do |s| = 'clieop' # Do not set version and date yourself, this will be done automatically # by the gem release script. s.version = "0.2.1" = "2010-12-09" s.summary = "A pure Ruby implementation to write CLIEOP files" s.description = "This library is a pure Ruby, MIT licensed implementation of the CLIEOP03 transaction format. CLIEOP03 can be used to communicate direct debt transactions with your (Dutch) bank." s.authors = ['Willem van Bergen', 'Leon Berenschot'] = ['', ''] s.homepage = '' s.add_development_dependency('rake') s.add_development_dependency('rspec', '~> 2.2') s.add_development_dependency('ZenTest', '~> 4.4') # Do not set files and test_files yourself, this will be done automatically # by the gem release script. s.files = %w(.gitignore .rspec Gemfile Gemfile.lock MIT-LICENSE README.rdoc Rakefile autotest/discover.rb clieop.gemspec doc/clieop03.pdf init.rb lib/clieop.rb lib/clieop/batch.rb lib/clieop/file.rb lib/clieop/record.rb spec/clieop/batch_spec.rb spec/clieop/file_spec.rb spec/clieop/record_spec.rb spec/clieop_spec.rb spec/spec_helper.rb tasks/github-gem.rake) s.test_files = %w(spec/clieop/batch_spec.rb spec/clieop/file_spec.rb spec/clieop/record_spec.rb spec/clieop_spec.rb) end