# Task List
This Gem provides various components necessary for integrating
[Task Lists](https://github.com/blog/1375-task-lists-in-gfm-issues-pulls-comments)
into your GitHub-flavored-Markdown user content.
`HTML::Pipeline::TaskList` is a successor to [TaskList](https://github.com/github/task_list) which GitHub stopped supporting and updating in 2016. This gem updates key components to support changes to underlying gems.
## Components
The Task List feature is made of several different components:
* GitHub-flavored-Markdown Ruby Filter
* Summary Ruby Model: summarizes task list items
* JavaScript: frontend task list update behavior
* CSS: styles Markdown task list items
## Usage & Integration
The backend components are designed for rendering the Task List item checkboxes, and the frontend components handle updating the Markdown source (embedded in the markup).
### Backend: Markdown pipeline filter
Rendering Task List item checkboxes from source Markdown depends on the `HTML::Pipeline::TaskList::Filter`, designed to integrate with the [`html-pipeline`](https://github.com/jch/html-pipeline) gem. For example:
``` ruby
require 'html/pipeline'
require 'html/pipeline/task_list/filter'
pipeline = HTML::Pipeline.new [
pipeline.call "- [ ] task list item"
### Frontend: Markdown Updates
Task List updates on the frontend require specific HTML markup structure, and must be enabled with JavaScript.
Rendered HTML (the `
` element below) should be contained in a `js-task-list-container` container element and include a sibling `textarea.js-task-list-field` element that is updated when checkboxes are changed.
``` markdown
- [ ] text
``` html
Enable Task List updates with:
``` javascript
NOTE: Updates are not persisted to the server automatically. Persistence is the responsibility of the integrating application, accomplished by hooking into the `tasklist:change` JavaScript event. For instance, we use AJAX to submit a hidden form on update.
Read through the documented behaviors and samples [in the source][frontend_behaviors] for more detail, including documented events.
[frontend_behaviors]: https://github.com/github/task_list/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/task_list.coffee
## Installation
### Backend: RubyGem
For the backend Ruby components, add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'html-pipeline-task_list', '~> 0.0'
And then execute `bundle install`
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bundle install && npm install` to install dependencies.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`
To release a new version:
1. Update version number in `lib/html/pipeline/task_list/version.rb`
2. Run `gem git tag -a -m 'some msg'`
3. Run `gem push --tags`
Pushihg the git commits and tags will force CI to automatically push to [RubyGems.org](https://rubygems.org).
## Testing
before beginning testing, be sure to run `bundle install && npm install`
Ruby unit tests can be run with `bundle exec rake test`.
Javascript unit tests can be run with `npm test`
Functional tests can be run manually in the browser. To do so:
1. run `npm start`
2. open a browser to http://localhost:3000/test/behavior.html
3. you can also see the QUnit tests at http://localhost:4011/test/qunit.html
## Contributing
Read the [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) and open a Pull Request!