describe Sufia::HomepageController, type: :controller do routes { Sufia::Engine.routes } describe "#index" do let(:user) { create(:user) } before { sign_in user } before do 2.times { create(:work, user: user) } end context 'with existing featured researcher' do let!(:bilbo) { ContentBlock.create!(name: ContentBlock::RESEARCHER, value: 'Biblo Baggins', created_at: 2.hours.ago) } let!(:frodo) { ContentBlock.create!(name: ContentBlock::RESEARCHER, value: 'Frodo Baggins', created_at: } it 'finds the featured researcher' do get :index expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns(:featured_researcher)).to eq frodo end end context 'with no featured researcher' do it "sets featured researcher" do get :index expect(response).to be_success assigns(:featured_researcher).tap do |researcher| expect(researcher).to be_kind_of ContentBlock expect( eq 'featured_researcher' end end end it "sets marketing text" do get :index expect(response).to be_success assigns(:marketing_text).tap do |marketing| expect(marketing).to be_kind_of ContentBlock expect( eq 'marketing_text' end end it "does not include other user's private documents in recent documents" do get :index expect(response).to be_success titles = assigns(:recent_documents).map { |d| d['title_tesim'][0] } expect(titles).not_to include('Test Private Document') end it "includes only GenericWork objects in recent documents" do get :index assigns(:recent_documents).each do |doc| expect(doc[Solrizer.solr_name("has_model", :symbol)]).to eql ["GenericWork"] end end context "with a document not created this second" do before do gw3 = ['Test 3 Document'], read_groups: ['public']) gw3.apply_depositor_metadata('mjg36') # stubbing to_solr so we know we have something that didn't create in the current second old_to_solr = gw3.method(:to_solr) allow(gw3).to receive(:to_solr) do Solrizer.solr_name('system_create', :stored_sortable, type: :date) => ) end end it "sets recent documents in the right order" do get :index expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns(:recent_documents).length).to be <= 4 create_times = assigns(:recent_documents).map { |d| d['system_create_dtsi'] } expect(create_times).to eq create_times.sort.reverse end end it "sets the presenter" do get :index expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns(:presenter)).to be_kind_of Sufia::HomepagePresenter end context "with featured works" do let!(:my_work) { FactoryGirl.create(:work, user: user) } before do FeaturedWork.create!(work_id: end it "sets featured works" do get :index expect(response).to be_success expect(assigns(:featured_work_list)).to be_kind_of FeaturedWorkList end end it "sets announcement content block" do get :index expect(response).to be_success assigns(:announcement_text).tap do |announcement| expect(announcement).to be_kind_of ContentBlock expect( eq 'announcement_text' end end end end