define("dojox/mobile/FixedSplitter", [
], function(array, declare, win, domClass, domGeometry, Contained, Container, WidgetBase){
// module:
// dojox/mobile/FixedSplitter
return declare("", [WidgetBase, Container, Contained], {
// summary:
// A layout container that splits the window horizontally or
// vertically.
// description:
// FixedSplitter is a very simple container widget that layouts its
// child DOM nodes side by side either horizontally or
// vertically. An example usage of this widget would be to realize
// the split view on iPad. There is no visual splitter between the
// children, and there is no function to resize the child panes
// with drag-and-drop. If you need a visual splitter, you can
// specify a border of a child DOM node with CSS.
// FixedSplitter has no knowledge of its child widgets.
// dojox/mobile/Container (formerly known as FixedSplitterPane),
// dojox/mobile/Pane, or dojox/mobile/ContentPane can be used as a
// child widget of FixedSplitter.
// - Use dojox/mobile/Container if your content consists of ONLY
// Dojo widgets.
// - Use dojox/mobile/Pane if your content is an inline HTML
// fragment (may or may not include Dojo widgets).
// - Use dojox/mobile/ContentPane if your content is an external
// HTML fragment (may or may not include Dojo widgets).
// example:
// |
// |
// | pane #1 (width=200px)
// |
// |
// | pane #2
// |
// |
// orientation: String
// The direction of split. If "H" is specified, panes are split
// horizontally. If "V" is specified, panes are split vertically.
orientation: "H",
// variablePane: Number
// The index of a pane that fills the remainig space.
// If -1, the last child pane fills the remaining space.
variablePane: -1,
// screenSizeAware: Boolean
// If true, dynamically load a screen-size-aware module.
screenSizeAware: false,
// screenSizeAwareClass: String
// A screen-size-aware module to load.
screenSizeAwareClass: "dojox/mobile/ScreenSizeAware",
/* internal properties */
// baseClass: String
// The name of the CSS class of this widget.
baseClass: "mblFixedSplitter",
startup: function(){
if(this._started){ return; }
domClass.add(this.domNode, this.baseClass + this.orientation);
var parent = this.getParent(), f;
if(!parent || !parent.resize){ // top level widget
var _this = this;
f = function(){
}, 0);
require([this.screenSizeAwareClass], function(module){
f && f();
f && f();
resize: function(){
var wh = this.orientation === "H" ? "w" : "h", // width/height
tl = this.orientation === "H" ? "l" : "t", // top/left
props1 = {}, props2 = {},
i, c, h,
a = [], offset = 0, total = 0,
children = array.filter(this.domNode.childNodes, function(node){ return node.nodeType == 1; }),
idx = this.variablePane == -1 ? children.length - 1 : this.variablePane;
for(i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
if(i != idx){
a[i] = domGeometry.getMarginBox(children[i])[wh];
total += a[i];
if(this.orientation == "V"){
if(this.domNode.parentNode.tagName == "BODY"){
if(array.filter(win.body().childNodes, function(node){ return node.nodeType == 1; }).length == 1){
h = (||win.doc.documentElement.clientHeight);
var l = (h || domGeometry.getMarginBox(this.domNode)[wh]) - total;
props2[wh] = a[idx] = l;
c = children[idx];
domGeometry.setMarginBox(c, props2);[this.orientation === "H" ? "height" : "width"] = "";
for(i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
c = children[i];
props1[tl] = offset;
domGeometry.setMarginBox(c, props1);[this.orientation === "H" ? "top" : "left"] = "";
offset += a[i];
array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
if(child.resize){ child.resize(); }
_setOrientationAttr: function(/*String*/orientation){
// summary:
// Sets the direction of split.
// description:
// The value must be either "H" or "V".
// If "H" is specified, panes are split horizontally.
// If "V" is specified, panes are split vertically.
// tags:
// private
var s = this.baseClass;
domClass.replace(this.domNode, s + orientation, s + this.orientation);
this.orientation = orientation;