def printimages puts %x[docker images | grep '^gild/gaptool'] end unless File.exists?('/.dockerenv') namespace :docker do namespace :build do task :image do sys(%w(./scripts/ printimages end task :all => [:image] end desc 'Build the docker image' task :build => 'build:image' desc "Push the release image to the Docker Hub" task :push => 'push:release' task :up => [:build, :recreate] desc "Run tests w/ docker" task :test => :build do sys(%w(docker-compose run --rm gaptool bundle exec rake test)) end desc "Stop docker containers" task :stop do sys(%w(docker-compose stop)) end desc "Start docker containers" task :start do sys(%w(docker-compose start)) end desc "Restart docker containers" task :restart => [:stop, :start] desc "Stop and remove docker containers (alias 'rm')" task :remove => :stop do sys(%w(docker-compose rm --force)) end task :rm => :remove desc "Recreate docker containers without building" task :recreate do sys(%w(docker-compose up -d)) end desc "Run a command in the docker container" task :run do exit sys(%W(docker-compose run --rm gaptool #{ARGV[1..-1].shelljoin})) end end desc "Bring up docker containers" task :docker => 'docker:up' end