# Copyright 2011 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. require 'aws/model' require 'aws/s3/request' require 'uri' require 'base64' require 'time' module AWS class S3 # Helper to generate form fields for presigned POST requests to # a bucket. You can use this to create a form that can be used # from a web browser to upload objects to S3 while specifying # conditions on what can be uploaded and how it is processed and # stored. # # @example Form fields for uploading by file name # form = bucket.presigned_post(:key => "photos/${filename}") # form.url.to_s # => "https://mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com/" # form.fields # => { "AWSAccessKeyId" => "...", ... } # # @example Generating a minimal HTML form # form = bucket.objects.myobj.presigned_post # hidden_inputs = form.fields.map do |(name, value)| # %(<input type="hidden" name="#{name}" value="#{value}" />) # end # <<-END # <form action="#{form.url}" # method="post" # enctype="multipart/form-data"> # #{hidden_inputs} # <input type="file" name="file" /> # </form> # END # # @example Restricting the size of the uploaded object # bucket.presigned_post(:content_length => 1..(10*1024)) # # @example Restricting the key prefix # bucket.presigned_post.where(:key).starts_with("photos/") class PresignedPost include Model # @return [Bucket] The bucket to which data can be uploaded # using the form fields attr_reader :bucket # @return [String] The key of the object that will be # uploaded. If this is nil, then the object can be uploaded # with any key that satisfies the conditions specified for # the upload (see {#where}). attr_reader :key # @return [Hash] A hash of the metadata fields included in the # signed fields. Additional metadata fields may be provided # with the upload as long as they satisfy the conditions # specified for the upload (see {#where}). attr_reader :metadata # @return [Range] The range of acceptable object sizes for the # upload. By default any size object may be uploaded. attr_reader :content_length # @private SPECIAL_FIELDS = [:cache_control, :content_type, :content_disposition, :content_encoding, :expires_header, :acl, :success_action_redirect, :success_action_status] # @private attr_reader :conditions # @return [Array<String>] Additional fields which may be sent # with the upload. These will be included in the policy so # that they can be sent with any value. S3 will ignore # them. attr_reader :ignored_fields # @return The expiration time for the signature. By default # the signature will expire an hour after it is generated. attr_reader :expires # Creates a new presigned post object. # # @param [Bucket] bucket The bucket to which data can be uploaded # using the form fields. # # @param [Hash] opts Additional options for the upload. Aside # from +:secure+, +:expires+, +:content_length+ and +:ignore+ # the values provided here will be stored in the hash returned # from the {#fields} method, and the policy in that hash will # restrict their values to the values provided. If you # instead want to only restrict the values and not provide # them -- for example, if your application generates separate # form fields for those values -- you should use the {#where} # method on the returned object instead of providing the # values here. # # @option opts [String] :key The key of the object that will # be uploaded. If this is nil, then the object can be # uploaded with any key that satisfies the conditions # specified for the upload (see {#where}). # # @option opts [Boolean] :secure By setting this to false, you # can cause {#url} to return an HTTP URL. By default it # returns an HTTPS URL. # # @option opts [Time, DateTime, Integer, String] :expires The # time at which the signature will expire. By default the # signature will expire one hour after it is generated # (e.g. when {#fields} is called). # # When the value is a Time or DateTime, the signature # expires at the specified time. When it is an integer, the # signature expires the specified number of seconds after it # is generated. When it is a string, the string is parsed # as a time (using Time.parse) and the signature expires at # that time. # # @option opts [String] :cache_control Sets the Cache-Control # header stored with the object. # # @option opts [String] :content_type Sets the Content-Type # header stored with the object. # # @option opts [String] :content_disposition Sets the # Content-Disposition header stored with the object. # # @option opts [String] :expires_header Sets the Expires # header stored with the object. # # @option options [Symbol] :acl A canned access control # policy. Valid values are: # * +:private+ # * +:public_read+ # * +:public_read_write+ # * +:authenticated_read+ # * +:bucket_owner_read+ # * +:bucket_owner_full_control+ # # @option opts [String] :success_action_redirect The URL to # which the client is redirected upon successful upload. # # @option opts [Integer] :success_action_status The status # code returned to the client upon successful upload if # +:success_action_redirect+ is not specified. Accepts the # values 200, 201, or 204 (default). # # If the value is set to 200 or 204, Amazon S3 returns an # empty document with a 200 or 204 status code. # # If the value is set to 201, Amazon S3 returns an XML # document with a 201 status code. For information on the # content of the XML document, see # {POST Object}[http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/2006-03-01/API/index.html?RESTObjectPOST.html]. # # @option opts [Hash] :metadata A hash of the metadata fields # included in the signed fields. Additional metadata fields # may be provided with the upload as long as they satisfy # the conditions specified for the upload (see {#where}). # # @option opts [Integer, Range] :content_length The range of # acceptable object sizes for the upload. By default any # size object may be uploaded. # # @option opts [Array<String>] :ignore Additional fields which # may be sent with the upload. These will be included in # the policy so that they can be sent with any value. S3 # will ignore them. def initialize(bucket, opts = {}) @bucket = bucket @key = opts[:key] @secure = (opts[:secure] != false) @fields = {} SPECIAL_FIELDS.each do |name| @fields[name] = opts[name] if opts.key?