require 'spec_helper' describe Berkshelf::CommunityREST do let(:show_nginx_cookbook) do { "maintainer" => "opscode", "updated_at" => "2013-02-06T02:06:21Z", "category" => "Web Servers", "external_url" => "", "latest_version" => "", "created_at" => "2009-10-25T23:52:41Z", "average_rating" => 3.875, "name" => "nginx", "versions" => [ "", "", "", "" ], "description" => "Installs and configures nginx" } end describe "ClassMethods" do subject { described_class } describe "::unpack" do pending end describe "::uri_escape_version" do pending end describe "::version_from_uri" do pending end end let(:api_uri) { described_class::V1_API } subject do end describe "#download" do pending end describe "#find" do pending end describe "#latest_version" do it "returns the version number of the latest version of the cookbook" do stub_request(:get, File.join(api_uri, "nginx")). to_return(status: 200, body: show_nginx_cookbook) subject.latest_version("nginx").should eql("1.3.0") end it "raises a CookbookNotFound error on a 404 response" do stub_request(:get, File.join(api_uri, "not_existant")). to_return(status: 404, body: {}) expect { subject.latest_version("not_existant") }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::CookbookNotFound) end it "raises a CommunitySiteError error on any non 200 or 404 response" do stub_request(:get, File.join(api_uri, "not_existant")). to_return(status: 500, body: {}) expect { subject.latest_version("not_existant") }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::CommunitySiteError) end end describe "#versions" do it "returns an array containing an item for each version" do stub_request(:get, File.join(api_uri, "nginx")). to_return(status: 200, body: show_nginx_cookbook) subject.versions("nginx").should have(4).versions end it "raises a CookbookNotFound error on a 404 response" do stub_request(:get, File.join(api_uri, "not_existant")). to_return(status: 404, body: {}) expect { subject.versions("not_existant") }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::CookbookNotFound) end it "raises a CommunitySiteError error on any non 200 or 404 response" do stub_request(:get, File.join(api_uri, "not_existant")). to_return(status: 500, body: {}) expect { subject.versions("not_existant") }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::CommunitySiteError) end end describe "#satisfy" do it "returns the version number of the best solution" do stub_request(:get, File.join(api_uri, "nginx")). to_return(status: 200, body: show_nginx_cookbook) subject.satisfy("nginx", "= 1.1.0").should eql("1.1.0") end end describe "#stream" do pending end end