Feature: Test tasks for namespace 'deploy' Background: Given a test app with the default configuration And the remote server is cleared Scenario: Check if the main capistrano directory structure has been created When I successfully run `cap dev deploy` Then a remote directory named "deploy_path/releases" should exist Then a remote directory named "deploy_path/shared" should exist Scenario: Check if the main capistrano symlink structure has been created When I successfully run `cap dev deploy` Then a remote symlink named "deploy_path/current" should exist Scenario: Check if the complete directory structure has been successfully deployed When I successfully run `cap dev deploy` Then a remote directory named "current_path/catalog" should exist Scenario: Check if the complete file structure has been successfully deployed When I successfully run `cap dev deploy` Then a remote file named "current_path/index.html" should exist Scenario: Check if the not wanted files have been excluded When I successfully run `cap dev deploy` Then a remote file named "current_path/Gemfile" should not exist Then a remote file named "current_path/Gemfile.lock" should not exist Scenario: Check if the not wanted directories have been excluded When I successfully run `cap dev deploy` Then a remote directory named "current_path/.hidden" should not exist Then a remote directory named "current_path/catalog/.hidden" should not exist Then a remote directory named "test_app/tmp_path" should not exist Scenario Outline: Check if I can deploy a project with different root sources When I extend the development capistrano configuration variable copy_source with value And I successfully run `cap dev deploy` Then a remote directory named "/" should exist Examples: | configuration_value | target_path | remote_directory | | '.' | htdocs | current_path | | 'htdocs' | catalog | current_path | Scenario: Test default deployment behaviour Given I extend the development capistrano configuration from the fixture file default_deployment_behaviour.rb And I run `cap dev deploy` Then the exit status should be 0