(name) end @metadata = opts[:metadata] || {} @content_length = range_value(opts[:content_length]) @conditions = opts[:conditions] || {} @ignored_fields = [opts[:ignore]].flatten.compact @expires = opts[:expires] super end # @return [Boolean] True if {#url} generates an HTTPS url. def secure? @secure end # @return [URI::HTTP, URI::HTTPS] The URL to which the form # fields should be POSTed. If you are using the fields in # an HTML form, this is the URL to put in the +action+ # attribute of the form tag. def url req = Request.new req.bucket = bucket.name req.host = config.s3_endpoint build_uri(req) end # Lets you specify conditions on a field. See # {PresignedPost#where} for usage examples. class ConditionBuilder # @private def initialize(post, field) @post = post @field = field end # Specifies that the value of the field must equal the # provided value. def is(value) if @field == :content_length self.in(value) else @post.with_equality_condition(@field, value) end end # Specifies that the value of the field must begin with the # provided value. If you are specifying a condition on the # "key" field, note that this check takes place after the # +${filename}+ variable is expanded. This is only valid # for the following fields: # # * +:key+ # * +:cache_control+ # * +:content_type+ # * +:content_disposition+ # * +:content_encoding+ # * +:expires_header+ # * +:acl+ # * +:success_action_redirect+ # * metadata fields (see {#where_metadata}) def starts_with(prefix) @post.with_prefix_condition(@field, prefix) end # Specifies that the value of the field must be in the given # range. This may only be used to constrain the # +:content_length+ field, # e.g. <tt>presigned_post.with(:conent_length).in(1..4)</tt>. def in(range) @post.refine(:content_length => range) end end # Adds a condition to the policy for the POST. Use # {#where_metadata} to add metadata conditions. # # @example Restricting the ACL to "bucket-owner" ACLs # presigned_post.where(:acl).starts_with("bucket-owner") # # @param [Symbol] field The field for which a condition should # be added. Valid values: # # * +:key+ # * +:content_length+ # * +:cache_control+ # * +:content_type+ # * +:content_disposition+ # * +:content_encoding+ # * +:expires_header+ # * +:acl+ # * +:success_action_redirect+ # * +:success_action_status+ # # @return [ConditionBuilder] An object that allows you to # specify a condition on the field. def where(field) raise ArgumentError.new("unrecognized field name #{field}") unless [:key, :content_length, *SPECIAL_FIELDS].include?(field) or field =~ /^x-amz-meta-/ ConditionBuilder.new(self, field) end # Adds a condition to the policy for the POST to constrain the # values of metadata fields uploaded with the object. If a # metadata field does not have a condition associated with it # and is not specified in the constructor (see {#metadata}) # then S3 will reject it. # # @param [Symbol, String] field The name of the metadata # attribute. For example, +:color+ corresponds to the # "x-amz-meta-color" field in the POST body. # # @return [ConditionBuilder] An object that allows you to # specify a condition on the metadata attribute. def where_metadata(field) where("x-amz-meta-#{field}") end # @return [String] The Base64-encoded JSON policy document. def policy json = { "expiration" => format_expiration, "conditions" => generate_conditions }.to_json Base64.encode64(json).tr("\n","") end # @return [Hash] A collection of form fields (including a # signature and a policy) that can be used to POST data to # S3. Additional form fields may be added after the fact as # long as they are described by a policy condition (see # {#where}). def fields signature = config.signer.sign(policy, "sha1") { "AWSAccessKeyId" => config.signer.access_key_id, "key" => key, "policy" => policy, "signature" => signature }.merge(optional_fields) end # @private def with_equality_condition(option_name, value) field_name = field_name(option_name) with_condition(option_name, Hash[[[field_name, value]]]) end # @private def with_prefix_condition(option_name, prefix) field_name = field_name(option_name) with_condition(option_name, ["starts-with", "$#{field_name}", prefix]) end # @private def refine(opts) self.class.new(bucket, { :conditions => conditions, :key => key, :metadata => metadata, :secure => secure?, :content_length => content_length, :expires => expires, :ignore => ignored_fields }.merge(@fields). merge(opts)) end # @private private def with_condition(field, condition) conditions = self.conditions.dup (conditions[field] ||= []) << condition refine(:conditions => conditions) end # @private private def format_expiration time = expires || Time.now.utc + 60*60 time = case time when Time time when DateTime Time.parse(time.to_s) when Integer (Time.now + time) when String Time.parse(time) end time.utc.iso8601 end # @private private def range_value(range) case range when Integer range..range when Range range end end # @private private def split_range(range) range = range_value(range) [range.begin, (range.exclude_end? ? range.end-1 : range.end)] end # @private private def optional_fields fields = (SPECIAL_FIELDS & @fields.keys).inject({}) do |fields, option_name| fields[field_name(option_name)] = @fields[option_name].to_s fields end fields["acl"] = fields["acl"].tr("_", "-") if fields["acl"] @metadata.each do |key, value| fields["x-amz-meta-#{key}"] = value.to_s end fields end # @private private def field_name(option_name) case option_name when :expires_header "Expires" when :acl, :success_action_redirect, :success_action_status option_name.to_s else # e.g. Cache-Control from cache_control field_name = option_name.to_s.tr("_", "-"). gsub(/-(.)/) { |m| m.upcase } field_name[0,1] = field_name[0,1].upcase field_name end end # @private private def generate_conditions conditions.inject([]) do |ary, (field, field_conds)| ary += field_conds end + [{ "bucket" => bucket.name }] + key_conditions + optional_fields.map { |(n, v)| Hash[[[n, v]]] } + range_conditions + ignored_conditions end # @private private def ignored_conditions ignored_fields.map do |field| ["starts-with", "$#{field}", ""] end end # @private private def range_conditions if content_length [["content-length-range", *split_range(content_length)]] else [] end end # @private private def key_conditions [if key && key.include?("${filename}") ["starts-with", "$key", key[/^(.*)\$\{filename\}/, 1]] elsif key { "key" => key } else ["starts-with", "$key", ""] end] end # @private private def build_uri(request) uri_class = secure? ? URI::HTTPS : URI::HTTP uri_class.build(:host => request.host, :path => request.path, :query => request.querystring) end end end end