require 'rubygems' require 'base64' require 'ruby2ruby' require 'sexp_processor' require 'sourcify' require 'forwardable' require 'cross-stub/cache' require 'cross-stub/stubber' require 'cross-stub/arguments' require 'cross-stub/stores' require 'cross-stub/fixes' module CrossStub class Error < Exception ; end class CannotStubInstanceError < Error ; end class ModuleCannotBeInstantiatedError < Error ; end class << self extend Forwardable def_delegator :'CrossStub::Cache', :setup def refresh(opts) Cache.refresh(opts) [[:previous, :unapply], [:current, :apply]].each do |(mode, method)| Cache.get(mode).map do |cache_key, stubs| type, thing = stubbable(cache_key) Stubber.send(method, type, thing, stubs) end end end def clear do |cache_key, stubs| type, thing = stubbable(cache_key) Stubber.unapply(type, thing, stubs) end Cache.clear end def apply(type, thing, cache_key, args, &block) Cache.set(Cache.get.merge( cache_key => Stubber.apply(type, thing, Arguments.parse(args, &block)) )) end def stubbable(str) [ str.end_with?(suffix = '#instance') ? :instance : :class, klassify(str.sub(suffix,'')) ] end def klassify(str) str.split('::').inject(Object){|klass, const| klass.const_get(const) } end end module ClassMethods def xstub(*args, &block) if args[-1].is_a?(::Hash) && args[-1][:instance] raise ModuleCannotBeInstantiatedError if self.class == Module CrossStub.apply( :instance, # stubbing for instance self, # the class to action on '%s#instance' % self, # cache key (storing of stubbing info for other process) args.size>1 ? args[0..-2] : [], # stubbing arguments &block # any other more complex stubbing arguments ) else CrossStub.apply( :class, # stubbing for class/module self, # the class to action on "#{self}", # cache key (storing of stubbing info for other process) args, # stubbing arguments &block # any other more complex stubbing arguments ) end end end module InstanceMethods def xstub(*args) raise CannotStubInstanceError end end end Object.class_eval do extend CrossStub::ClassMethods include CrossStub::InstanceMethods end Module.class_eval do include CrossStub::ClassMethods end