methods ======= This section documents the browserify api. ````javascript var browserify = require('browserify'); ```` var b = browserify(opts={}) --------------------------- Return a new bundle object. `opts` may also contain these fields: * watch - set watches on files, see below * cache - turn on caching for AST traversals, see below * debug - turn on source mapping for debugging with `//@ sourceURL=...` in browsers that support it * exports - an array of the core items to export to the namespace. Available items: 'require', 'process' If `opts` is a string, it is interpreted as a file to call `.addEntry()` with. ### watch :: Boolean or Object Set watches on files and automatically rebundle when a file changes. This option defaults to false. If `` is set to true, default watch arguments are assumed or you can pass in an object to pass along as the second parameter to `fs.watchFile()`. ### cache :: Boolean or String If `cache` is a boolean, turn on caching at `$HOME/.config/browserify/cache.json`. If `cache` is a string, turn on caching at the filename specified by `cache`. ### bundle events `b` bundles will also emit events. #### 'syntaxError', err This event gets emitted when there is a syntax error somewhere in the build process. If you don't listen for this event, the error will be printed to stderr. #### 'bundle' In watch mode, this event is emitted when a new bundle has been generated. b.bundle() ---------- Return the bundled source as a string. By default, `require` is not exported to the environment if there are entry files in the bundle but you can override that with `opts.exports`. `process` is only exported to the environment when `opts.exports` contains the string `'process'`. b.require(file) --------------- Require a file or files for inclusion in the bundle. If `file` is an array, require each element in it. If `file` is a non-array object, map an alias to a package name. For instance to be able to map `require('jquery')` to the jquery-browserify package, you can do: ````javascript b.require({ jquery : 'jquery-browserify' }) ```` and the same thing in middleware-form: ````javascript browserify({ require : { jquery : 'jquery-browserify' } }) ```` To mix alias objects with regular requires you could do: ````javascript browserify({ require : [ 'seq', { jquery : 'jquery-browserify' }, 'traverse' ]) ```` In practice you won't need to `b.require()` very many files since all the `require()`s are read from each file that you require and automatically included. b.ignore(file) -------------- Omit a file or files from being included by the AST walk to hunt down `require()` statements. b.addEntry(file) ---------------- Append a file to the end of the bundle and execute it without having to `require()` it. Specifying an entry point will let you `require()` other modules without having to load the entry point in a `