dirName, param.value) .replace(/\\/g, "/"); } globList.push(expandedPath); } if (param.type === "function" && param.value === "layer") { layer.set(dirName, param.nodes[0].value); } } if (globList.length) { fg(globList).then((entries) => { if (!entries.length) { result.warn(`No file found for @import-glob ${rule.params}`, { node: rule, }); } const sortedEntries = sort(entries)[sorter](); sortedEntries.forEach((entry) => { const paramValue = layer.get(dirName) ? `"${entry}" layer(${layer.get(dirName)})` : `"${entry}"`; rule.before( new AtRule({ name: "import", params: paramValue, source: rule.source, }) ); }); rule.remove(); resolve(); }); } else { throw rule.error( `No string found with rule @import-glob ${rule.params}`, { word: rule.params, } ); } }) ); }); return Promise.all(promisesList); }, }; }; module.exports.postcss = true;